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Arnold Schwarzenegger Sent Greta Thunberg an Electric Car (Model 3)

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Well two words cancel nuclear power, nuclear waste. We still have no viable way to deal with the waste generated by today’s nuclear power. I lean toward fusion power myself, that is where the future lies.

Yes, how funny that I use the fusion reaction taking place about eight light minutes away (on the Sun) to power BOTH our Model S's, and our entire house, courtesy of SolarCity/Tesla Energy. Who would've thought such a thing was possible, way back in 2013!

Best part: not leaving stunningly toxic wastes for future generations to deal with since nuclear waste will be around for longer than man's entire history on the planet.

You should be ashamed of yourself for suggesting such a beyond-toxic legacy is even remotely moral or ethical.

What is wrong with you people!?!
that’s an example of poor management not an issue with nuclear power.

No... that's an issue with nuclear power. I can be safe or affordable and it has to be safe so it can't be affordable :(

reconsider what aspergers is

Agreed. The interesting part here is the idea that the last 'sane' person is 'insane' because of how sanity is defined by consensus. One feature of Aspergers is you're not influenced as much by social cues. I would argue that her behavior is the more 'sane' approach based on the facts. Society at large is suffering from the real mental illness as we're crippled by inaction....
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It cant be affordable, ever. Hinkley costs are going up another £2.9bn, it'll cost £28bn when finished I bet and that doesnt cover decommissioning etc. Wonder how much renewable you can buy for $28bn...

Hinkley Point nuclear plant building costs rise by up to £2.9bn

The REAL joke is on all of us.

Nuclear power ONLY exists because of governments being lobbied by the nuke industry. PERIOD.

The Net Present Value of having to guard nuclear waste for many thousands of years is infinite--it cannot be calculated as it is too large a number.

So here's the game they play: they make strategic campaign contributions and get the government to indemnify the entire nuclear industry and cover the cost and responsibility of storage, effectively forever.

It's a sickening business and everyone in it should be ashamed of their legacy.

Just pathetic.
The REAL joke is on all of us.

Nuclear power ONLY exists because of governments being lobbied by the nuke industry. PERIOD.

The Net Present Value of having to guard nuclear waste for many thousands of years is infinite--it cannot be calculated as it is too large a number.

So here's the game they play: they make strategic campaign contributions and get the government to indemnify the entire nuclear industry and cover the cost and responsibility of storage, effectively forever.

It's a sickening business and everyone in it should be ashamed of their legacy.

Just pathetic.
AMEN BRO!!! I live 45 minutes from San Onofre. No say for us in it at all! Then they install cheap tubing and stick us with the cost. Then decommission it and tell us there it stays, ad infinitum, on one of our most beautiful beaches and surf sites, the cost again on we taxpayers.
I'm not far from being able to go off the grid completely. Powerwalls looking better every day. 3 or 4 in sunny So Cal and flip them the bird.
They're supposed to be "Public Utilities". Not a cash scheme for the wealthy.
When did this turn into a political site?

What's "political" about leaving the most toxic substances known to man for others to watch over, and guard, FOREVER?!?

And doing this for some to make money while dumping their externalities on billions of people not yet even born. The utter deprivation that has us not contemplating the long-term impacts of our choices is disgusting.

How about if we call a "spade" a "spade" for a change?

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What's "political" about leaving the most toxic substances known to man for others to watch over, and guard, FOREVER?!?

And doing this for some to make money while dumping their externalities on billions of people not yet even born. The utter deprivation that has us not contemplating the long-term impacts of our choices is disgusting.

How about if we call a "spade" a "spade" for a change?

Not everyone has the same beliefs as you do about fission power. And not everyone thinks Arnold was a bad Governor or is a bad person. Then there's the "Greta's handler" stuff that is right in line with some conservative news sites. This site is supposed to about owning a Tesla not spewing about nuclear power or Arnold S, etc... As far as I'm concerned all three are political topics. I'd hate for this site to get tainted with this kind of stuff. If I want to talk about policy and politics there are plenty of other places for that. I'm actually surprised the moderators haven't removed this already.
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All I can say about this that I had plenty of beliefs at 16 that I still haven't changed and knew plenty of scientific facts and those haven't changed either. If you're saying someone's opinion, beliefs, or grasp of science should all be thrown out as "wrong" or not worth considering simply because of age there is something wrong with you. That's like saying an 18 year old soldier's opinion of war isn't worth considering.
I'm trolling the idiots who believe she wasn't coached/groomed/rehearsed. I am not trolling the sixteen year old victim of abuse, that has already been well documented.
Only a fool would go out and make public speeches in front of the UN or Congress about something they believe in with no study, grasp of the facts, preparation, advice or rehearsing. (Well, except for one person, but I won't mention his name. ;)) I sure wouldn't do it. If you want to call that "groomed" and "rehearsed" fine.

I don't understand why anyone would consider this to be a bad thing specially for a minor that can't or hasn't ever done this before. I doubt many of you would send your kids off to travel the world making speeches without an adult you trusted accompanying them specially if they had a disability.
The question that I wonder is what 24 year old adult wants to take a young 16 year old with these issues on the road to the UN and why is she interested in doing this? Cui Bono?
There's no possibility that people do anything simply because they think it's the right thing to do? Always some hidden agenda or quid pro quo in everything anyone does? It's a pretty sad way to go through life thinking the world is just one giant conspiracy machine, IMO.
There's no possibility that people do anything simply because they think it's the right thing to do? Always some hidden agenda or quid pro quo in everything anyone does? It's a pretty sad way to go through life thinking the world is just one giant conspiracy machine, IMO.

Since the solution to whatever such impending doom is always "give us more money" and since those who proclaim such doom ask of you to behave as they say, not as they do, then yes, it's just yet another conspiracy.