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  1. A

    FSD Beta Videos (and questions for FSD Beta drivers)

    I honestly thing tesla is further ahead on vision then they are on mapping/driving policy. Almost all of my disengagements on NoA are because either their map is wrong or it interprets the map wrong. Might almost be harder to get right then anything else in self driving. I haven't ever...
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    I don't know, that seems more deterministic than he has been hinting at. I'm expecting something more like what green has been seeing, but 3d
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    Karpathy talk today at CVPR 2021

    Or, this is much smarter, each node does every second frame. So if you lose one you have half the frame rate but all the decision making power. That's probably what I would do.
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    Karpathy talk today at CVPR 2021

    You seem quite sure this will never work...there are hundreds of possible ways that tesla can implement safety considerations. One possible is that they have partial fail over, if one chip dies it goes into a simplified mode on the second chip that just looks for where it is safet to pull over...
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    Poll: Will we see the FSD button in June?

    Brave, he could drop it next week just to be cheeky!
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    Elon tweets "pure vision" will solve phantom braking

    The only thing I might disagree with there is they are unlikely to add radar back, simply to save face and the cost of installing radar in radardless cars. Their language is pretty clear, radar is gone. For better or worse. Much more likely would be replacing a forward looking camera to fill...
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    Karpathy talk today at CVPR 2021

    Probably the best, or more reliable, measurement is that Tesla reported accident rate keeps improving, so when it it 10x higher than their first report it is likely that it is at least 10x better than humans alone but not more than 100x. Maybe have to subtract a bit to account for more adas...
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    Tesla.com - "Transitioning to Tesla Vision"

    I generally keep it so I have to confirm lane changes. I check back to see how things are going, but in my use cases there are one or two places the logic they are using breaks down. However, merging and exiting work pretty much perfectly. I suspect they have shelved the logic part of nav...
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    Tesla.com - "Transitioning to Tesla Vision"

    Yeah, I think the same. I imagine my mother using ap, if all you had were the tesla videos it wouldn't go well. I suppose some combination of lawyers and marketing works against this though.
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    I h No... I won't. I signed onto a contract that involved me giving someone money with no actual promises, in the contract. In most circumstances it would be dumb but i got it as a christmas present to myself lol. Auto lane changes alone are almost worth what I paid for fsd. I got hw3 for...
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    I'm still excited about the button. But I'll be a month behind y'all. Only difference between me and the whiners is i didn't have any false illusions and could see the obvious that fsd will take a while to sort out. I'm along for the ride and am enjoying the ride. I bought in because I want to...
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    Found the button. https://codepen.io/jsvgoncalves/pen/Anlcv
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    Yoke Steering

    Cool vid. You're right it won't be for everyone, but really...nothing to see here Basically, what you are saying is that someone who tried it says it's OK for reasons that are obvious once you've actually tried it...and a bunch of angry people on the internet who have no idea what they are...
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    Tesla.com - "Transitioning to Tesla Vision"

    I mostly agree with this but to play devils advocate, tesla vision successfully ignored a box while the radar thought the box was a car. It demonstrates the weakness of radar, it has no idea what it is looking at! But also the strength of radar, it can cover for something the vision system...
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    Tesla has allegedly activated a selfie cam Driver Monitoring System

    That's interesting and I think generally good news in how they intend to use this. Personally, given how each version fails differently and the general rate of change (each new version allows new scenarios to be solved correctly but new modes of failure) i personally feel the hand on the...
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    Tesla.com - "Transitioning to Tesla Vision"

    Pretty sure crossing into oncoming traffic due to not seeing lane lines has nothing to do with radar. That is objective proof of baloney. Rain washing out the vision system is no different to the with radar cars. Auto high beams as a requirement is interesting and hopefully they can make that...
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    Tesla.com - "Transitioning to Tesla Vision"

    Cause there was never a negative review of ap in rain/snow with radar... if the cameras can't see the lane lines it doesn't matter if you have radar. The only thing radar added, when in autosteer, to the equation was range finding... of objects that the cameras have classified. It would never...
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    Tesla.com - "Transitioning to Tesla Vision"

    This sounds same as with radar.
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    First look for V11!

    Hint, the /s at the end might mean something...
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    Elon in 2019 saying for sure, level 4 by end of 2020

    What is the purpose of this thread? It has nothing to do with AP. Mods, I'm BEGGING YOU can we get ONE thread for people to complain about Elon missing promised dates? EVERY thread now has one or two people clogging them up with the same B.S. over and over. I get it, it is taking longer...
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    First look for V11!

    l have never once used neutral on an EV, or even an automatic transmission gas car for that matter. I'm sure there is a button for it, physical or on the screen somewhere or both, and you'll never have to actually use it so you won't actually care. I suspect we'll look back on this in the...
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    First look for V11!

    Never driven a manual transmission car then eh? lol. I find I very often am on the highway trying to shift into reverse and not having my hands on the wheel is an obvious danger. Moving the shift button from a stalk to 4" away on a screen is clearly a fundamentally flawed idea.../s The only...
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    March 13th. No button.
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    Sentry mode making hundreds of vids per night

    That's kinda my default mode for all things tesla, especially anything software related. I just figured it's been long enough I should see if this is a 'thing' yet.
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    Sentry mode making hundreds of vids per night

    I thought it might be something like that but nothing is flickering. Each video is around 7 minutes of precisely nothing. The house across the road does have a pretty bright light, but no visible flicker.
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    Sentry mode making hundreds of vids per night

    For the last 3 months-ish every night (only at night) I get a couple hundred sentry videos. Very few have the red dot that indicates the trigger and none have any movement on any camera. The head lights don't appear to blink for every event, but they blink a couple times an hour! Tried...
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    Autonomous Car Progress

    Now THAT is an interesting piece of information.
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    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    Your last sentence reminded me that only a couple of months ago I had serious doubts that hw3 had the horsepower for fsd. I have slightly less serious doubts now. I still think they could use more cross traffic and rear coverage on their sensor suite, but I guess it generally seems that it...
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    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    If everyone takes the Mercedes approach it will never happen! Fine for them, but I'd rather see it first hand in my car then hear about it maybe happening for short stretches of curated road in Germany a couple years from now...That article is them saying 'we are not interested in this, we'll...
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    Consumer Reports: Tesla Autopilot a “distant second” to GM Super Cruise

    Thats exactly it, I can feel ap about to screw up earlier than my passenger can and can react much faster with my hands already on the wheel. For teslas operational domain I still think hands on is the way to go for the time being.
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    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    Its also possible that this is being used as a stepping stone to hasten training? Its possible their short and long term plans are not the same.
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    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    Regardless of the level of mapping being used, the NN is clearly doing a good job predicting road features, which is its function. Kinda funny it is 'sufficiently advanced as to seem like magic ' to make the crazies think tesla is faking the whole thing. Or do they actually even believe that ...
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    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    It seems like the limitations on fsd are still similar to nav on ap, driving policy. When and how quickly to change lanes, what lane to be in...I imagine that stuff drives karpathy bonkers after he works so hard to give them accurate perception!
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    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    Well, that is a pretty big improvement over just stopping in the middle of the road, waiting for godot, after someone leaves your lane! This is some pretty cool stuff. We'll need some actual in depth videos to see if this is nearing 'feature complete' and how well it deals with even just basic...
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    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    For some reason I assumed that the rewrite would first drop with the same functionality we already have, and then slowly add more functions. But it looks like this is more of a switch 'FSD on, enjoy'. If that's the case, this is a waaaay bigger deal than I was prepared for. Surely this can't...
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    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    I was thinking the same thing. Too lazy to put on pants (I'm just assuming, since I am now that I work from home!), but no problem figuring out the exact location an image was taken to prove the purpose of a purple dotted line, just cuz. The internet is truly amazing.
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    Model 3 rear door no unpowered emergency release safety

    Or maybe a different Venn for your typical car. Lets take my last ICE car, that one of the rear doors randomly opened when going around corners too quickly. A non-zero chance having everyone in the car suffocate from gas fumes or catch fire and explode, since it was a gas car. One can find...
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    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    Presumably that is where V11 comes in!
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    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    Yeah, it seemed like something to do with a new something on the rear window. Maybe rear radar or something?
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    Total braking system failure?

    Not locked, just no power assist. Push brake harder, it will stop.
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    Total braking system failure?

    was it the explicit battery warning message that tipped you off?
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    Total braking system failure?

    Ah jeez. Can we please rename this thread to 'power brake booster stopped working' OR 'why didn't my parents ever pull the vacuum source off the brake booster while teaching me to drive to show me what it feels like and how to brake with no boost'. Could also change it to 'my car warned me the...
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    Maybe I should have handled this ICEing situation differently

    Basically, all of this goes away once cyber truck comes along. 'Hey, could you move this arse outta my spot bud' sound of CT draging ICE into middle of road.
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    Texas refuses to renew registration of Tesla M3 without emissions test

    Ah, the DeLorean...that takes me back.
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    Did you guys shop around before deciding on the Model 3?

    lol. If this forum had a dollar...Give it a week and the BMW will be the weekend car.
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    Tesla 3 crashes into overturned truck on highway

    What amazes me about the video is not that the tesla crashed into it, but that several other cars driven by humans also nearly pile into the back of the tesla (that is half in a truck). It must have been weird lighting or something.
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    Failed auto-lane changes..repeatedly.

    Were you applying steering wheel torque, I believe it looks to see if you are there during the lane change even if confirmation is off
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    Budget Track Package for a Daily Driver (Under $4k)

    Track is 80% make tires happy, 19% don't burn the seals out of your calipers. 1% all the rest. If you think you're doing this into the future get the widest rim that is reasonable for you and big enough in diameter to allow for a future caliper spacer to allow heavier rotors. I.e. only buy...
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    Future of FSD after "traffic light & stop sign response" release

    Wow, fail. Made a great post about how it makes sense to wait to start with sign reading for the rewrite that is supposedly orders of magnitude better at labeling.