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Auto Lane Change unreliable in FSD v12.3.6

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2015
South Florida
I’ve been on a road trip in my 2023 Model S (HW4). I’ve used FSD for almost all of my driving, both on and off the highway. I started the trip with 2024.3.25, then updated to 2024.14.9 during the trip. Both versions have FSD v12.3.6. I know that on the highway, the car uses FSD v11.

One annoying issue that occurred frequently throughout the trip: when I initiated a lane change using the turn signal button, the car would not change lanes. The turn signal would come on, but the blue line showing the car’s path didn’t curve into the target lane, and I had to eventually disengage FSD to change lanes. This happened mostly on the highway, and most often when changing lanes to the right. It seemed to happen more when there were no cars ahead of me, but it did happen with more traffic too. In some cases it seemed I could force the lane change by turning the wheel slightly (without disengaging), but not always. I would estimate that this happened with 40% of my lane changes to the right, and was responsible for 95% of my FSD disengagements. I reported the issue many times using the voice recording that you get prompted for, but I stopped doing that after a while.

I did a road trip in the same car last fall, using FSD v11 (I don’t remember which specific version). Auto lane changes sometimes failed with that version too, but not nearly as often as with the current version. In most other respects, FSD v12.3.6 was far better than the previous version, and I was able to use it pretty much everywhere. The only places I didn’t use it was in residential communities with narrow roads and low speed limits, because the auto speed offset feature would allow the car to go too fast.
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I likely have a very similar vintage of MS LR and same software version history, running FSD 12.3.6 since end of April. Just did about 650 interstate miles running exclusively on FSD yesterday. A couple things from my observations.

FSD in general doesn't like being in the right lane, especially if the FSD profile on anything other than chill. If you make the effort to toggle the minimal lane chance feature then it is more willing to stay in right lane if you want, but you have to toggle that each drive as it won't stick.

The other thing are road features that can be perceived incorrectly as a solid line. Best example are the cases where they used a tar like filler in cracks between lanes. Vision system seems to perceive these as solid do not cross lane lines and will not do an auto lane change across them.

And I totally agree about the auto speed offset feature in residential areas. Tends to go crazy fast in many residential situations in my experience.
2024 MY, used FSD from San Francisco to San Jose, mostly four lane freeway. Set to Chill and no Auto Max. Everything worked fine except when approaching a slow vehicle. The FSD seems to just slow down which I sort of expect in Chill. This being 4 AM, I wasn't about to follow a slower vehicle. I signal a lane change and FSD disengaged. This happened all the time I signaled. Is there another way to approach this?
2024 MY, used FSD from San Francisco to San Jose, mostly four lane freeway. Set to Chill and no Auto Max. Everything worked fine except when approaching a slow vehicle. The FSD seems to just slow down which I sort of expect in Chill. This being 4 AM, I wasn't about to follow a slower vehicle. I signal a lane change and FSD disengaged. This happened all the time I signaled. Is there another way to approach this?
I haven’t experienced FSD disengaging itself when requesting a lane change. Which build do you have?