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Elon & Twitter

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That correction by NPR happened only after they were exposed. They were forced to correct by "Twitter Community".

What about the gaslighting by Ro Khanna ? Did you miss that ? Or it didn't suit your view of the world, maybe?

You are missing the point. Media and personalities routinely lie, obfuscate and push an agenda. Twitter is the only medium out there that can set these legacy institutions right, by giving power to ordinary citizens. Sure there is a lot of noise, but it is not that difficult to sift signal from noise.
Media have had a corrections mechanism since well before Twitter existed. This is true of NPR also:

And Twitter doesn't necessarily mean wrong things get transparently corrected. I remember up thread Elon amplified some wrong information (might have been about Pelosi). Instead of an apology and transparent correction, the post was just deleted.
Go ahead, be brave and click on that link and get enlightened.
I did, unlike you I suspect, because it was far from the slam dunk you seem to think. The first "study" was just an abstract with an opinion, no data that I could see. The other studies showed mixed results though overall trending to some advantage, which is hardly surprising. Further study is warranted. So NPR wasn't as far off the mark as you would like to claim. However I wonder if you realize that fact checking on Twitter existed before Elon took over?
And Twitter doesn't necessarily mean wrong things get transparently corrected
It did get corrected by "Twitter Community" and host of other people also called him on that, including many big time Elon Musk worshippers. He got very little to no support on that idiotic tweet, except from the most fanatic rightwing fringe. And that is exactly how Twitter is supposed to work. In fact Elon has been corrected atleast a few more times after that.

However I wonder if you realize that fact checking on Twitter existed before Elon took over?
I never said it it did not. Just that Twitter is a far better medium to get your news and form an opinion than lying fraud media. It just got better after Musk took over.

Ro Khanna will think twice before shooting himself in the foot again.
I did, unlike you I suspect, because it was far from the slam dunk you seem to think. The first "study" was just an abstract with an opinion, no data that I could see. The other studies showed mixed results though overall trending to some advantage, which is hardly surprising. Further study is warranted. So NPR wasn't as far off the mark as you would like to claim. However I wonder if you realize that fact checking on Twitter existed before Elon took over?
Yep, the NPR article itself says that the organization that pushed this change actually acknowledged there was only limited research on this, so the article was only parroting that. The correction was because the tweet itself originally went beyond what the article said and use the phrase "physical advantage" which was not actually used in the article. If you click through the article, it cites a Human Rights Watch report which points out the testosterone levels they picked (as part of a previous policy) as acceptable were largely arbitrary, not actually based on science, and fail to recognize there is a significant overlap between females and males (basically not every person is built the same, even of the same biological gender). It seems World Athletics instead of working on establishing something science based, just decided to ban all transgender athletes.

I looked up some of the sources in the report, it mentions the World Medical Association was strongly opposed to IAAF policies, because the science was flawed, violates ethics, and told all physicians not to implement their rules:
"They are based on weak evidence from a single study, which is currently being widely debated by the scientific community."
WMA - The World Medical Association-WMA Reiterates Advice to Physicians Not to Implement IAAF Rules on Classifying Women Athletes

IAAF/World Athletics pushed back but didn't actually say their polices were based on multiple studies, the wording they used was different:
"The IAAF Regulations in this matter are not based on a single study, but on many scientific publications and observations from the field during the last 15 years."
IAAF letter to the World Medical Association | PRESS-RELEASES | World Athletics

I found that many researchers have rebutted the IAAF, citing multiple errors they failed to correct in the study that forms the basis of their argument. Basically although they had cited other research initially, CAS suspended their initial testosterone requirements because that other research was not apparently sufficient to justify their policies, given it didn't show a quantitative relationship between testosterone levels and performance. They later had a new study published that served as pretty much the basis for CAS to approve their later testosterone levels:
"British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM) published Bermon and Garnier (2017, hereafter BG17), a study of the relationship of testosterone levels and athletic performances at the 2011 and 2013 IAAF World Championships"
Scientific integrity and the IAAF testosterone regulations - The International Sports Law Journal
Basically plenty of peers questioned that study and they did not provide the data necessary to verify it. The partial data they provided later to third parties had significant errors, calling into question the whole study.

Putting aside the whole science of testosterone levels vs athletic performance, I found this bit by the WMA president fairly insightful on the issue:
Dr Montgomery says despite their being an advantage, it is not "unfair".
"I simply deny this being unfair," Dr Montgomery said.
"The next issue would be that we demand basketball players who are taller than 2.25 metres should reduce their height surgically to something else because, of course, they do have an advantage over other basketball players that are somewhat smaller."
World Medical Association chair slams athletics testosterone ruling as unethical

Basically we have plenty of athletes that have physical attributes that are well above what is considered the normal range whether biologically female or male, but we don't do anything about them even though they obviously have a physical advantage. Why is this suddenly an issue now in regards to testosterone?
1st April - Twitter legacy blue checks deleted
1st April - April fools day
2nd April? - P&D
15th April - Non blue check mark Twitter accounts removed from "For You" stream

Legacy blue check owners have two weeks to find their credit cards before they become ex-celebrities. Hold onto your butts - this will indeed be a wild ride and I can't wait. Could be peak anti Elon in the media which he is getting out of the way before possible CT launch in May?
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I bought the blue checkmark for work, I tried it for 2 months and I don't plan to renew it.
I've seen little boost for my posts, and that's ok. So, as I see that some people can buy it too to spread disinformation, I didn't really worry. In a way, best to have a single disinformation human account than thousands bots.

This could change with the new version of FYP. It creates a worse incentive. And a lot of people simply won't become Blue because they don't care. I feel there is a higher chance that FYP will get worse in the short term.
People who are not transgender find it difficult to understand how it feels to not be recognized for who they are.

Beloved Trans Flight Attendant in United Ad Dies by Suicide

Kayleigh Scott, a transgender flight attendant made famous by a 2020 United Airlines post for Trans Day of Visibility, has died by apparent suicide. The 25-year-old made an Instagram post earlier this week announcing her plan to end her life, and was found dead in her Denver, Colorado, apartment Monday after her alarmed followers alerted police. “As I take my final breaths and exit this living earth, I would like to apologize to everyone I let down,” Scott wrote in her devastating final post. “I am so sorry I could not be better. To those that I love, I am sorry I could not be stronger.” Scott ended the post with the note, “Brianna, I’m coming.” Although she didn’t specify who she was referring to, a transgender British teenager, Brianna Ghey, was murdered in February in what is being investigated as a hate crime. A 2022 study found that half of trans and non-binary people in the U.S. have considered suicide over the past year, citing an onslaught of anti-trans legislation and rhetoric spearheaded by right-wing politicians.

Elon Musk’s Twitter Makes Millions Off Anti-LGBT “Groomer” Tweets: Report

The study also found that Twitter is making millions from big-name advertisers, whose brands are appearing alongside hateful anti-LGBT rhetoric.

“Tolerance of this content is part of Elon Musk’s business model,” said Callum Hood, a CCDH researcher who helped write the new study. ““There is real world stuff happening now that appears to be a result of this rhetoric online.”

They found ads from big-name companies like Disney, T-Mobile, Kindle, and the NBA appeared next to explicitly anti-LGBT “groomer” tweets on these accounts, according to the report.

Lindsay was previously banned from Twitter in August 2022. In his final tweet, Lindsay called Alejandra Caraballo, an instructor at Harvard Law School Cyberlaw Clinic who specializes in LGBTQ civil rights litigation, a “child sexualization specialist.” Lindsay’s account was then reinstated under Elon Musk.

For her part, Raichik has called LGBT rights a “cult and it’s so captivating,” in an appearance on Tucker Carlson in December last year, “They’re just evil people and they want to groom kids. They’re recruiting.”
The CCDH researchers also found that the amount of tweets containing the “grooming narrative” spiked around particular events, such as the deadly shooting at LGBT Club Q in Colorado Springs in November last year, which left five people dead.

After the shooting, Nic Grzecka, the owner of Club Q, said he believed the anti-LGBT “groomer” narrative was part of the reason for the attack.

Lying about our community, and making them into something they are not, creates a different type of hate,” Grzecka said.

A month later, Elon Musk publicly attacked a former Twitter employee, Yoel Roth, suggesting he had once advocated for the sexualization of children. Roth, who is gay, was forced to flee his home, facing a barrage of harassment and online accusations that he was a “groomer.” The incident coincided with another spike in tweets about “grooming,” ‘CCDH researchers found.
Shortly after his takeover, Musk wrote an open letter to jittery advertisers, seeking to reassure them that he would be willing to curb hate speech on the platform. Musk said he bought the company because it is a place where “a wide range of beliefs can be debated in a healthy manner,” and promised he would not allow the site to become “free-for-all hellscape, where anything can be said with no consequences

Researchers at the CCDH say their new report shows Musk hasn’t kept his word.

Musk has not kept his promises on hate and that means he’s not keeping his promises to advertisers either,” says Hood, an author of the CCDH’s new report. “The decisions that he is taking personally seem to be calculated with one goal in mind: boosting user visits.”
I bet the Queen of Canada is being targeted by the “Media” because she doesn’t advertise with them. /S

A Mom Stopped Paying Her Bills Because of the QAnon Queen. She Lost Her Home.

Over a year ago, Bonnie stopped paying her mortgage and other bills because Romana Didulo, a QAnon figure who has named herself the queen of Canada, declared all utilities and mortgages free under a “royal decree.” So Bonnie ignored all warnings that her payments were due and her home was being foreclosed upon. She thought the pedophilic cabal—the evil group Didulo’s followers believe she’s secretly battling—was just trying to scare her.

Bonnie did not respond to multiple requests for an interview, and when VICE News first reached out to her, she called the reporter a “traitor.”
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Elon Musk’s Twitter Makes Millions Off Anti-LGBT “Groomer” Tweets: Report

The study also found that Twitter is making millions from big-name advertisers, whose brands are appearing alongside hateful anti-LGBT rhetoric.

“Tolerance of this content is part of Elon Musk’s business model,” said Callum Hood, a CCDH researcher who helped write the new study. ““There is real world stuff happening now that appears to be a result of this rhetoric online.”

They found ads from big-name companies like Disney, T-Mobile, Kindle, and the NBA appeared next to explicitly anti-LGBT “groomer” tweets on these accounts, according to the report.

Lindsay was previously banned from Twitter in August 2022. In his final tweet, Lindsay called Alejandra Caraballo, an instructor at Harvard Law School Cyberlaw Clinic who specializes in LGBTQ civil rights litigation, a “child sexualization specialist.” Lindsay’s account was then reinstated under Elon Musk.

For her part, Raichik has called LGBT rights a “cult and it’s so captivating,” in an appearance on Tucker Carlson in December last year, “They’re just evil people and they want to groom kids. They’re recruiting.”
The CCDH researchers also found that the amount of tweets containing the “grooming narrative” spiked around particular events, such as the deadly shooting at LGBT Club Q in Colorado Springs in November last year, which left five people dead.

After the shooting, Nic Grzecka, the owner of Club Q, said he believed the anti-LGBT “groomer” narrative was part of the reason for the attack.

Lying about our community, and making them into something they are not, creates a different type of hate,” Grzecka said.

A month later, Elon Musk publicly attacked a former Twitter employee, Yoel Roth, suggesting he had once advocated for the sexualization of children. Roth, who is gay, was forced to flee his home, facing a barrage of harassment and online accusations that he was a “groomer.” The incident coincided with another spike in tweets about “grooming,” ‘CCDH researchers found.
Shortly after his takeover, Musk wrote an open letter to jittery advertisers, seeking to reassure them that he would be willing to curb hate speech on the platform. Musk said he bought the company because it is a place where “a wide range of beliefs can be debated in a healthy manner,” and promised he would not allow the site to become “free-for-all hellscape, where anything can be said with no consequences

Researchers at the CCDH say their new report shows Musk hasn’t kept his word.

Musk has not kept his promises on hate and that means he’s not keeping his promises to advertisers either,” says Hood, an author of the CCDH’s new report. “The decisions that he is taking personally seem to be calculated with one goal in mind: boosting user visits.”
Enough of this deafening Transgender woke noise that is sucking up all the oxygen out of many other issues that need attention and dialog.
Enough of this deafening Transgender woke noise that is sucking up all the oxygen out of many other issues that need attention and dialog.
You brought up the topic, you and your buddies seem to think it's the most important thing in the world. Of course it's all misdirection attacking a powerless minority as the "enemy" instead of focusing on actual issues.
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