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Elon & Twitter

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i have complained.
And you have a right to, just like everyone else.
it’s the constant knee-jerk negative on every tweet or incident that i think doesn’t help anyone.
It's not a knee-jerk negative on every tweet or incident, it's the tweets/incidents which are problematic, and those are unfortunately increasing lately.
I think more likely the 81 percent don't care about a blue check and in fact prefer to be anonymous.
i don’t understand why they can’t verify humans like they do for opening a bank account or trading account. the KYC aspect of course has loopholes but still. you can still remain anonymous to the users on the but the “bank” knows who you are, or at least who your shell is.

that should rid a bunch of bots and misfits.
i don’t understand why they can’t verify humans like they do for opening a bank account or trading account. the KYC aspect of course has loopholes but still. you can still remain anonymous to the users on the but the “bank” knows who you are, or at least who your shell is.

that should rid a bunch of bots and misfits.
I don't want Twitter to know who I am.
I don't want Twitter to know who I am.

i think there’s about 250-300m twitter users
(roughly the size of reddit - both are top 10-15 in social media total users)

i wonder how many want to remain anonymous and how many would sacrifice being ‘on the books’ in order to get rid of the bots

i don’t extend that fully to rid the hatred…

i still think some ‘validated’ people will spew hate and vitriol - so i’m not completely optimistic about that.

but i do think most humans are much less likely to act like asses at a real town hall than they are in a cyber-hall…so there could be some affect, it just won’t fully solve it.

just wondering.
When I was a kid I had to put up with a lot of DARE propaganda. They said a lot of weird things about marijuana. It nearly sounded like a slightly watered down version of Reefer Madness.

As an adult I now see that a lot of this propaganda was just wrong. Still it worked though. I've never actually used marijuana in any form, likely never will because of the conditions of my job.

But seeing Elon's behavior somewhat recently I almost wonder if all the DARE propaganda was true. Maybe Elon's brain really is a fried egg now.
lol. exhibit A) the lawsuit in Delaware to get out of the twitter deal

1) It didn't take years and there was *nothing* Tesla could do to "tie them up for years"

2) He very clearly went against legal advise and only at the end did what he could have done months ago - buy twitter at the negotiated initial price. Could have saved Tesla and Twitter a lot of legal fees for a lawsuit he would have lost with near certainty

Elon increasingly strucks me as that guy "who knows it all and knows it best" ... he nailed Tesla at the beginning as well as Space X ... but that fame and success has definitely gotten to him. I would bet money that the AI team with proper autonomy (pun intended) would push for Radar+Lidar+Vision for FSD instead of "vision only" - which seems to be a very Musk demand he feels very strongly about. Twitter lawsuit / acquisition and political tweets appear to have been cooked up against all advice from council....
I think Elon’s success is more than just Tesla and Space X...in fact he has parlayed each successful project into the next one (give or take the odd tunneling idea) and now it’s App X (or whatever)...he trusts his own instincts...so I follow him...if he followed me, he would be sitting on the sofa imagining what would have been
When I was a kid I had to put up with a lot of DARE propaganda. They said a lot of weird things about marijuana. It nearly sounded like a slightly watered down version of Reefer Madness.

As an adult I now see that a lot of this propaganda was just wrong. Still it worked though. I've never actually used marijuana in any form, likely never will because of the conditions of my job.

But seeing Elon's behavior somewhat recently I almost wonder if all the DARE propaganda was true. Maybe Elon's brain really is a fried egg now.
You do realize Elon almost never smokes pot, right? He barely knew what to do with the blunt Rogan handed him. Media propaganda painted Elon as a pothead but he's clearly not. Frankly he probably should be, chill him out a bit.
Elon Musk’s Paul Pelosi tweet proves he has no business running Twitter | Robert Reich

If Musk’s tweet doesn’t raise bright red warning signs all over the world about his judgment and character, just days after he took over one of the planet’s largest and most influential media machines, I don’t know what will.

Just three days after Elon Musk bought Twitter, he posted a tweet promoting the baseless allegation that Paul Pelosi, the husband of the speaker of the House, who was assaulted on Friday at the couple’s home, had been drunk and in a fight with a male prostitute.

Doesn’t Musk know that the world is watching to see how responsible he is, as the new owner of Twitter? The fact that he personally posts such unhinged, dangerous drivel within three days of taking over the platform suggests he doesn’t give a damn. Does he need reminding that America and the world are at a moment in history when hateful lies are having horrendous consequences? The husband of the speaker of the House was almost murdered because of such lies.
Elon Musk’s Paul Pelosi tweet proves he has no business running Twitter | Robert Reich

If Musk’s tweet doesn’t raise bright red warning signs all over the world about his judgment and character, just days after he took over one of the planet’s largest and most influential media machines, I don’t know what will.

Just three days after Elon Musk bought Twitter, he posted a tweet promoting the baseless allegation that Paul Pelosi, the husband of the speaker of the House, who was assaulted on Friday at the couple’s home, had been drunk and in a fight with a male prostitute.

Doesn’t Musk know that the world is watching to see how responsible he is, as the new owner of Twitter? The fact that he personally posts such unhinged, dangerous drivel within three days of taking over the platform suggests he doesn’t give a damn. Does he need reminding that America and the world are at a moment in history when hateful lies are having horrendous consequences? The husband of the speaker of the House was almost murdered because of such lies.

In fairness, Robert Reich (former Clinton Labor Secretary) has a notorious history of anti-Elon posts.

These two have a very contentious history.
Like Trump, Elon Musk reveals a vapid mind super-charged by wealth and ego | Siva Vaidhyanathan

Musk, despite his wealth, good fortune and global influence, is not a serious person. He never exhibits any deep grasp of any issue of substance. He’s shown from the beginning of his dance with buying Twitter that he does not understand the company, how it makes money, how or why it tries to keep the experience pleasant and clear for its 230 million users, or why it’s such a terribly run business.
Beyond his bumbling acquisition of Twitter, which he tried for months to escape, Musk has embarrassed himself by using the platform to voice profoundly ignorant and dangerous positions on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The Kremlin, unsurprisingly, embraced Musk’s “plan” (which was no plan at all). The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, reminded his followers that Musk has seemed to support the Ukrainian struggle against Russian aggression when it served his purposes. Yet now, just as the war has tilted in favor of Ukraine, Musk seems to be willing to boast of his closeness to Russia.
What is really the head scratcher to me is that Twitter Musk and Interview Musk are two different people entirely. Interview Musk I'd sell my blood to invest in. Twitter Musk, as I said previously, I'll be writing tighter covered calls. And he has in fact called out this very thing about himself on Twitter. He's aware of it. Don't get me wrong, I'm super frustrated and disappointed with Musk in many ways but if I had to pick who the "real person" is I'm going with interview Musk. Also, that's more in line with his family and with himself a short while ago. Perhaps Twitter Musk is playing the village IdiQt for a reason. I don't know. :(
I didn't attack his character, I said HE has a history of intentionally writing negative articles about Elon. That's simply an easily-googled fact.

I.e. he has a known bias. FACT.
I'm a "lefty" and I'm backing you 100% here. RR cries wolf about Elon, in self serving clickbait ways, on a daily basis.
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