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Elon's views

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So he retweets it to millions by saying "the actual truth" and then when there is massive blowback he does an apology? Again, use Google. You can find plenty of examples.

So do you stand behind the rise in racist and bigoted content on X or not? Should be a simple question. I'm starting to get a picture of your views here. Just wanted confirmation.
Exactly. For all the reasons that have been covered by the press. I notice you didn't give a later article on that issue after it had played out. Are you a supporter of cancel culture?

I don't think there is a rise in that content on X. I have seen recent articles from leftist media trying to make that case, just as you are trying to wave your hands and demonstrate while hoping no-one will look too closely, but your politics have clearly driven your view of it.
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Exactly. For all the reasons that have been covered by the press. I notice you didn't give a later article on that issue after it had played out. Are you a supporter of cancel culture?

I don't think there is a rise in that content on X. I have seen recent articles from leftist media trying to make that case, just as you are trying to wave your hands and demonstrate while hoping no-one will look too closely, but your politics have clearly driven your view of it.
Do you or do you not endorse hate speech online or in person?

The fact that he lost a lot of money and apologized doesn't take away from his post. Plenty of other examples.
Do you or do you not hate speech online or in person?

The fact that he lost a lot of money and apologized doesn't take away from his post. Plenty of other examples.
I denounce any speech that is illegal. If it's not illegal, then it's free speech even if I disagree with it. I have found leftists clinging to the notion of "hate speech" and very often this means speech you don't agree with.

I don't know that he lost any money. I do accept that people make mistakes and apologize. Those are the people I respect, not unkind, revengeful braggarts.
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I denounce any speech that is illegal. If it's not illegal, then it's free speech even if I disagree with it. I have found leftists clinging to the notion of "hate speech" and very often this means speech you don't agree with.

I don't know that he lost any money. I do accept that people make mistakes and apologize. Those are the people I respect, not unkind, revengeful braggarts.
Not what I asked. Do you endorse hate speech personally whether or not? Should be an easy question.

And you keep on using the word braggarts as some kind of veiled dig. Maybe get a dictionary?
I am Jewish and I do not believe Elon or his tweet are antisemitic (assuming that I am correct about which tweet was being referred to). I think some people who find it to be antisemitic are sincere in their interpretation and just simply don't understand what he was actually saying, and then there are others who know perfectly well what he was saying, but choose to pretend he was saying something else for various reasons. I have no interest in endorsing or disavowing what he said here on TMC.

I will be closing this thread, as I don't believe any useful or rational discussions are going to be had about something so inherently political given how polarized people are on these issues and how easily many give-in to confirmation bias.
If Elon bails out Trump I'm out. I own model y, powerwalls and star link.

I own a Model X and Model Y. Ordered one more Model Y. A Tesla fan, of course. Today it is clear to me that Elon wants a climate denier in the White House. He is not the savior of the planet as I once thought. He is just thin-skinned self-centered rich-man with no core values. I will try to cancel my Model Y order tomorrow. No more Teslas for me, until the Tesla leaders align with company’s purpose - “Accelerating the World's Transition to Sustainable Energy”. The company cannot succeed if the CEO supports a candidate who says climate change is a hoax.
Bit of a cross post here:

It doesn’t mean that A) he doesn’t plan to give any money to a PAC or SUPERPAC… so NOT a candidate technically, right in the EM tricky messaging wheelhouse.

Or B) doesn’t mean that he isn’t going to LOAN 500M to the OI, so it’s NOT a donation and not direct to a candidate, it’s just a loan between friends. (And since it’s the trump co that owes the majority of the money he could LOAN Trump Co. the money)

And his tweet can still ring plausibly true.

Frankly, I think EM might just do exactly one or both of these things, but get concessions that a possible / probable future OI administration does NOT eliminate all the renewable benefits or tax credits, etc. It’s worth more to EM and Tesla to keep those things, than to lose out on 500M in interest or for EM to keep losing BILLIONS of net worth per week going forward.

Or, EM could have just been trying to persuade T to do all his election tweeting on X, or at least cross post everything there. Elections are twitters historical Super Bowl, followed by a war, World Cup, then the Olympics and THEN the Super Bowl. So, EM might really wan X to be elevated during this horrendous next eight months in US history.

I think the best/somewhat polite thing that can be said about EM at this point, is that he’s just lost focus. And maniacal focus on the mission, execution, solutioning etc. is what got Tesla, SpaceX, possibly STARLINK to where they are at THIS point. Right now, he’s just distracted at best.
EFS - Elon Fan Syndrome. I have been suffering from it as well. We struggle to find a silver lining in the crazy things Musk does. Like this one, he is not going to fund ;). Has he not done enough? Won't he continue doing this? How do you put a $ value on his actions? Does this picket-change-called-funding (imagine $200B) matter? Would it be traceable in his circle of rich and powerful? Let's again not fall into the same trap. Actions speak louder than words.

I tolerated everything that he said so far. It was hard. The man may be a genius, but has some fringe ideas, I thought. I believed that he had a cause, a calling - fight against climate change. This is something he would never compromise, I assured myself. But I was wrong. Now I have no reason to believe he cares about anything but himself. He knows that Trump says that climate change is a hoax. To support a climate change denier, just shows that Elon will do anything to nurture his ego.

People in this forum may think that this is too political. Frankly, this is about Tesla. Tesla needs to do something about its leadership to survive.
Curious if anyone thinks Elon is perhaps presenting a public image of himself that is crafted for social engineering purposes. His behavior has been quite right leaning in flamboyant attention getting ways. And he has also been pretty lukewarm on Ukraine, talking about peace deals instead of military aid. Most think that is just who he is currently, but what if it's all just a crafted public image?

Why would he do this? Let me present a case.

When it comes to EVs, EVs have become dangerously close to political, which could roadblock electrification if they are seen as just a branch of the so called libtards. If he swings right with his public persona, this could reduce the likelihood of such roadblocks because now a good ol boy has an EV company, so maybe those EVs are not so bad. Sure, a few folks on the left will talk of boycotting Tesla, but for the most part that's not happening. That battle has already been won. Left leaning folks aren't going to turn against EVs regardless of what Elon does.

Now lets talk Ukraine. The right has been lukewarm on Ukraine aid, some for, some against. It's not immediately clear what public image would be advantageous there. But use of Starlink has come up any number of times, regarding who can use it and what they can use it for. Strategically, the west doesn't want to antagonize Russia any more than absolutely necessary while it expresses it's disapproval of Russia's goals of ruthless world domination. It's possible Starlink and other SpaceX services have been immensely useful towards aiding Ukraine. But to temper potential rising tensions over aid that could further risk leading to world ending world wars, it would be potentially useful if Elon and as an extension SpaceX are seen as ambivalent on the matter, or somewhat opposed to providing aid, while quietly providing aid in the shadows.

Just a few thoughts to ponder on a random Thursday.
Or could it be simply the lens with which you view his actions and activities?

People try so desperately to force every single human being into one silo or the other because it makes it easier. They feel like they now understand that individual's ideals and motives even though they know nothing about them. People are uneasy around things they don't know but gone are the days where that uneasiness would pique genuine interest in knowing more about that individual to gain a better understanding of what their motivations actually are.

Applying tribalism logic (an idiosyncratic phrase if I've ever heard one) with two designators is the simplest way that people can insulate their own delicate psyche from admitting they don't know and they're just too lazy to put in the effort to find out. It's a tool of the weak-minded.

The reality is that a relatively low percentage of people are pure (D) or pure (R) but they tend to have the loudest voice. The vocal minority. Hence why the voting numbers are so low because the biggest share of people don't care.

That or they're tired of being grouped in with (D) or (R) and their nonsensical activities that all serve to destabilize the populace and create in-fighting. Exactly the opposite of what our government was created for in the first place. Now, both sides are so busy screaming and not listening that they don't realize that both parties are accelerating a proverbial train that is our country towards a cliff and they're wasting resources arguing over who is pushing the throttle more. The majority of the country would like to see efforts made to stop the train but they're all in the caboose with very little ability to do anything about it, politically speaking. I digress.

You do realize that Elon as close to a moderate/right leaning as you'll find, right? He leans ever-so-slightly to the right overall but not as much as you seem to make it seem with your post. The problem with being in the middle and acting on what you think is right/wrong is that those who are one side or the other only see what they consider "negative" and paint you as "one of them" even though your efforts are roughly equal between the party lines.

In the end, it really just comes down to what type of person you are and not what type of person they are.

If you're the type of person who only looks for character traits that you see as bad in people, that's what you'll find. I've been around people like this and they drain your will to live. No matter what you do, it won't matter because their own nature is to only focus on the bad and disregard the good. These people are often insecure and assume their worst character traits in others.

Hell, my guess is that just based on my post not immediately echoing exactly what you want to hear that you've already lumped me into one silo or the other by this point in the post. Maybe if people stopped making everything political then things would stop being political.
With 11 children he's sired, he's got lots of childcare payments, even for a bjillionare. Besides the fact that he has exhibited some pretty strange behaviour which some might classify as anything from genius to downright unhinged , I think he serves "Elon, first". he is probably doing this to secure the EV within the hard right mindset.
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I've had these thoughts too, trying to reconcile his persona ;) But sometimes when I watch "love on the spectrum" I think maybe I shouldn't try ;)

He definitely seems to be stretching the overton window with a big bang, which pretty much describes what you are saying:

However, I don't understand why he has suddenly become a new "fox news crime tv" channel, it's simply disgusting content and he could preferably wield it on a burner account.
Most think that is just who he is currently, but what if it's all just a crafted public image?
He is what he is. He had to get along with others when he was poor, but when he is now rich, there's no need to hide who he is any more.
When it comes to EVs, EVs have become dangerously close to political, which could roadblock electrification if they are seen as just a branch of the so called libtards. If he swings right with his public persona, this could reduce the likelihood of such roadblocks because now a good ol boy has an EV company, so maybe those EVs are not so bad. Sure, a few folks on the left will talk of boycotting Tesla, but for the most part that's not happening. That battle has already been won. Left leaning folks aren't going to turn against EVs regardless of what Elon does.
I think he loves to be a problem solver. He saw a need to solve the EV puzzle, and he took the challenge. It has nothing to do with politics. It's the challenge that got him into EV.

Same with the frustration with I-405 traffic jam that got him to the Boring Company. It has nothing to do with politics.

Now lets talk Ukraine. The right has been lukewarm on Ukraine aid, some for, some against. It's not immediately clear what public image would be advantageous there. But use of Starlink has come up any number of times, regarding who can use it and what they can use it for. Strategically, the west doesn't want to antagonize Russia any more than absolutely necessary while it expresses it's disapproval of Russia's goals of ruthless world domination. It's possible Starlink and other SpaceX services have been immensely useful towards aiding Ukraine. But to temper potential rising tensions over aid that could further risk leading to world ending world wars, it would be potentially useful if Elon and as an extension SpaceX are seen as ambivalent on the matter, or somewhat opposed to providing aid, while quietly providing aid in the shadows.
Elon Musk loves a winning side. Whether we like it or not, Russia is bigger and has more resources than Ukraine does, so that's why he picked Russia.

Ukraine is his pawn. He gets publicity by helping the weaker side, but he would not allow Ukraine to use his Starlink to attack Russia.

On the other hand, Russian forces are using Starlink in Russian-controlled areas, although both the Kremlin and SpaceX deny such a report.

Same principle with Taiwan. China is bigger and has more resources than Taiwan:

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