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Filters on "What's new"

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EndlessCheese spreader
Dec 29, 2018
Danville, CA
I'm having trouble following my watched forums.

Here's what I'm doing:
- I go into the "What's New" dropdown box, and select "New Posts"
- It defaults to a "Show only: watched threads" filter. Fine.
- Over at the right, I select the Filters dropdown. "Watched threads" is selected. I also click "Watched forums". The checkbox is shown as checked, but the "Filter" indicator at the left is not changed.
- There is no "save" or "commit" button of any kind. Ok. So I click out of the dropdown. Nothing happens. No URL update, no refreshed content.
- I click elsewhere on the screen to close the dropdown. Nothing happens. I re-open the dropdown and confirm that "Watched forums" is selected.
- I reload the page. Nothing different, except the drop-down checkbox change is gone (as expected).

I played with the other checkboxes. Same behavior. Am I missing something obvious and dumb?
@planetary Yeah, I noticed this a couple days ago. It is a bug, that unfortunately is going to take a bit to get fixed due to the developers being on holiday break.

I would encourage you to try using the "Discussion" feed: Tesla Motors Club
It is basically the same thing as What's New with some very minor differences. There were some issues earlier on with it, but most of those have been resolved. If you see any issues with it, please let me know so I can explain.
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In the Discussions feed, is the "Some new content may not be matching your filters. Click here to see all new content" message equivalent to the "Threads below have not been updated since your last visit" in the What's New/Posts view?

One of the things I like about What's New/Posts is that you can make a pass through all the unread content and know when you're done. In the Discussions feed, it seems that it just keeps showing more content (Load More), so there isn't an obvious stopping point.
In the Discussions feed, is the "Some new content may not be matching your filters. Click here to see all new content" message equivalent to the "Threads below have not been updated since your last visit" in the What's New/Posts view?

One of the things I like about What's New/Posts is that you can make a pass through all the unread content and know when you're done. In the Discussions feed, it seems that it just keeps showing more content (Load More), so there isn't an obvious stopping point.
"Some new content may not be matching your filters. Click here to see all new content" is just telling you that there is new content that you might want to see that does not fit your currently selected filters. It's more helpful if you have very specific filters, and thus limited results.

So when we first launched Feeds, the Discussion Feed had real-time updating, which would cause the feed to get updated without refreshing the page. However, I have turned that off (at least for now) as it was confusing for some users who saw the position of threads in their feed continually moved. So that issue should mostly be resolved, however, if you refresh the page, or go to the next page, it does show you the current position of the threads, rather than the positions when you first started looking at the feed. I see how this can be an issue for power users who like to go through multiple pages of threads, one at a time, and don't want to miss any due to the thread positions changing. I will notify the developers of this issue and see if they have any solution. In the meantime, my suggestion would be go into the feed, and immediately open the next couple pages of the feed in new tabs, this way you get the current snapshot of the feed.

Please let me know how it goes.