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How Some Tesla Owners Break The Law to "Stop ICE-ing"

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So vandalism is the answer? Good luck with that approach.
yeah, it's pretty ridiculous, isn't it. I guess they figure they won't get caught. Really fighting fire with fire if you look at it.

If it isn't clear enough, we're not condoning this whosoever, but it's interesting to see the lengths of what some will do, and I imagine ICE-ing will be a bigger issue with the U.S.'s plans to increase the number of charging stations across the nation.
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I think it will get worse before it gets better. I've seen some nasty confrontations between ICEr and the ICEd party. At the risk of stereotyping, the big truck asshats are the worst by far. Tho, I did have to deal with a "Karen" not long ago and her very entitled self. Most of the time, it's just words.. Here in Cali, the ICEr can be towed.. but I've never actually seen that done. Maybe if the law was enforced, people wouldn't be so vigilante minded. I think thats the crux of the issue.. the person being ICEd has very little recourse and they behave just if they were being bullied.. in a way they are. After enough times, people have had just enough and will strike out.

California’s Vehicle Code 22511 states that parking designated for electric vehicles can be enforced by the site’s owner –

And there is the 2nd problem.. the OWNER of the site has to call for the tow which makes the law virtually useless. Again, when people feel powerless about something, after a tipping point, they will do something.. regardless of "right or wrong"
Oddly enough, a contractor at my work was just telling me about this. He has an old beater truck with a bumper sticker that states, "my truck identifies as a tesla". If there's a good parking spot, he'll take it. apparently this is making the rounds on the local 'nextdoor' forums and people are complaining about him. He thinks it's hysterical.
He thinks it's hysterical.
Its all fun and games till someone gets hurt.. he's an idiot and will be the first one to scream about how abused he is when someone snaps. Its not a joke to someone who needs to charge to get home or get to work. No different than blocking a gas pump while getting coffee and a donut ( which I've seen more times than I care to count at the local mini-mart)
Oddly enough, a contractor at my work was just telling me about this. He has an old beater truck with a bumper sticker that states, "my truck identifies as a tesla". If there's a good parking spot, he'll take it. apparently this is making the rounds on the local 'nextdoor' forums and people are complaining about him. He thinks it's hysterical.
You have to admit the "my truck identifies as a tesla" part is at least kind of funny.

My overall take on this is that I can understand why some people would be pissed off about EV parking in certain situations. If they are pay to use stalls in the back somewhere and someone goes out of their way to just be an asshole and block them then that person is clearly a dick. There is the other side of the coin where many places have designated charging stalls (especially free ones) in good locations (like near the elevator or entrance right next to the handicap stalls) and I think that is a recipe for confrontations right now. With $5 gas the last thing the average person looking for a spot in a crowded parking lot wants to see are empty stalls in a prime location that they have to leave vacant in case someone driving a $60,000 car decides to pull up, park there, and get free fuel.
I view the Tesla owner or any EV owner in the charging spot and not charging to be just as much of a dick or more than the cretin who is trying to ICE the spot. They know better and they choose to be a dick because they feel entitled. Thats a worse sin as it were. I'm not sure where you are at but around here the EV charging spots are not in the "good" locations.. most tend to in the far back or basement.. There are a few that I have an agreement with my family that they will NOT use them at night regardless of circumstances..

The EV on EV disputes I've seen are really just one circumstance.. Tesla using a J plug for free gas. The non tesla folks get pretty bent over that. We have a couple of malls that have J plugs and CCS/CHad inside the parking structure with a supercharger either up topside or just outside the parking structure. The non teslas folks really take offense at a Tesla in "their" charging territory. I think it stems from that they cannot use the SC at all so why are you over here sucking up the spaces we can only use. I can understand that. But there seems to be a population that is clueless or just natively born jerks. Its that 60K now 80K car sucking a spot and time when they could go SC for a few bucks and stay out of the way of EV owners who dont have a choice. Its interesting dynamics to watch
My local mall for instance. Free to use and right up front by the handicap stalls. I’m just saying on a busy day I can see the annoyance.


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@SteelClouds I get a similar feeling sometimes when I plug into a ChargePoint station using my CHAdeMO adapter and another car pulls up later on. "Why is that Tesla sucking up power when there are two Supercharger lots within two miles of here?" (If they even know about those Superchargers.) I tend to hit the DCFC during the middle of the weekday, when people have not yet left work, or on the weekend, to try to minimize the chance at conflict. And I have moved early a couple of times when people have asked how long I'm going to be there. There's one DCFC available for the public 24/7, while the second one is reserved for the employees of the Santa Clara Valley Water District during the weekday but is public on the weekends.

There are several J1772 stations at the site but I've not used them. In fact, I don't believe that I've used the J1772 adapter at any other place besides my old workplace. I have the CHAdeMO adapter already, why should I use a slower charger? The site has time limits which effectively means you can get 100 miles of range before you get charged $4/hr for a "parking" fee. The cost of the electricity is $0.19/kWh, which is lower than my house rate and the Superchargers in the area (even at the off-peak hours).
I use both a CCS and Chad adapter myself quite a bit. But as you say, it's almost always off hours. I was using my Chad the other day when a Leaf blew in.( sorry).. He stopped and stared.. but then plugged into the J.. I rolled my window and told him I would be done in 5 mins.. but to expect a slow charge based on my current experience. He seemed pleasantly surprised that i was going to be gone in 5 mins.. and happy for the warning.
We are a very angry culture. Anyone who is different or has a different opinion must be stopped at all cost. I slip in to that mindset myself and have to force myself to keep an open mind. The fun solution to the problem above would be to buy NEW! Tesla Extension Cord – EVSE Adapters
And just park next to them and happily charge your car while having your coffee when they return. Shame the SC version is sold out.
I think it will get worse before it gets better. I've seen some nasty confrontations between ICEr and the ICEd party. At the risk of stereotyping, the big truck asshats are the worst by far. Tho, I did have to deal with a "Karen" not long ago and her very entitled self. Most of the time, it's just words.. Here in Cali, the ICEr can be towed.. but I've never actually seen that done. Maybe if the law was enforced, people wouldn't be so vigilante minded. I think thats the crux of the issue.. the person being ICEd has very little recourse and they behave just if they were being bullied.. in a way they are. After enough times, people have had just enough and will strike out.

California’s Vehicle Code 22511 states that parking designated for electric vehicles can be enforced by the site’s owner –

And there is the 2nd problem.. the OWNER of the site has to call for the tow which makes the law virtually useless. Again, when people feel powerless about something, after a tipping point, they will do something.. regardless of "right or wrong"
I just love that a ‘Karen’ is not just a UK thing! 😂
Not saying I condone it, but is it really vandalism? If you put it on the window it’s a pain to remove but it doesn’t damage the car or prevent the owner from driving, just makes them work a bit to take it off. The stickers the police put on when they boot a car are the same.
I have sold permanent adhesive stickers to “parking authority “ that’s the word missing “authority means you have the right to sticker a car for violation- if you have to leave a note - try a polite “sticky note” instead - the person blocking a charging spot thinks it’s funny and might be looking for a fight -
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Not saying I condone it, but is it really vandalism? If you put it on the window it’s a pain to remove but it doesn’t damage the car or prevent the owner from driving, just makes them work a bit to take it off. The stickers the police put on when they boot a car are the same.
Yes. It’s really vandalism. And putting it on the windshield obstructs the drivers view.

Spray paint is removable from concrete too. Would you consider it vandalism is someone spray painted your house or sidewalk?