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Looking for an MS facelift $50k

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Looking for a MS Facelift with the following:
HiFi sound
AP. At least 2.0 hardware
And supercharging

Would prefer under 60k miles.
Color doesn't matter.

Good luck, many people in the same boat as you (Assuming you are looking at 75D). They have been lookng for 6months +
If you up your budget to $55-57k, you may find something in the private sector.
For S75, this may be possible, but again, private sector, and you would be missing out on the 4yr limited warranty.
Good luck, many people in the same boat as you (Assuming you are looking at 75D). They have been lookng for 6months +
If you up your budget to $55-57k, you may find something in the private sector.
For S75, this may be possible, but again, private sector, and you would be missing out on the 4yr limited warranty.

I know it's a long shot. But I have already owned a 14 P85Dl+ and want a facelift model.
I am sure I'll eventually find what I'm looking for. Just takes time.