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Looking to buy salvage teslas

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I've been thinking, reading, and studying everything about teslas. I want to possibly start buying wrecked teslas and parting them out or fixing them to be Road worthy and reselling them for a profit. I know that repairing a salvaged car can be a lot of work, effort, and time, but I'm trying this. And if it fails, at least I know that it doesn't work. Basically, if you have any wrecked teslas, or teslas that need some work, just let me know. I'll consider making an offer and hopefully we can work something out. I don't really care what the damage is either. Thanks!
Basically, if you have any wrecked teslas, or teslas that need some work, just let me know. I'll consider making an offer and hopefully we can work something out. I don't really care what the damage is either. Thanks!

I'll give you a great deal on this one:

I've been thinking, reading, and studying everything about teslas. I want to possibly start buying wrecked teslas and parting them out or fixing them to be Road worthy and reselling them for a profit. I know that repairing a salvaged car can be a lot of work, effort, and time, but I'm trying this. And if it fails, at least I know that it doesn't work. Basically, if you have any wrecked teslas, or teslas that need some work, just let me know. I'll consider making an offer and hopefully we can work something out. I don't really care what the damage is either. Thanks!

I wonder if insurance companies might be able to direct some Harvey / Irma cars your way. The frame would be fine, many suspension components, glazing, anything above the water line, etc - possibly even the pack and drivetrain, if the seals held up. You could combine it with parts from a Tesla which was in an accident (aka wrecked frame, suspension, glazing, etc but lots of miscellaneous parts and a likely intact interior); I'd think you might be able to build a complete vehicle out of that.

Floods and accidents cause very different types of damage. Basically, take the flooded car, strip it down, throw away anything that's bad, and replace it with parts from a crashed car. If there's anything that's bad on both, re-order the part (either from Tesla (if you're allowed to), aftermarket (if available), or from another stripped-down vehicle). Any parts that you have left over (aka, were good on both salvages you bought), keep them as spares or sell them for extra cash (might actually be able to turn a profit just on that alone). Sell the wrecked car's frame / panels off as alumium scrap (should get you well more money than steel scrap per unit weight)
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I wonder if insurance companies might be able to direct some Harvey / Irma cars your way. The frame would be fine, many suspension components, glazing, anything above the water line, etc - possibly even the pack and drivetrain, if the seals held up. You could combine it with parts from a Tesla which was in an accident (aka wrecked frame, suspension, glazing, etc but lots of miscellaneous parts and a likely intact interior); I'd think you might be able to build a complete vehicle out of that.

Floods and accidents cause very different types of damage. Basically, take the flooded car, strip it down, throw away anything that's bad, and replace it with parts from a crashed car. If there's anything that's bad on both, re-order the part (either from Tesla (if you're allowed to), aftermarket (if available), or from another stripped-down vehicle). Any parts that you have left over (aka, were good on both salvages you bought), keep them as spares or sell them for extra cash (might actually be able to turn a profit just on that alone). Sell the wrecked car's frame / panels off as alumium scrap (should get you well more money than steel scrap per unit weight)
Funny story. That's kinda why I posted this. I knew that there would many cars like that. I guess great minds think alike lol