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Looking to takeover Model 3 or Model Y Lease - (San Francisco / Bay Area)

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Hi still looking?
I am looking to leave the country and need to transfer my lease asap.
I have a 2021 model Y Red color black 21" wheels, lease started 09/10/2021 end of lease 09/10/2024, monthly payment 696.95$
If interested the car will be available around 20th January, still need it for a few days.
Still available? How many miles remaining ?
Hi still looking?
I am looking to leave the country and need to transfer my lease asap.
I have a 2021 model Y Red color black 21" wheels, lease started 09/10/2021 end of lease 09/10/2024, monthly payment 696.95$
If interested the car will be available around 20th January, still need it for a few days.
@ssiva We have a 2021 Model Y Performance, white exterior and black interior. Lease ends 9/27, 2024 with 21, 055 miles remaining. Lease payment $683.60.
Live in the Bay Area.
Primarily used as a commuter for work and kids.
Unfortunately work in tech and impacted so we're reducing monthly spend.