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Model 3 Mule Sightings

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Model S is to Linux as Model 3 is to ChromeOS.
I played with Linux on and off through the years, but I'm very happy typing on a Chromebook right now. I definitely appreciate both computers and cars being appliances that do not break and get the job done simply and well.

There is something of a disconnect in this forum: incessant hollering for autonomous driving, and concerns over a reduced cacophony of blinking lights. Perhaps two populations with different wants are around, or people simply don't really know what they want.

Me ? I love elegant minimalism. And well thought out 'less is more' in UI
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Yeah, and here is the BMW 3 series... the little screen looks so out of place, and the rest looks like a mess to me


or the Mercedes C class

I'm puking
You know as soon as the the first handful of reviewers get their hands on the car (motor trend, consumer reports, kbb, etc) they're doing to be wondering many of the same things and will put that in their reviews - which is what the masses will be reading when deciding to either get a new higher specced Honda/Toyota or try out this new fangled Tesla they've been hearing about.
I'm not sure what I'm more excited about: the actual reveal or reading the professional reviews of Model 3.

We're living in a tiny biased bubble on these forums and it'll be refreshing to get some real world perspective. Not that it means anything, but I've seen a lot of other popular comments on other sites criticizing the 3. The most upvoted comments on reddit posts are indifference or talking about how it's weird-looking. That's just one example, but it helps to get the perspective of another community and their thoughts. If the most highly-rated posts are questioning the design, that suggests many people agree, espeically if it's another fan forum where people are generally more accepting. Top comments on electrek and other such sites call the car bland, etc.

We can only speculate and place our bets now, but for sure I am extremely interested in a thorough, unbiased review.
I'm not sure what I'm more excited about: the actual reveal or reading the professional reviews of Model 3.

For me, reviews for sure. Every reveal I've seen so far (S & X included) just left me with more questions I didn't know I had!

As an Australian, it will likely be a year and a half until I can even hope to see one in the flesh. I'll be living off of those reviews.

Unless of course the Jan ski holiday ends up being in Colorado, in which case I'll be sure to see one sooner :)
Ok, I have to ask. Curiosity is too overwhelming. Are you a non-native English speaker and posting through translation? Almost every post I've seen of yours comes off as quite odd. I mean no disrespect, but the verbiage used and phrasing is peculiar.

And again, you can tell 2mm difference in handle thickness? That is just over 1/16" and could hardly notice that on an object right in front of my face, let alone on something a few feet away. Anyway, I digress...

Let's take these one at a time.

1) I am used to designing products with gross margins over 50% and dominant market share - with the goal of employing people. To do that there is a lot of obsession over details. The customer needs to recommend the product with no qualifications. 2mm on a handle is not a detail - it is of first order importance. So there is an obsession with details related to contribution dollars, related to gainful employment, homes and sending kids to college for everyone in the company. Visual perception of differences (and how they play out) is foundational. So, yes, you are right. Everything is posted through a translation of an image, with a lens obsessed with contribution dollars.

2) The oddness comes partly from a very strong desire to see all the people at Tesla realize a return on their hard work. Success for Tesla is well posed based on the quality of their team. A truly gifted designer once told me, "It is hard to perform better than your team." The people at Tesla have a singular opportunity to do truly great products. But on the political power scale, ergonomists are subordinate to designers. The skinny handle looks better. I was concerned the ergonomic people would get run over, and the product would fail. Peculiar phasing comes from trying too hard. And having to translate.

3) I am not sure the door handle is 2 mm taller in profile. I hope it is, because the point/psi load on people using the original handles was too high, (based on a handle I designed a while back). If it is 2mm taller in profile, I think that because of the change in length to height aspect ratio, taking the width as a given based on a 95th percent hand. The handles look less like pencils and more like rectangles (books). Again, this is more about hope than knowledge.

So a visually oriented person, obsessed with contribution dollars, who recognizes a singular moment and wants it to turn out well for society - except for the shorts. It is bad practice to ever wish ill toward, or bet against, a person.
So those can be judged by a picture, but not the 3? :rolleyes:
We've actually not seen a clear picture of the final interior. Even on the cars driving around it's possible they're leaving stuff out to keep us from seeing it. No, not HUD, but small details.

But even if the pictures of the prototypes are final, I like it better than the BMW 3 interior, which I have experienced in person.
You can make the interior simple or minimalist without cheaping out. Look at the new XC60 -- only a handful of buttons. Tell me that doesn't look 100x more polished than the straight lines that the model 3 has EVERYWHERE. It just looks like Tesla ran out of budget half way through designing the car.


For my taste I completely disagree. That Volvo interior is not at all appealing to me. Much prefer the minimalist approach of Model 3.
Yeah, and here is the BMW 3 series... the little screen looks so out of place, and the rest looks like a mess to me


or the Mercedes C class


Thanks for the interior comparison to the "benchmark" cars. They look god awful compared to the Model 3 interior. There are so many compromises involved when you have to stuff so much crap into a limited amount of space.
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We haven't actually seen what the production interior of the 3 is yet, so we can't judge yet. All the pictures people are freaking out about are from the reveal prototype over a year ago.

We've actually not seen a clear picture of the final interior. Even on the cars driving around it's possible they're leaving stuff out to keep us from seeing it. No, not HUD, but small details.

But even if the pictures of the prototypes are final, I like it better than the BMW 3 interior, which I have experienced in person.
The complaints about current interiors are that they're too busy with buttons and vents and tiny screens (obvious from photos). The complaints about the 3 are lack of binnacle, floating touch pad, minimalist design (obvious from all available information, not going to change). Even if it has fabulous materials (which it won't because Elon says it's no S) and a little surprise, they will not alleviate those issues for people that have them.
This is so obvious it goes without saying, so I'm just going to have to say it, just because...

Every physical knob, switch, vent control, analog gauge, gear shift, yadda, yadda, yadda in a car cannot be modified. It does what it does. Sure, you can put some software behind it, but it is still a physical mechanism that cannot be changed. As the years go by, customer preference for what a car interior should "look like", and how it all "should work", will change. What seems futuristic now (ohhh, look at all the Buttons!, this is the BOMB), will tomorrow be hopelessly outdated. That, and everyone has different preferences.

Tesla is designing the Model 3 interior to be as "future proof" as possible. How? By making everything that can be software controlled, software controlled. Whatever function(s) can be controlled by the touch screen can be modified as nauseum over time as required. Thats what Tesla does, for better or worse. It seems highly probably that at some point the display will allow for a great degree of individual flexibility. Want your energy graph on the left, and the map on the right? Just move them around, the car will remember them. Want audio turn by turn directions when you get within 5 miles of your destination? Set it and forget it. Spouse wants different settings? Yup, everyone gets their own, saved in profiles. Gotta have a "button" to push to tune in your favorite radio station? Yup, Tesla will give you all the (software) buttons you want to push, even fill the screen with them if it makes you feel better.

It's all just software. It can do whatever you want it to do.


P.S. See John Dvorak's post mentioned earlier about how the Apple i-Phone would bankrupt the company (circa 2007). He not only got it wrong, he couldn't have been more wrong, and he was the THE expert! Hopefully he didn't bet the farm shorting Apple stock. Some people are more comfortable with disrupting technology, others less so. There is a reason why Tesla is the most valuable American automobile manufacturer.

Don't be John Dvorak...

"Maybe when the smoke clears, we will have heard the last of Steve Jobs as guru, seer, visionary and hapless victim too ... He'll go the way of pet rock, electric carving knives, silly putty, Tiny Tim, and the three-tone paint job. Let's hope so."

"If [Apple's] smart, it will call the iPhone a 'reference design' and pass it to some suckers to build with someone else's marketing budget. Then it can wash its hands of any marketplace failures. [... ] It should do that immediately before it's too late."

Thank you! A little long winded but thank you this captures exactly the reason why Tesla designed the interior the way they did. The only argument that can be made for something physical is the vents. They need to enable the user to adjust vent direction because well... blowing air is a physical phenomena. Will the lack of this stop me from loving my Model 3? No but for some this is an important feature.
The complaints about current interiors are that they're too busy with buttons and vents and tiny screens (obvious from photos). The complaints about the 3 are lack of binnacle, floating touch pad, minimalist design (obvious from all available information, not going to change). Even if it has fabulous materials (which it won't because Elon says it's no S) and a little surprise, they will not alleviate those issues for people that have them.
Wanna change your name to cloudy daze?
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