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Ottawa to Victoria in a M3 SR+

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Long story short, my friend is moving to Victoria and asked if I'd like to drive his Model 3 SR+ down there (I have an MY LR) and he would pay for all my accommodations and flight back. Potentially doing this road trip in the beginning of July and was wondering about some tips and tricks regarding this.

I believe it's about 4500km. I have a CCS adapter that I got from Korea so that should help. My only concern is I'd be doing it solo so I'll need to be packing tons of podcasts and napping material for those superchargers. My idea would be Ottawa > Thunder Bay > Winnipeg > Calgary > Victoria. I would potentially have hotel stay at Thunder Bay, Winnipeg and Calgary, and I will be staying longer in Victoria.

Any suggestions? Am I nuts? He says it's cheaper to pay for all this than it is to pay $2500 for car delivery. I've also always wanted to do this trip.
Ottawa to Thundery Bay is a LONG stretch. 1500km on minor highways - it isn't like you're driving on the 417 for the whole stretch. With a bunch of stops at Superchargers. That has to be at least 18 hours. Google Maps says 16 hours but that is without any stops for charging, food and bio breaks.
Doesn’t seem like a massive gap. Shows I wouldn’t have an issue only charging to about 75%.
It is a large gap given the large elevation changes. "5 Mile Hill" north of SSM can really drain you. If you're in a pinch there's free destination chargers in Batchewana Bay. There's even signs posted on the SuperChargers in SSM suggesting a 100% charge (not unlike the signs just north of Batchewana warning ICE vehicles that there's a big gap for gas stations)


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It is a large gap given the large elevation changes. "5 Mile Hill" north of SSM can really drain you. If you're in a pinch there's free destination chargers in Batchewana Bay. There's even signs posted on the SuperChargers in SSM suggesting a 100% charge (not unlike the signs just north of Batchewana warning ICE vehicles that there's a big gap for gas stations)
Jesus this is terrifying lol.
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What is the rated range for the SR+? We did Vancouver to Niagara Falls and back last summer in the HEAT DOME weather (39C when we departed Vancouver). Our MS 85D is rated around 430KM. We had no issues. This was loaded with 3 people and our luggage. Supercharged there and back, had the odd destination charger to use, but never used any J2 chargers. There are some long stretches between chargers and winds in the prairies to watch for, but totally do-able. Maybe with the new update winds and ambient temp is accounted for. I wonder how much drag all those bugs we collected accounted for?
It is a large gap given the large elevation changes. "5 Mile Hill" north of SSM can really drain you. If you're in a pinch there's free destination chargers in Batchewana Bay. There's even signs posted on the SuperChargers in SSM suggesting a 100% charge (not unlike the signs just north of Batchewana warning ICE vehicles that there's a big gap for gas stations)
Yup this is very true, did the trip between SSM and Wawa a couple years ago in my Model X 75D with 6 people in the car. Beautiful drive but play it safe and charge to 100%. Luckily for us we wanted to have lunch at the Batchawana Bay destination charger as there is a restaurant there so I was able to top up a bit more and not worry about lack of range getting to Wawa.

On the way back I charge 100% at Wawa as there were thunderstorms. Computer predicted 25% state of charge arrival to SSM, actual state of charge at SSM after driving through thunderstorms was 4%.
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Yup this is very true, did the trip between SSM and Wawa a couple years ago in my Model X 75D with 6 people in the car. Beautiful drive but play it safe and charge to 100%. Luckily for us we wanted to have lunch at the Batchawana Bay destination charger as there is a restaurant there so I was able to top up a bit more and not worry about lack of range getting to Wawa.

On the way back I charge 100% at Wawa as there were thunderstorms. Computer predicted 25% state of charge arrival to SSM, actual state of charge at SSM after driving through thunderstorms was 4%.
It sounds like I definitely need to top up to 100% so I'll definitely do so.

I guess my concern is traveling alone. I mean I am a big guy so I'm not too worried, but I'd be pulling over wherever I can to stop and catch a quick nap in the car. I only ever plan to stop at the major places like Thunder Bay or Regina for an overnight hotel.
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Thanks for that info! When you say the CCS Stations weren't functioning, could you tell if they were totally not working, or just not working with the CCS adapter? And what kinds of charging speeds did you get with CCS?
Thanks for that info! When you say the CCS Stations weren't functioning, could you tell if they were totally not working, or just not working with the CCS adapter? And what kinds of charging speeds did you get with CCS?
Completely not working. I used only Petro Canada's CCS network, as the app would show where it would be available. But when I got there, it was completely offline and not functioning, or had an "Out of Order" label over it.