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POLL: Does your Model Y make this humming sound?

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@fablau are you going to reach out to your tech and try again?

I am going to tell my technician about these last two news (the supermanifold replacement and the coming software update), but at the moment, I am still in the process of understanding if the new pumps are still bothering me enough. And with this last news, I am inclined in waiting a few weeks to see if this software update is actually coming out. The lady said they mentioned the fact that the update could come out in the next 1-2 software updates.
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Your post comes with perfect timing. Today a guy in the group I created on Telegram where we are discussing this issue, told us that his service center replaced the whole supermanifold (the same exact part number you mentioned) and the noise disappeared.

Interestingly enough, I have tested myself several times the vibration in my car, and it seemed to come exactly from the top water pump, not form the manifold itself. But I could have been deceived, of course. In any case, the replacement of the whole super-manifold seems to have done the trick at 100% for that guy.

And again today, I got another great news from one of the people that have signed my petition. This lady had her Model 3 having this issue, and after pushing her service center to replace her car's water pumps, the problem was still there (she had a worse result than what I had after my car's water pumps replacement). Fact is, she requested to open a new engineering ticket for that, and today the head of the team told her the following:

"The engineering team is aware of the problem and a software update is scheduled to come out soon to address the problem and avoid the pumps running all the time"

This is amazing news, and I really hope it is true. No time frame has been given, but it sounds almost too good to be true!

Your thoughts on this?
I really think that messing with fans is counterproductive if the supermanifold is making all the noise. I think that the supermanifold is a very expensive part which might cause some reluctance to replace it.

As I said, according to my tests the noise was coming from the pumps, but I cannot be sure 100%.

And of course, the price is playing a big role as well as the load of work needed vs single pumps. Tesla service centers tend to dismiss work load as much as they can.

Ok, I need to correct what I posted earlier about the super-manifold replacement. After discussing with the guy who had that replacement, it looks like the problem didn't actually disappear completely, it is still there despite being greatly reduced. The results seem to be pretty much like my own results by just replacing the water pumps.

Again, it seems to be an issue solvable by "random chance".

At this point, we all hope the software update rumor will really fix it once for all.
I got delivery of my Model 3 SR+ last week and I hear loud humming noise both inside and outside when no A/C is on. When the car is charging it continuously makes noise. While supercharging the noise is even louder as if a dozen laptop fans are running together. Unfortunately after spending no more than 15 seconds on the car the guy at the service center said the noise is normal.
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I got delivery of my Model 3 SR+ last week and I hear loud humming noise both inside and outside when no A/C is on. When the car is charging it continuously makes noise. While supercharging the noise is even louder as if a dozen laptop fans are running together. Unfortunately after spending no more than 15 seconds on the car the guy at the service center said the noise is normal.

I am sorry about that, it looks like you are having the same exact problem. Any chances to take a video of the noise?
@falau I will try to post the video of the noise. By the way which service center did you get your water pumps replaced at? How did you finally convince them to replace it for you?

Thanks for the video, I see you have exactly the same problem I used to have. I still have it, but much less loud. The service center that serviced my car is the one in Laguna Hills, on Arctic Ocean drive. I had to push a lot, and I got so upset with them when I started the whole process, that they were ready to help with anything. When I heard from a guy in South Korea that some people fixed the problem by replacing the water pumps, I just asked the technician I had contacts with to please try to replace the pumps. And that solved the problem about 80%. The noise is still there, but much less noticeable, at least while driving. It is not a definitive solution though! I am still hoping for the software fix ;)

Please, let me know if you have any further questions, I am happy to help as much as I can.
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Thanks for the video, I see you have exactly the same problem I used to have. I still have it, but much less loud. The service center that serviced my car is the one in Laguna Hills, on Arctic Ocean drive. I had to push a lot, and I got so upset with them when I started the whole process, that they were ready to help with anything. When I heard from a guy in South Korea that some people fixed the problem by replacing the water pumps, I just asked the technician I had contacts with to please try to replace the pumps. And that solved the problem about 80%. The noise is still there, but much less noticeable, at least while driving. It is not a definitive solution though! I am still hoping for the software fix ;)

Please, let me know if you have any further questions, I am happy to help as much as I can.
I have made another appointment with the service center in Palo Alto, CA. They have put an estimate of $10.50 for tire pressure check, which according to them can be the reason for the noise. I am glad your original noise issue has been solved 80% by water pump replacement. Considering it needed a pump replacement, I am not confident the software upgrade will do any good, since it sounds like issue with the water pumps rather than the software which runs it.
I have made another appointment with the service center in Palo Alto, CA. They have put an estimate of $10.50 for tire pressure check, which according to them can be the reason for the noise. I am glad your original noise issue has been solved 80% by water pump replacement. Considering it needed a pump replacement, I am not confident the software upgrade will do any good, since it sounds like issue with the water pumps rather than the software which runs it.

Tire pressure causing the noise??!! Is that a joke? Oh man... I am sorry they told you that.

I am with you about the software, I am quite skeptical as well. I am standing by for that possible update, but if I don't see it coming out in 3-4 weeks, I'll probably take further action.
Very interesting thread. I have the same issue on my 2021 Model 3. As soon as I open the door and the computer starts running, this humming sound is coming from behind the glove box. The AC is off, no sentry enabled and the car is not charging. It is a very annoying sound and I already had a service technician checking it, but only with the default result: This is normal. For me this is not normal. When I am just sitting in the car, without driving it sounds like I am sitting in an ICE car with engine running. I can´t believe that this could be solved by a software update since the sound is definately of mechanical source.
What can we do so far ? We not even know what exactly causes this. Is it the coolant pump itself or the pump motor or the valve housing ?
This is for sure a big issue for me to this otherwise great car.
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Very interesting thread. I have the same issue on my 2021 Model 3. As soon as I open the door and the computer starts running, this humming sound is coming from behind the glove box. The AC is off, no sentry enabled and the car is not charging. It is a very annoying sound and I already had a service technician checking it, but only with the default result: This is normal. For me this is not normal. When I am just sitting in the car, without driving it sounds like I am sitting in an ICE car with engine running. I can´t believe that this could be solved by a software update since the sound is definately of mechanical source.
What can we do so far ? We not even know what exactly causes this. Is it the coolant pump itself or the pump motor or the valve housing ?
This is for sure a big issue for me to this otherwise great car.

Thank you for reporting! I am sorry you have the same issue we all have here. And you are right, it is NOT normal.

As for "what to do about it", please, refer to what I posted on modelyissue.com (and sign the petition please). Your service center can replace the water pumps for you, which hopefully will fix, or at least, reduce the noise.

About what's causing this problem, well, the fact is that nobody knows exactly. Tesla should know very well what's the cause of it, but yet, they keep dismissing or being unable to handle it. I came up realizing that the noise is coming from the coolant water pumps, but even by replacing them (as I did), it is not guaranteed that the problem gets fixed. It could be caused by a huge batch of defective water pumps or their bearings to the octovalve system, or... what else??!!

Bottom line: it is a big mess.

The software update fix seems to deal with turning on/off the pump whenever is really needed, but frankly, that sounds too good and easy to be true. But, hey, my hopes are always high and I really hope that'll really happen! I am giving 3-4 weeks for that update, and if nothing is coming out by that time, we'll see what else we can do about it. For sure the petition is still building up and will be our last card to play.
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Another example of Tesla arrogance. Finally I was able to send them my video. They came back and said this noise is normal. Tesla continues to improve their cars and they have improved the cooling system on their 2021 Model Y and Model 3. He also mentioned I am the only one with noise problem and told me I am too sensitive to noise. He said there are millions of happy Tesla owners who never complained so the issue is with me not the car.
I guess the real issue is not with Tesla but with us as owners themselves. Most tesla owners never report any issue. A friend of mine needs to call service twice a month because of computer freezing on his Model S but he does not find anything wrong with that. Another friend of mine has Model Y 2021 with same issue and he says why bother since it is Tesla and refuses to even file the petition.
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Another example of Tesla arrogance. Finally I was able to send them my video. They came back and said this noise is normal. Tesla continues to improve their cars and they have improved the cooling system on their 2021 Model Y and Model 3. He also mentioned I am the only one with noise problem and told me I am too sensitive to noise. He said there are millions of happy Tesla owners who never complained so the issue is with me not the car.
I guess the real issue is not with Tesla but with us as owners themselves. Most tesla owners never report any issue. A friend of mine needs to call service twice a month because of computer freezing on his Model S but he does not find anything wrong with that. Another friend of mine has Model Y 2021 with same issue and he says why bother since it is Tesla and refuses to even file the petition.

This is just awful, I have no other words. Oh yes: disgusting. That should never happen, and yet, this is what I often hear from whoever has dealt with Tesla's service. It is so sad.

If I had your same experience, I would have probably destroyed the service center unless someone would have listened to me. That's utterly unacceptable.

I think you should get back and ask to talk to the manager of the service center. Report what happened and say that's unacceptable. Also, tell him that your concern is real and cannot be dismissed. Hundreds of other people are complaining about it, you are not alone. Also, ask to compare your car with a different one, possibly an older one, which will be most probably completely quiet. At that point, how can they still dismiss the problem? And if you are unable to find a quiet Model 3 for whatever reason (maybe they have just noisy ones??), ask to compare it with a Model Y, a Model S or even a Model X. Do they have the same noise inside???!! I am sure they don't.

Of course, I have no idea if our petition is going to make any difference, but at least, we'll try. I am also wondering if there is any "legal" way to prevent all this from happening. We are their customers. We paid a lot of money for these cars, and yet, we have no assistance when we ask for it. And not only that but we are also mistrated and derided! Any lawyers listening here? And, possibly, advising us on all this?

Thank you so much for reporting your experience.
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This is just awful, I have no other words. Oh yes: disgusting. That should never happen, and yet, this is what I often hear from whoever has dealt with Tesla's service. It is so sad.

If I had your same experience, I would have probably destroyed the service center unless someone would have listened to me. That's utterly unacceptable.

I think you should get back and ask to talk to the manager of the service center. Report what happened and say that's unacceptable. Also, tell him that your concern is real and cannot be dismissed. Hundreds of other people are complaining about it, you are not alone. Also, ask to compare your car with a different one, possibly an older one, which will be most probably completely quiet. At that point, how can they still dismiss the problem? And if you are unable to find a quiet Model 3 for whatever reason (maybe they have just noisy ones??), ask to compare it with a Model Y, a Model S or even a Model X. Do they have the same noise inside???!! I am sure they don't.

Of course, I have no idea if our petition is going to make any difference, but at least, we'll try. I am also wondering if there is any "legal" way to prevent all this from happening. We are their customers. We paid a lot of money for these cars, and yet, we have no assistance when we ask for it. And not only that but we are also mistrated and derided! Any lawyers listening here? And, possibly, advising us on all this?

Thank you so much for reporting your experience.
My communication with this guy was on the phone. He had called me after checking my video. I wish I had call recorder installed on my phone. After that call I have rescheduled my in person visit to a different service center. He said earlier year Teslas were quiet because they were not using as advanced cooling fan as 2021 Model 3 and Y.
After my visit next week, where I am not much hopeful anyways, I am going to file a complaint on BBB.
The only other way I can think of is a class action lawsuit. A lot of lawyers agree to file a class action lawsuit pro-bono as they get heavy cut out of the final settlement.
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My communication with this guy was on the phone. He had called me after checking my video. I wish I had call recorder installed on my phone. After that call I have rescheduled my in person visit to a different service center. He said earlier year Teslas were quiet because they were not using as advanced cooling fan as 2021 Model 3 and Y.
After my visit next week, where I am not much hopeful anyways, I am going to file a complaint on BBB.
The only other way I can think of is a class action lawsuit. A lot of lawyers agree to file a class action lawsuit pro-bono as they get heavy cut out of the final settlement.

Thank you for the update. Ok, the next time a technician tells you that these new cars "have a different system", ask him to compare your Model 3 with a Model Y pre-June 2021. Model Ys have always had a heat pump-based cooling system, and yet, pre-June 2021 Model Ys are completely quiet. How would he explain that??!

As for the class-action lawsuit, I am down with that! We could keep that as last resort? It'd be extremely sad though to reach that point just because they don't want to listen. How shameful.