Last week, after an HV battery replacement at 75K miles (warranty) I pickup my 2019 MS 100D from the Santa Fe, NM Service center and drove it home to Austin, Tx.
Checking the TeslaFi range on the new/replacement battery, it is EXACTY the same as my old one with 287 miles. I was hoping to attain the fleet average of around 315 miles (TeslaFi) for cars the same age with similar miles. But, no, it is as if the battery was nevrer never swapped and just came back to life. Zero difference.
Does Tesla do this intentionally? I complained in the first two years that the battery lost range very quickly, and they replied that I supercharged too much. Indeed I do. Last Two years and 25k miles my charging percentage is over 90% free supercharging. I have a wall charger but there are V3's where I walk my dog about three times a week... and at the HEB .
My battery warranty is 8 years with unlimited miles. In light of this, I am trying to decide if want to continue this behavior or charge at home more...
Checking the TeslaFi range on the new/replacement battery, it is EXACTY the same as my old one with 287 miles. I was hoping to attain the fleet average of around 315 miles (TeslaFi) for cars the same age with similar miles. But, no, it is as if the battery was nevrer never swapped and just came back to life. Zero difference.
Does Tesla do this intentionally? I complained in the first two years that the battery lost range very quickly, and they replied that I supercharged too much. Indeed I do. Last Two years and 25k miles my charging percentage is over 90% free supercharging. I have a wall charger but there are V3's where I walk my dog about three times a week... and at the HEB .
My battery warranty is 8 years with unlimited miles. In light of this, I am trying to decide if want to continue this behavior or charge at home more...