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Request to borrow vehicle for a demo at an elementary school in Orlando area

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Or perhaps it's a liability issue? Or perhaps an inconvenience issue? I know if my car was damaged, even if it was all paid for, I'd have to deal with the repairs, down time, etc..

If you're concerned about liability, or being inconvenienced, or damage, then don't loan out your vehicle. He made request -- not a demand.

I practice insurance defence so I know all about liability and damages. You can live your life taking no risk or chances, and not being a giving person, and you will likely live longer. But it doesn't sound like much of a life to me.

That's great. You'd send the kid to the principal when he didn't listen but guess what? He didn't listen, damage is already done.

Not necessarily but if there is damage it's not the end of the world. That's why it takes a generous and giving person to volunteer. If that's not you, then move on. Again, it's a simple request -- not a demand -- and anyone who accepts is well aware of the possibilities. In fact, you could have an accident on the way over, which would not have occurred if you didn't volunteer. Your point is?

Where my wife teaches you also have kids with learning disabilities, autism, etc... all in the same class with the rest of the kids. These kids are unpredictable. There are kids who are known by all the teachers at the school who are a constant problem. No amount of trust works with these kids. Having a good relationship certainly can help but some of these kids literally can't control their own impulses. They do something really stupid or dangerous and can't explain to you what they did or why.

You need to take things to the extreme to try to prove a point but your point still makes no sense to me. I doubt he's taking the car to a class of troubled children. But even so, I still disagree with your view of how to teach troubled, or learning disabled, children. You want to treat those people like Nurse Ratched did in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" -- whereas if want to make a difference in their lives, you need to treat them like McMurphy treated them. However, I know it's easier for some teachers to just keep them away from things -- and to also keep them drugged up. It takes effort and giving to make a real difference -- and even so you might not make a difference and things will break and damage will be done along the way -- but it's a much better path in life to take in my view. You can stay in the valley on the easy trails, with never even the hope of seeing the view, and tell everyone else to stay there with you. I will holler to climb up and take the risk of falling because it's worth it and we only live once.

Having said that, I highly doubt the Tesla will be damaged by your average class of grade 4 children. Again, people need to chill out. If you don't want to risk damage to your car then don't loan it out but discouraging other people is being Nurse Ratched, at least in my view.
Having said that, I highly doubt the Tesla will be damaged by your average class of grade 4 children. Again, people need to chill out. If you don't want to risk damage to your car then don't loan it out but discouraging other people is being Nurse Ratched, at least in my view.

Agree. I had a really fun day a few years ago, showing my Roadster and talking to each grade level K-6 (separately) about electric vehicles. It was fun how the questions changed as the the groups got older.

Of course there was that one boy who, when he found out the Roadster was my daily driver, said with disgust in his voice, "Don't you think you should keep it in the garage instead of driving it so much?". WTH! I bit my tongue to keep from saying, "Good luck with your dating career, little man."
Having said that, I highly doubt the Tesla will be damaged by your average class of grade 4 children. Again, people need to chill out. If you don't want to risk damage to your car then don't loan it out but discouraging other people is being Nurse Ratched, at least in my view.
Agree. If anything it's the kids that will show 'espect as they know what coll car a Tesla is.
@ElectricLove -- Why not invite an owner of a Model S or Model X to join you at the school? You'd probably have better luck & I'm sure the school would be fine with the car owner being there to also answer questions. Plus, they'd have a good time. Win for everyone.

Yeah, this would work fine too, actually I have had a few PM me and this is the arrangement we are shooting for, should have both an S and an X there!
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FYI, everyone involved (including the Tesla owner) needs to be registered with Orange County Public Schools and will have to undergo a background check. Any demo or learning opportunity must also meet some curriculum standard. You need to submit learning objects and show that it meets one of the CPALM standards. Now of course you might be able to do all this under the table if you know a principal that will bend the rules. Most won't though.
Yeah, this would work fine too, actually I have had a few PM me and this is the arrangement we are shooting for, should have both an S and an X there!
Hey "Electric Love",
Awesome idea, you deserved more praise than criticism in my opinion.
Sorry i missed this thread, I live in Orlando area, I might have been able to bring my Signature Model S for the presentation.
I should read theforum more often. Any way, How did it go? I was thinking to do the same thing in my kids school.
Did you drive them around or just let them sit in it? I would think there is a big liability concern to actually drive them?!
I myself rent my Car via Turo sometimes. I actually enjoy letting other people experience this wonder and it doesn't hurt to get paid for it too!
Although it is not much compared to exotic car rental companies!
Please Put up some pictures of the Event.
Just a little perspective.
I had my annual inspection today, the owner of the shop agreed to go for a ride and experience this awesome technology. It didn’t help that I summoned the car out of the shop bay

After his ride, I offered to give a ride to one of his mechanics, and one of his client wanted a ride as well.
The cameras came out and the ohs and wows followed.

Some people will not experience the thrill of riding in a Tesla, so why not let them if you can. I know I made a few people happy today.

Whenever I pick up my son from high school, a lot of the kids compliment the car. If someone want to get in, (with a teacher/aid) I would gladly let them experience it.

BTW: the inspection was gratis
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The presentation was actually cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, namely the teacher hadn't gotten approval and submit my name to a background check far enough in advance... apparently it's a several months deal for them to do that, what a pity...

Just some thoughts to add tho;

I'll definitely offer to do another presentation for them next year, if someone in Orlando wants to do it and bring their tesla, heck could do it without me, let me know and I'll get you linked with the teacher/class I was going to present to.

I actually used to teach in an underprivileged school in South central Phoenix and at the time I was driving a tesla roadster, I can't tell you how much it meant to those students to 1. have that car parked in front of their school 2. know the owner and 3. Get to experience it (no, I never gave them test rides for obvious reasons, but I let a few check it out inside and sit in it)

And, last if anyone in phoenix/AZ is looking for a bad@ss tesla to show some kids and get them excited about technology, let me know! My ludicrous mode tesla will surely delight and inspire!

Photo of my S charging up from photons via a Hive "grid in a box" power station!


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