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Russia/Ukraine conflict

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Zelensky dismissed defense minister Oleksiy Reznikov today following a number of procurement corruption scandals. A country on a pathway towards more democracy does such things in the face of rooting out corruption. In Russia, conversely, one gets a promotion as long as promoting team Putin (otherwise fake charges of corruption -> prison, window, etc).

Would consider this a good sign.
Zelensky dismissed defense minister Oleksiy Reznikov today following a number of procurement corruption scandals. A country on a pathway towards more democracy does such things in the face of rooting out corruption. In Russia, conversely, one gets a promotion as long as promoting team Putin (otherwise fake charges of corruption -> prison, window, etc).

Would consider this a good sign.
I think we need to let a little more information come out on this one before jumping to conclusions.
Agree, one can't draw any firm conclusions at this point.

It is an encouraging sign that the West can keep pressure on Ukrainian institutions that continued support requires, among many things, that graft be better dealt with. Potential EU and/or NATO membership is a nice carrot to have here.

At this point it sounds like Reznikov has not personally been implicated, but he is accountable to a large degree at his position up the food-chain when it comes to some accusations of mishandling/overpayments and delays of delivery of some military contracts,

Much to be learned about his replacement Rustem Umerov (was the chairman of Ukraine’s State Property Fund). Their parliament has to approve the change.
Agree, one can't draw any firm conclusions at this point.

It is an encouraging sign that the West can keep pressure on Ukrainian institutions that continued support requires, among many things, that graft be better dealt with. Potential EU and/or NATO membership is a nice carrot to have here.

At this point it sounds like Reznikov has not personally been implicated, but he is accountable to a large degree at his position up the food-chain when it comes to some accusations of mishandling/overpayments and delays of delivery of some military contracts,

Much to be learned about his replacement Rustem Umerov (was the chairman of Ukraine’s State Property Fund). Their parliament has to approve the change.
Kiev parliaments will also have some other things to vote on,

Draft bill submitted to parliament looks to cancel mobilization exemption for over-30 students. The draft bill submitted by presidential representative Fedir Venislavsky abolishes the exemption from mobilization for students over 30 years old who obtain two or more full-time university diplomas.

More on defence minister change here

Wait, wouldn't that be "revenge on the nerds"?

Probably doesn't make sense for such to be front line infantry, but many likely have skills useful for military duty.
I deleted the joke because it was in bad taste upon reflection - I would be scared out of my wits if someone was forcing me to go to the Ukrainian front line. But it's sending the nerds to get revenge on Russia.
The inimitable Perun:

The Ukraine Air War Moves to Russia - Drone attacks, F-16s & Changing tactics​

I was surprised by Ukraine's dire need for F-16s ASAP.

The SU-24 is the only plane Ukraine has that can launch Storm Shadow cruise missiles. Of their fleet of about 23 SU-24s at the start of the war, 17 are known to have been lost leaving Ukraine with about 6. Russia is actively trying to hunt down and destroy the remaining ones.

These remaining Ukrainian SU-24s are the last few examples of an endangered species and are being ruthlessly hunted down in an attempt to render them extinct.
The F-16 can launch Storm Shadows and most other Western missiles.
I found this helpful. I took it as a given, that should Russia resort to a weapon of mass destruction, the response would be swift, massive and lethal in the destruction of any remaining Russian conventional war assets. But this article explains why Russia knows this to be true. This describes what happened in Syria in 2018, when Russia aided Assad and used nerve gas to attack Douma. France, Britain, and the US used cruise missiles to obliterate the centers responsible for the production and delivery of that weapon. From the thread, “The strike involved 3 Missile de Croisière Naval (MdCN), 66 Tomahawk, 19 JASSM, 9 SCALP-EG, and 8 Storm Shadow cruise missiles launched from American, British, and French aircraft and surface vessels. “

Post by Fabian Hoffman

Here is a really good synopsis of the war from the Telegraph:

Why Putin’s war is turning in Ukraine’s favour
(Superior weapons and strong morale are giving Ukrainian troops a crucial edge in battle)

A few highlights:

The Western media has been filled with stories quoting unnamed US or other Western officials about how the Ukrainian counter-offensive is stalling, criticising their strategy and tactics.

Last week at an EU summit in Spain, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Dmytro Kuleba, told these critics to “shut up, come to Ukraine and try to liberate one square centimetre by themselves”. They were “spitting in the face of the Ukrainian soldier who sacrifices his life every day”, he said.
[...] But the truth is that the fears inspired by nuclear blackmail in the West – including, it would seem, in the Biden administration – have been shown to be baseless.
Every time Ukraine destroys targets inside Crimea or Russia, it is crossing Putin’s red lines. Yet from the Kremlin there has only been conventional – never any sign of nuclear – retaliation.
[...] The executions, rape and torture are on a colossal and systematic scale, as are the abduction of children and the destruction of the ecology and infrastructure in occupied Ukraine.
[...] Ukraine has the tanks, it has the men and it has Zelensky too. This battle-hardened but by no means war-weary people, its national identity forged in adversity, is fighting to liberate all of its land – Crimea included.
With or without Western support and sanctions, Ukraine will fight on until Putin’s evil empire is defeated.

One thing that strikes me as bizarre: they say the fact that Putin went back on his word and assassinated Prigozhin is being used by the defeatists and appeasers as evidence that we should trust Putin's word and negotiate with him.

When people show you who they are, believe them the first time. -- Maya Angelou​
Remember, it was appeasement and thinking of Putin as a reasonable man that got us into this mess in the first place. He got away with so much without serious repercussions from the West that he thought he could invade Ukraine and wipe it off the map with impunity.

Remember too, Putin's war on Ukraine started in 2014 just weeks after the Ukrainian people declared independence from his puppet, Viktor Yanukovych. This war is not about fear of NATO expansion, it is about fear of a free and prosperous democracy in a Slavic country that shares a large border with Russia. This is why Putin is hellbent on crushing democracy in Ukraine.

Putin's argument to the Russian people is that while things are bad in Russia, things are worse in democracies. If the average Russian were to learn that things are really better in democracies, his regime would be in trouble.

There are a lot of people in Russia who have Ukrainian relatives and have a lot of contact with Ukrainians. If Ukraine became a healthy democracy on Russia's border Russians would start to learn about Putin's lies. So Putin had to destroy Ukraine.

...before Dynamite, there was Swedish Gunpowder*:

View attachment 970679

*for dingledongs only (you know who you are).

My father was a fan of sild. I couldn't get past the smell. I never went for any of my ancestral fish products.

If you need a laugh

The new Ukrainian drones explode a little above the target, peppering the target with shrapnel. The tires would absorb at least some of the shrapnel. Not as crazy as it seems.

One of many, many stories I've seen. There are so many of them from so many places, this appears to be relatively common.

Wait, wouldn't that be "revenge on the nerds"?

Probably doesn't make sense for such to be front line infantry, but many likely have skills useful for military duty.

If someone has any technical training, they probably would be used for some kind of techie behind the line. Someone with a fine arts degree might not be able to find a behind the lines position.

The inimitable Perun:

The Ukraine Air War Moves to Russia - Drone attacks, F-16s & Changing tactics​

I was surprised by Ukraine's dire need for F-16s ASAP.

The SU-24 is the only plane Ukraine has that can launch Storm Shadow cruise missiles. Of their fleet of about 23 SU-24s at the start of the war, 17 are known to have been lost leaving Ukraine with about 6. Russia is actively trying to hunt down and destroy the remaining ones.

These remaining Ukrainian SU-24s are the last few examples of an endangered species and are being ruthlessly hunted down in an attempt to render them extinct.
The F-16 can launch Storm Shadows and most other Western missiles.

This is probably going to be the best use for the F-16s. There are not going to be enough to hunt Russian planes to any significant degree.

So they are flying again, either new ones, more missiles, or destruction of russian anti air assets. Either way, very good to see them flying
If these are new videos - and the initial indications suggest this - then the Russian air defence system must have been significantly degraded in the relevant areas. Whether by attrition or relocation or ammo exhaustion, or some combination. Otherwise the TB2 fleet use would not be viable.

Good news.

(also good news re AMRAAM for F16)
If these are new videos - and the initial indications suggest this - then the Russian air defence system must have been significantly degraded in the relevant areas. Whether by attrition or relocation or ammo exhaustion, or some combination. Otherwise the TB2 fleet use would not be viable.

Good news.

(also good news re AMRAAM for F16)

I saw somewhere that the many drone attacks deep in Russia has led to Russia pulling a lot of their short range AD systems out of Ukraine and relocating them in Russia to try and shoot down drones. Ukrainian reconnaissance probably noticed this and they have started using the more vulnerable drones in areas where the AD systems have been stripped away.
Defence minister change, confirmation no corruption, suggestion > UK ambassador

Some good nuggets of information in the article.

Looks like Reznikov's replacement Umerov has no know skeletons in his closet, to this point. He was reported to have done a good job in his outgoing role as head of Ukraine’s state property fund (since September 2022) that was caught up in corruption scandals before he took the helm.

As noted earlier in this thread, Umerov is a Crimean Tatar. Perhaps a couple geopolitical advantages here. This shows inclusiveness in governance and that being Ukrainian is becoming ever more about inclusive ideals and vectoring towards more democracy than primarily driven by ethnic mafia/autocracy. Russia has persecuted Tartars at least since their invasion of Crimea in 2014.

Tartars are also ethnic Turkic Muslims - Turkey's president Erdoğan has a known soft spot for them. Umerov has excellent relations with Erdoğan, so Umerov will hopefully be able to enlighten him to do bend further away from Russia. Erdoğan has prior stated his position that Crimea is Ukraine.

Well played.