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RWD LR Order?

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When you placed your order didn't it have an estimated date to start deliveries of Fall of 2020? Maybe things for the RWD version are still on schedule and it was only the AWD variant that got pulled forward. So there may be no update from the original information you were given.

It may be similar to what happened with the Cybertruck. They originally planed to start with the RWD and Dual motor variants, but because of demand they made changes and pulled the tri-motor forward and delayed the RWD. (But in this case they pulled forward other variants and might not have delayed anything.)

That point has been made before... But it misses out on the fact that Tesla did in fact come out and say that it is not scheduled for production.
That point has been made before... But it misses out on the fact that Tesla did in fact come out and say that it is not scheduled for production.
Bottom line is it did not remove the variant, it's just following the Tesla plan of high price units first...however there are rumors that the LR RWD may have another tweak done before production, it will still be LR....possibly may have the new batteries either standard or an option...just a rumor.
Do you have any sources for that? Or just something that random sale advisors a claiming
I spent 30 min. with the Tesla rep back and forth as he was cagey but by putting words in his mouth and having him say yes or no, the picture became clearer. However there are new RUMORS that the LR AWD may be tweaked before production; possibly the new battery?.....we will never get a real answer on anything until a formal announcement. Some Tesla reps are more open and have more info than others. I don't think I'd want that job.
That point has been made before... But it misses out on the fact that Tesla did in fact come out and say that it is not scheduled for production.

I have bolded the key words.

Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive is not scheduled for production at this time.

So it isn't scheduled currently maybe in the 6 month production schedule but it can definitely be scheduled to be made at a later time but who knows when the later time is.

Pretty sure they have a production schedule of what is going to be made in the facility and it can change all the time.
I have bolded the key words.

Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive is not scheduled for production at this time.

So it isn't scheduled currently maybe in the 6 month production schedule but it can definitely be scheduled to be made at a later time but who knows when the later time is.

Pretty sure they have a production schedule of what is going to be made in the facility and it can change all the time.

If they can't estimate production "at this time", but they were able to estimate it a year ago, it doesn't exactly instill confidence.
Stories like this do not give me much confidence in Tesla delivering on their promises. The reservation contract gives Tesla the right to cancel it anytime.

Tesla starts canceling Solar Roof orders after years of taking deposits - Electrek

I had a long range RWD reservation, but decided to jump ship a few weeks ago. Hope it will be made for people still waiting for it.

I don't like the way Tesla treat their customers. The EV market need more real contenders. Thought about the Volve XC40 Recharge for a minute, but the range is on the lower side and there is no comparable (price and availability) charging network for it.
I'm still keeping the faith. Working from home probably for rest of the year anyway. Prius has been driven about four times since March. No need for an expensive new car yet.
Yeah the value proposition of electric goes way down the less miles you drive for sure. I used to average about 2000 miles a month, all electric, only cost like $80-90 a month to charge.
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I have bolded the key words.

Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive is not scheduled for production at this time.

So it isn't scheduled currently maybe in the 6 month production schedule but it can definitely be scheduled to be made at a later time but who knows when the later time is.

Pretty sure they have a production schedule of what is going to be made in the facility and it can change all the time.

Just too bad that Tesla's communication regarding RWD is so screwed up with responses all over the place from Tesla employees. I received this on Feb 16th.
Who knows if it's accurate but I eventually changed my order for a variety of reasons with this being one of them. It wouldn't surprise me at all if they eventually make the RWD but who really knows besides Elon.
LR RWD Chat Screen Shot.PNG
Just too bad that Tesla's communication regarding RWD is so screwed up with responses all over the place from Tesla employees. I received this on Feb 16th.
Who knows if it's accurate but I eventually changed my order for a variety of reasons with this being one of them. It wouldn't surprise me at all if they eventually make the RWD but who really knows besides Elon.
View attachment 551293

Very strange stuff going on with Model Y LR RWD. Worse than the Model 3 fiasco. Seems anyone talking with Tesla reps gets a different response. I just called to make change in my LR RWD wheel configuration and they did it right then and updated the configuration as well as the price. Asked if I will get my LR RWD vehicle based on all the uncertainty floating around and lack of Tesla response, he said of course I will get that car. this was 3 weeks ago but that's a long time in the Tesla rumor mill universe. Now if we can stand one more rumor... would it be possible the longer we wait, the better chances of getting the new batteries...? Hmmmm..
My take on the deliveries in general is that Tesla has so much going on that they're constantly futzing with configurations as technology pops up. I'm assuming they have 300K - 400K MY orders if not more. That's a lot of orders to mess with and that's what's happening, it's a mess they have trying to figure out what to build and when to get the best returns. Now that CT and the Semi are on the build planning board, it's got to put additional pressure to get everything sorted out. Success can lead to a mess, hope they can pull it off ok.
So, let's supply some logic. If I was running a company and I had people who had given a dollar sum to reserve a product, would I announce that I wasn't going to produce their product, refund all the reserve money and not offer any alternative? Highly unlikely!
I still want to sell them my product, some product. I don't want to lose their business. Bottom line is I don't like waiting for communication and it's not a responsible way to run a business but what alternative do we have? My logic tells me they will either produce the MY LR RWD or offer us an alternative.
I want to San Jose today to test drive the Y, even though it was an AWD. It is a great car and I enjoyed driving it all by myself.
I was told at the Santana Row show room under no circumstances is the RWD cancelled. So let's put that rumor to rest if we dare. Alo RWD deliveries will start in September as scheduled barring any closing of workspace due to SARS2. I was told my car would be ready in Aug/Sept when I put my deposit down in 1/2020. So maybe I'll have my Red LR/RWD/FSD Tesla Y by my birthday. One can only hope.
Thought i should post. I have been in multiple chat/calls with Tesla Rep,, to upgrade to AWD with original price increase ($4K). Everyone said no.

I finally took the plunge and went ahead to upgrade... as luck would have it, price increase was only 4K. Guess none of the reps know how the system works... or guess i got a bit lucky. Still would have preferred a RWD though


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I want to San Jose today to test drive the Y, even though it was an AWD. It is a great car and I enjoyed driving it all by myself.
I was told at the Santana Row show room under no circumstances is the RWD cancelled. So let's put that rumor to rest if we dare. Alo RWD deliveries will start in September as scheduled barring any closing of workspace due to SARS2. I was told my car would be ready in Aug/Sept when I put my deposit down in 1/2020. So maybe I'll have my Red LR/RWD/FSD Tesla Y by my birthday. One can only hope.
FWIW service advisor had been telling me whenever I ask about rwd, that they recommend I just wait
FWIW service advisor had been telling me whenever I ask about rwd, that they recommend I just wait
Nice! Congrats. So you chatted with or talked to a rep, during which the Rep told you the total price difference based on current prices, and you accepted it and told them to proceed with the change, but the website shows your price increase is just $4K? Did I get this right?