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Seeking Tesla Model 3: $44,000 - $45,000 MAX

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Since earlier this month I've been on the search for a Model 3. I let one or two good ones slip but i'm now better prepared to find the perfect used car.

1. I'm mainly on Craigslist, Autotrader, Cars.com, and Ebay.
2. Some TM3's have been on the market for weeks (overpriced probably), while I've let one or two really good ones slip. Those ads are gone within a day.
3. A majority seem to be in black. Not my favorite but i've warmed up to it.

1. The closer to Arizona it is, the better. I don't have the resources to go far unless the car is a steal. Very unlikely.
2. FSD is a must, just to help future proof the car.
3. Configuration must be LR. Doesn't matter if it's RWD or AWD.

4. Whatever mileage works so long as its reasonable and still under warranty.
5. Wont be picky on colors anymore, it's too early and there aren't enough cars for sale.
6. Clean title only.

If you have any tips or know of someone who may want to help me out, i'd be greatly appreciative. Thanks!
FSD can be added to any 3, at any time. I would not consider it "future proof" and you are limiting the available pool of cars by requiring that option come with the car.

You bring up a great point. The main reason I want it in the car is because i'm looking for value. i can pay 7k down the line (or more when it inevitably goes up in price), or find the right TM3 with it for a better "package" price.

I understand it's difficult to find what i'm looking for, so i'm really getting in touch with my patient side.
Since earlier this month I've been on the search for a Model 3. I let one or two good ones slip but i'm now better prepared to find the perfect used car.

1. I'm mainly on Craigslist, Autotrader, Cars.com, and Ebay.
2. Some TM3's have been on the market for weeks (overpriced probably), while I've let one or two really good ones slip. Those ads are gone within a day.
3. A majority seem to be in black. Not my favorite but i've warmed up to it.

1. The closer to Arizona it is, the better. I don't have the resources to go far unless the car is a steal. Very unlikely.
2. FSD is a must, just to help future proof the car.
3. Configuration must be LR. Doesn't matter if it's RWD or AWD.

4. Whatever mileage works so long as its reasonable and still under warranty.
5. Wont be picky on colors anymore, it's too early and there aren't enough cars for sale.
6. Clean title only.

If you have any tips or know of someone who may want to help me out, i'd be greatly appreciative. Thanks!

I've got a LR AWD Model 3 but 49K miles.
Black Black FSD

Are you still looking for one?
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