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Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

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One of the reasons I only just recently made a TMC account and rarely post my TA thoughts is that your identity can easily become attached to your posts. This can make it difficult to pivot which is a death wish for anyone trading. It's hard enough to change course without posting your thoughts publicly. I've seen bulls and bears both that seem like they'd rather lose all their money than give up their online identity
Wow , I have lot's or reading and watching of the weekend posts. Sounds like I should get out of this ASAP very soon ? Ideally a bounce up would help lower the closing costs. This is the last open position I have ... it is a leftover roll for January 2023, have been synthetic green. There's no way a further roll out would have enough extrinsic to survive a slide to the low 100's. A roll of the same strikes to Jan '26 is already at a debit, would only have enough extrinsic on short leg to SP = 120

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Any idea how to reduce closing costs or flip to better position is greatly appreciated. Considering it'd be $41k to close as we sit, I'd never open a like position again, meaning the closing costs are cash that will take a long time to earn back.

Interested in significance of the $14x.xx level as well.

I checked optionstrat, if I roll these to January '26, extrinsic only good to SP=134 ... not good as by then they will be at risk of assignment. What I am struggling with is envisioning TSLA above 240 January '26. Contemplating one last roll to preserve capital, knowing that at some point, these will either need to move again or be outright closed.
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I don't know when TSLA will bottom and begin another rally. If you've been studying the chart for a while you know this stock does not bottom after sitting on a support level, like it has done at $175 for 5 days. There's always a time for firsts, but to give me confidence that $175 area is the bottom I would like to see SP open lower, like it looks like it's going to today, and rally throughout the day to close at or near its day high AND above 180.

The weekly and daily RSI divergence is merely 1 tool in the tool kit. If we don't get a huge momentum shift intraday with a 1-day reversal candle (opening at a lower low and swinging to close at or near the day high and above the previous resistance - $180) the divergence doesn't matter. But the divergence should keep us all on our toes...


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It hasn't been easy. I've been on the verge of tears and panic for 3 days. When I factor in the TSLA shares I had to sell that I had acquired for a Buy-Write at SP 242, the loss is in the 7 figures, and my account is not that large anymore. I might have to come out of retirement and/or sell my much smaller plane that I love, and the thought of flying commercial makes me want to puke.... o_O

O.T. but relevant. I never understood PTSD before, but after our son's suicide in 2019, my brain is not the same. I can't handle the frustrations of hospital work/patient management anymore, or frustrations in general. That is part of the reason I retired - I was getting panic attacks in the operating room before the case would start (even if it was an easy surgery). It is crazy to be aware of it but unable to control it. I was lucky that I had made so much money in TSLA by that point. It is unfortunate that I discovered this thread and lost 66% of it now. NO MORE SPREADS for me.
Just to remind you how it’s painful to work

Arrived this morning at the OR after 2 weeks off
My OR is bumped by a C-section
The anesthesiologist in my room does a panic attack because last time he had an argument with the respiratory therapist who was managing the baby while he was managing the mother but she was doing well.
The respiratory therapist called her association and spoke to a lawyer.
Now the anesthesiologist doesn’t want to work with any RT because he’s scared of lawsuits.
He canceled my whole OR day because he feels unsafe to proceed because he’s in a full blown panic attack.
My patients have been waiting for 2 years.

Went to the hospital gym and heading back home.

I regret so much not having sold all my TSLA at $1200.
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One of the reasons I only just recently made a TMC account and rarely post my TA thoughts is that your identity can easily become attached to your posts. This can make it difficult to pivot which is a death wish for anyone trading. It's hard enough to change course without posting your thoughts publicly. I've seen bulls and bears both that seem like they'd rather lose all their money than give up their online identity
Go to keep up appearances, eh?

But leopards can change their spots, I used to be a bit YOLO, but these days I'm much less risk averse...

(believe it or not)
...and that driverless taxi hasn't started yet, so isn't this meaningless until it actually happens? ...successfully, I mean. Those cars in that link sure resemble Waymos.


The story is from 6 months ago, and includes:

Original link said:
116 self-driving taxis have been operating in Beijing on a trial basis for the past four months. They have completed over 1.5 million test trips, and the total length of the trips reached nearly 2 million km. More than 95 percent of passenger ratings have been favorable.

This link from today states they just added permission to operate to/from the airport as well- and cites Baidu's service alone (there's several operators) as having done over 4 million rides by end of Q3 2023 (having done over 800k of them just in Q3 itself).

Versus, again, the 0 autonomous miles Tesla drove in 2023. or 2022. Or 2021. And likely 0 in 2024.
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The direction with all the new downgrade make it harder for us to go up. I see we either dump or just end flat this week.

Doggy not feeling a positive beat to the stock anytime soon. As much as TivoBoy confused me I think he got a valid point on the bottom. Not planning to buy Put. Selling Call to be safe.

Still holding into the cheap Long Call. Not adding anymore Long Position. Dont want to work for Wendy or end up as the next Taco Bell Chiquaqua :)

@Yoona missed your weekly safe IC chart.
Just to remind you how it’s painful to work

Arrived this morning at the OR after 2 weeks off
My OR is bumped by a C-section
The anesthesiologist in my room does a panic attack because last time he had an argument with the respiratory therapist who was managing the baby while he was managing the mother but she was doing well.
The respiratory therapist called her association and spoke to a lawyer.
Now the anesthesiologist doesn’t want to work with any RT because he’s scared of lawsuits.
He canceled my whole OR day because he feels unsafe to proceed because he’s in a full blown panic attack.
My patients have been waiting for 2 years.

Went to the hospital gym and heading back home.

I regret so much not having sold all my TSLA at $1200.
In life the dog has many regrets. But he try not too look back as nothing can be change. He seek to learned from those regrets to be a better dog like his Idol Snoopy Dog…..