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Sequestering carbon by land restoration and reforestation in Iceland

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I headed out as soon as it looked like the rain had been stopped for long enough that it wasn't going to come back... only to have it start drizzling.


I stopped by Tesla. I could see at least 5 people working there - on a Sunday. Everything getting prepped for tomorrow!


Red performance brakes... M3P of course ;)


They seem excited about the opening tomorrow too :)

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The drizzle turns into rain.


The clouds are thick ahead of me. I reluctantly turn around. As I'm getting home, a bolt falls out of the ceiling of my car and hits me. Insight, are you trying to send me a sign? ;)


I wait, and eventually it passes. I'm a bit skeptical about getting an actual break, but then it becomes outright sunny. I decide to go for it again. Then.... it starts raining again :Þ


I can see some sun ahead in patches, so I keep going. It turns out to be a good decision - everything clears up.


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Fall is slow to come on here. You can see that some trees on the right are starting to be yellow, and I see a little more each time I pass, but by and large, it's still overwhelmingly green.

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Hey, look at all of those sheep rounded up into a place where they can't eat my trees! ;)


Same with the neighbor on the far side.


I finish looking for interlopers. None in sight!


I first focus on planting trees and - in this case - taking soil samples for testing.


Bagged up; it crumbled as it went in, unlike the rich soil location.


Waterfall flow level: medium


I work on planting the slope. I finally get a white spruce downhill of that rock that looks like it could roll any second.


Large rocks for making windbreaks are too easy to get :)


Done planting the trees, and having delivered the saw to the base, I take a sample of the depleted slope on my way back uphill to fetch the other tools.

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Bagged up the (very unappetizing) sample.


I keep encountering previously-planted trees on these slopes, and they're all looking great - like this here birch.


I get back to the shed and pull out the bucket of fence tools and supplies. Overhead, the oak still hasn't finished changing colours.


I get back to the west side in the canyon. Like I suspected, the storm blew over the (barely stuck in the ground) posts. But no bother, they were just there to mark where to put them, and they still serve that job. :)


I check up on the waterfall. Yep, still there. ;)


Time to start hitting things. ;)


I hammer in the first post easily, but the second doesn't want to go in as far. Since this was supposed to be for one of the gates, I decide this would be good to give diagonal braces. I try sawing at it, but it sure takes a while, since the post is not up against a solid surface for cutting.


I discover how I can hold the end and the saw to make it catch better, and finish cutting through it.


One long nail through the center. Maybe not the best binding, but it seems to suffice for now.


Most of the post tops smash but don't splinter too badly. They're warm to the touch after all of the hammering.

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This post hammered way down due to soft soil - I actually had to stop hammering it so that it wouldn't get too low :) Most however were limited by how far I could physically hammer them in.

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I get exhausted after every several posts, so I take a couple breaks. During one, I lightly hammer in the posts ahead of me.


Some of the posts splinter.

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This one turned into a big mess.


Most however took the beating pretty well. Note the slope to the right - it made it much easier to drive in the posts, as I could stand higher up.


I head back through this perfectly innocent looking patch of grass...


Which actually turns out to be a concealed puddle :Þ


So now, in addition to wearing myself out, I can add "having throughly soaked both feet" to my list :Þ


Other puddles in the area are much more visible. There's large boulders underlying the land, and in some places they're not filled in with soil, and thus... these puddles.


I push through the wet feet and start working on the fence netting... only to notice the feeling of my pants getting wet from the moist, recently-rained-on soil. Sigh...

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Bend, bend, bend...


Hammer, hammer, hammer...


Stretch, stretch, stretch...


Clip, clip, clip...


I take a break from working on the netting to take a closer shot of the puddle near me. This one is very deep and, I think, actually connected to the river.


As a general rule, the vast majority of water in Iceland - lakes, rivers, etc - is extremely pure, both in terms of low in contaminants, but also aesthetically, low in silt. I suspect it's because our soil is so young; there's just not that time for most particles to wear down that fine.

I decide to test my phone's waterproofing and snap a shot from underwater. Hey, phone still works! :) You'd hardly know the phone was underwater from the shot.


I eventually decide to call it a day - stopping the netting where the first gate will be.


Storms pour out at sea.


Akrafjall starts getting dumped on as I drive home.


Another cluster of sheep await their fates.

Clouds roll across Esja. More scattered showers are assured.


I stop back at the Tesla service centre/store. It's 7:40, yet there's two people checking it out when I arrive. While I'm (briefly) there, even more people come. This guy photographs it from a distance on the left:


... while at the same time, this guy on a bike takes pictures from up close:


Should be a neat opening tomorrow. I've baked cookies. ;)


Thoughts on the fence re: diagonals. Where exactly do you think would be best? Should I do diagonals on the other side of that gate? Even though that's right near the previous diagonals? Would they be better used (or used in addition) at places where the fence bends / changes direction? Keep in mind that they're ~$4 each. How important is it to use them densely, do you think?

I'll ask about post pounders at Lífland tomorrow (e.g. when I'm not at the opening) :)
I use both. Net provides the main defense, while barbed wire above and/or below (depending on the terrain) discourages them from trying to squeeze through. Barbed-wire-only fences here generally aren't liked for sheep. They'll often still try to push through, and either make it through (torn up), give up and back off (torn up), or get caught (and torn up).

So, today was the big day - launch! While this lot isn't all visitors and employees - it's also the overflow lot for the big Hyundai dealership - the lot is normally only a third or so full, while today it was packed beyond capacity.


Only one show car in the building, but no worries, lots of owners showed up to fill in the slack!


It was very busy in the morning, lightened up a bit closer to midday, then got really busy again afternoon and up until I left (around 3:20 PM)



I brought cookies :)


Owners nerding out outside ;)







(More in a sec!)
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Someone brought a bouquet as thanks for Elon deciding to open here.



The service vehicle shows up and adds itself to the row.


Kids have fun playing Beach Buggy Racer 2.


Someone got clever with naming the car ;)


An X shows up. It seems to be the star of the show :)



An oversized Hummer shows up. The owner, grinning, asks if this is the place to "spara" (save money / save fuel), then guns it (not like the car takes off ;) ), blowing exhaust. That said, I did notice the Hummer parked for a while, so I guess the owner did check out the Teslas :)


After I head out, I head to Lífland to pick up the missing supplies - smaller poles for the gates, and to get a post pounder. It's raining on Esja... sigh.

The cost is mainly the post pounder (geez tools are expensive :( It better work well! ). $123. I need to add up where I am with money now, I'm probably right about out. Will do that later.


Wow, okay, that post pounder is bigger than I envisioned (white tubular thing with handles underneath the small gate posts); I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it's as expensive as it is!



I didn't make it back out to my land today. But at least I have what I need :)