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Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

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cNBC is having Lutz (the putz) on this morning for a fair unbiased discussion. Why don't they ever point out how wrong he has been in the past?
So here we go again. WHY is Lutz allowed to spout his hate towards Tesla on CNBC with no one counter arguing his points? He said a few things that sickened me.
1. "The model s will be pushed out to 2018" yes he said model s not 3. Oh and he said analysts are finally waking up to the fact that Tesla can't build a 35k car
2. "If I owned Tesla stock right now, I couldn't wait to sell before the bottom falls out"

Can someone please stop this guy from spewing his anti-tesla venom? Of course the CNBC caption overlay read "doomsday for tesla"

Does Lutz accept a huge payment from a short interest group before every CNBC appearance or what?
So here we go again. WHY is Lutz allowed to spout his hate towards Tesla on CNBC with no one counter arguing his points? He said a few things that sickened me.
1. "The model s will be pushed out to 2018" yes he said model s not 3. Oh and he said analysts are finally waking up to the fact that Tesla can't build a 35k car
2. "If I owned Tesla stock right now, I couldn't wait to sell before the bottom falls out"

Can someone please stop this guy from spewing his anti-tesla venom? Of course the CNBC caption overlay read "doomsday for tesla"

Does Lutz accept a huge payment from a short interest group before every CNBC appearance or what?

It's CNBC. It's normal for them. At least they don't have a show host that is openly hostile to all things Tesla - Bloomberg's Cory Johnson who makes SeekingAlpha TSLA bears look tame. I don't expect any of the business shows to be "good" or "fair" to Tesla at this point, and it demonstrates how biased our media is these days.
I seriously cannot stand that guy. Why is everyone running a smear campaign against Tesla? Lutz needs a hobby other than bashing Tesla on CNBC and to anyone else who will listen. Maybe his comments will knock us down another 10 points. Ridiculous.

I wish someone would explain to this guy that Tesla is NOT competing against other electric cars - they are competing against CARS! Look how well they have done with the S against the MB S-Class, the BMW 7 Series, the Audi A7 and 8 - and EVERY other car in its class. Even if GM had had an electric car in that class, the Model S would have killed it. People didn't buy the S because it is electric. They bought it because is a GREAT car!

So, who cares if GM introduces an electric car? If the 3 is as good as the S in comparison to every other car in its class, it will sell. Period.

Man, I'd like to spit some beechnut in that dude's eyes!
Ok... I just looked through J1772_201602. It looks like the SAE dodged a bullet again, CCS is still a L2 DC charging standard with a 200 amp limit. Sigh.

Is GM really going to ship the Bolt with L2 DC charging instead of L3? Will they (SAE/major automakers) get their act together?
Hey guys. Been away for a while. I heard there was a sale so came back to load up.

A few words before I step back into the shadows, I get that people are upset about the X ramp; but, the assumption that a simpler design would have allowed for us to ramp production 2 years earlier ignores the history. Tesla was battery constrained during that time period. Every additional X built would have taken away a S delivery and that would actually hurt not help (more S is financially better than mixed S and X if the total is the same). Many of us discussed this at length during that time, as the first signs of delay were coming out. We were pleased with the delay.

When the X was first debuted, they thought that the limits of S demand were 20k per year. They needed a second car ready in time to pick up the growth when S sales leveled off. TM delivered on the order of 20k in Q4 alone, so clearly this assumption was dead wrong. An "on-time" delivery of the X from a shareholder point of view was NOT desirable. The decision to shift resources to ramping up the S was the right one. Furthermore, the decision to decompose certain features of the X (like dual motor AWD) and create even higher margin S variants was the right one (more profit for each available battery).

Now, I'm not going to say that the X isn't late, and everything is just fine. Personally, I pegged the beginning of this past summer as the optimum time for X deliveries to start. I was a little bummed by the delay to Sept. and annoyed at how the year closed out, but at this point I'm only worried about 6 months worth of lost sales, not years. If they can get their act together and get ramped up, 6 months of delay/slow deliveries will make no material difference.

Also, all stocks that I own are getting slaughtered. I think if you take that into account, along with TSLA's high beta, and tack on some added red for recent poor execution, and analysts piling on, the price action isn't ridiculous. Oh, it sucks, but it isn't completely looney.

The question is what to do now. I feel for those of you trapped in calls without much time to wait for resolution. I've been there, I know that sucks. I also understand that it is hard to view this decline as a sale when you have no more cash to spend. That sucks too. But, for me, I agree with comments made recently by another member: Elon often misses his projected dates, but he always does what he says he is going to do. I think the X situation is a point in time problem. They'll fix it and we'll get this train back on the rails and headed in the right direction.

So, if you accept that as your thesis too, and you have cash you are able and willing to risk, then this is nothing but a chance to accumulate. I bought some today, and I'll buy more and more if the decline continues.

Ah yes. My favorite "lurker." Thanks for this post. I'm bumping it
It's gotta be frustrating for Musk to watch people verbally tear down his business every single day. Meanwhile the stock is following what these people say. Blind leading the blind
I have a feeling they are going to refute most of the nonsense of the past few weeks in the ER and on the CC. I ma trying to stay realistic here, but I do see a bit of "surprise" ER for non-TMCers coming up as the current market read is unrealistically dark and negative.
I have a feeling they are going to refute most of the nonsense of the past few weeks in the ER and on the CC. I ma trying to stay realistic here, but I do see a bit of "surprise" ER for non-TMCers coming up as the current market read is unrealistically dark and negative.

lets all tweet to elon musk, so that he should give a positive Signal about the healtyhness of tesla and production. Otherwise, they are gonna pull the sp every day till ER.
What theeeeee helllllll...
I wish someone would explain to this guy that Tesla is NOT competing against other electric cars - they are competing against CARS! Look how well they have done with the S against the MB S-Class, the BMW 7 Series, the Audi A7 and 8 - and EVERY other car in its class. Even if GM had had an electric car in that class, the Model S would have killed it. People didn't buy the S because it is electric. They bought it because is a GREAT car!

So, who cares if GM introduces an electric car? If the 3 is as good as the S in comparison to every other car in its class, it will sell. Period.

Man, I'd like to spit some beechnut in that dude's eyes!
That's not at all the impression I get from this forum from the majority of people. And in the German forum people pretty much exclusively brought it because it's electric. And then you have people who buy it because there are electric initiatives that's pretty much the only reason it comes close to the sales numbers of other luxury cars in Europe.
some Banks with high tsla pt should buy some Shares @170. Isnt that a bargain for them, if they are expecting 300+ sp in a few years?
Perhaps a better question is- What are the banks/funds thinking now who purchased the secondary at 242? I'd certainly think they cannot stomach a loss less than a year in. Are they averaging down or holding tight? I would think yes, the funds with the largest exposure to tsla are supporting the price but aren't doing a very good job. Perhaps they are waiting...........
some Banks with high tsla pt should buy some Shares @170. Isnt that a bargain for them, if they are expecting 300+ sp in a few years?

In the schizophrenic world of finance the investment branch of a bank should have water tight seals between them and the analyst branch. The analysts are there to advice the customers, not the bank themselves. In reality I'm sure a lot of communication goes both ways: when the analyst come out with new price targets, upgrades and downgrades I'm sure they give the investment branch a heads up, as well as the more influential clients. Also if the investment branch wants to invest more I'm sure they can get the analysts to tweak their Excel sheets a bit to come up with a new price target to knock the stock down a bit...

Anyway, what you're saying makes sense. It will be interesting to see if institutional ownership is reported to increase or decrease in the first half of 2016.
The X is a larger more complicated SUV version of the S and is only priced $5K more than a similarly optioned S. I don't see evidence of a huge price premium for the doors.
What puzzles me is given it's a little bigger, has the obviously more expensive doors, windshield and those three monopost seats doesn't that hurt the margins vs the S?
In the schizophrenic world of finance the investment branch of a bank should have water tight seals between them and the analyst branch. The analysts are there to advice the customers, not the bank themselves. In reality I'm sure a lot of communication goes both ways: when the analyst come out with new price targets, upgrades and downgrades I'm sure they give the investment branch a heads up, as well as the more influential clients. Also if the investment branch wants to invest more I'm sure they can get the analysts to tweak their Excel sheets a bit to come up with a new price target to knock the stock down a bit...

Anyway, what you're saying makes sense. It will be interesting to see if institutional ownership is reported to increase or decrease in the first half of 2016.
True. Fidelity funds one of the largest holders of tesla yet the rating of the stock for investors is always negative
Bob Lutz came out to CNBC this morning and called Tesla's business model "upside down". Shades of Steve Ballmer laughing at the iPhone.

I love how paying enough attention to history always paints a path forward.

Well, I about barfed at how the article was written. But one thing this shows (as has been brought up before in different threads), the up and coming generation of car owners wants a Tesla.

- - - Updated - - -

Market doesn't care if its alternative fuel vehicle. It sees immediate liquidity problem looking at Tesla's history of investments and not enough cash coming in from operations if the ramp doesn't improve drastically.

The market sees nothing except 'how can this be manipulated to make me money?'
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