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Summons feature flaw

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Not to pile in here, but please show us a picture of the damage, and I think you'll find the tone of this thread and this forum will change dramatically. @wussy
Stated before. No real damage to show as the curb was just below the nose cone and the underside is quite tough. When I get out of work I could take a picture but don’t honestly think it would show anything useful
You are misunderstanding. No,one is asking why you didn't take photos during the car's movement. The question is why you didn't take photos AFTER the incident. Would have shown the driveway, street, car up against curb, etc. presumably if you had had an accident and had a potential claim against insurance or Tesla, you would have taken photos.
A phone connectivity issue seems likely but as I’ve said in the past the car would always stop if connectivity lost.

Yes some moron

Running to to car as they suggest would be idiotic though as I am not going to throw myself in front of it when I’ve already seen it run over something and trying to get in without the key I wouldn’t expect to work. Even dumber is the idea that I would stop and try to video this or take a photo rather than continuing to try and use the app to stop the car since that is all had available. That would have actually been irresponsible.


Would really like to give you the benefit of the doubt, but the thought process exhibited here doesn't warrant it.

You say you've had a loss of connectivity in the past while using summon, admitting you are aware it can happen.

If the OP's story is true, and there were no pictures taken after the fact to document the supposed crash, it's extremely difficult to take this seriously, IMHO.
Stated before. No real damage to show as the curb was just below the nose cone and the underside is quite tough. When I get out of work I could take a picture but don’t honestly think it would show anything useful

A better question maybe:

After being a Tesla owner for awhile, and your first post being this one, what were you hoping the outcome was? Did you want some kind of answer or insight into the behavior of summon? Were you trying to warn us of the dangers? Your sudden interaction with the community has them offguard, and with good reason... as people with stories such as yours come in to post, and disappear... hoping that a news outlet would pick it up and the stock would go down.

It doesn't, and this never works. So the forum members are asking you questions from years of previous experience with posts such as this.

Thats all.
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I do belive the OP did investigate this, which suggests their post wasn't intended to be short seller bait. That said, I dont share the OP's perspective at all. I see this as operator error. I can't see NTSB seeing it differently. For all the reasons others have noted.
A better question maybe:

After being a Tesla owner for awhile, and your first post being this one, what were you hoping the outcome was? Did you want some kind of answer or insight into the behavior of summon? Were you trying to warn us of the dangers? Your sudden interaction with the community has them offguard, and with good reason... as people with stories such as yours come in to post, and disappear... hoping that a news outlet would pick it up and the stock would go down.

It doesn't, and this never works. So the forum members are asking you questions from years of previous experience with posts such as this.

Thats all.
good point. I hadn’t considered that someone would do that and I understand people’s skepticism. I didn’t photograph the car because I saw no damage to the vehicle so there was not going to be any claim. I wanted answers from Tesla and didn’t get them. I figured with a forum I could find out if anyone has had similar issues and any thoughts on the safety of summon. I did learn something about the door handle so that is one positive. I also posted as a warning to other owners that even though the system may work correctly >99% of the time as at had for me, not to be complacent because any device can malfunction and the effects could be a lot worse than what happened in my case. No person was injured and the car is fine fortunately. Although the neighbors really enjoyed this stunt the last two years I will not be doing it again.
I don’t own Tesla stock nor do I plan to buy any. I think it is a great car and a great concept and want the company to succeed and expand. As an owner, I get no benefit if they go bankrupt and I am stuck with a car I can’t easily sell later.
If Tesla engineering has any questions for me or wants corroborating witnesses that were there I would be happy to provide that if there is further testing that may make an otherwise very safe car even safer. If not and this is considered to be a non-reproducible glitch then so be it. I think if I use summon agai I will only do with the key fob also present and knowing to use the handle as a backup safety stop and only in immediate contact of the car rather than 20 feet away
Despite the many negative posts I at least learned a few helpful things. For those who don’t believe, that is their prerogative. If I really wanted the press to pick up on this story I wouldn’t have admitted what I was doing st the time with the car and would have made up a story that didn’t also make me look like an ass.
Thanks again for the helpful posts
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I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. And I still think you likely own a Tesla. And I still think some version of this event happened. But I think you're trying to dramatize what happened, and I don't understand why.

was honestly terrifying because if that had been a real person, they would have been killed
It was just the legs that were run over
Ah, so the Tesla running over a straw filled pant leg can kill someone? Check.

It continued to be unresponsive and didn't stop until it crashed itself into the curb on the opposite side of the street. ... not to mention the horrible sound of hearing my car crunch into the curb.
I didn’t photograph the car because I saw no damage to the vehicle so there was not going to be any claim.
The scratches on my car are nowehere near that bad.
How does a car make a horrible crunching sound but have no damage, yet have scratches? Check.
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I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. And I still think you likely own a Tesla. And I still think some version of this event happened. But I think you're trying to dramatize what happened, and I don't understand why.

Ah, so the Tesla running over a straw filled pant leg can kill someone? Check.

How does a car make a horrible crunching sound but have no damage? Check.
I would agree that the title is dramatic. No I don’t think it is likely to kill some one. Far more likely to hit an object and damage something then ever have the series of events needed for a fatal injury. Nor do I think this is a common occurrence. I have no way of knowing if in this circumstance it would run over something more substantial than a straw man. I do know that when tested earlier it wouldn’t but in this particular setting it did not stop
I am certain that if the curb was 1/2 inch higher it would have damaged the car unless that was all it would have taken to have the car sense it and stop in the first place before contact. The underside of the car is made to take withstand a substantial impact however to protect the battery so I am not surprised that the car wasn’t dented from a slow moving impact.
The underside of the car is made to take withstand a substantial impact however to protect the battery so I am not surprised that the car wasn’t dented from a slow moving impact.
Not exactly.

The titanium shield is somewhere between the wheels (where the plastic underside ends, and the battery begins). So if you roll over (with the front of the car) over a high enough curb, and hear the "horrible crunching" sound, you damaged the cosmetic plastic cover under your car. There's no way with a curb you'd be able to get far enough to the shield which is made to withstand the damage.

Here's an example (not my car) of scratches that would happen from hitting a curb head on : https://article.images.consumerrepo.../news_articles/cars/Tesla-Model-S-shield-lift

I'm positive my car looks similar, as I've rolled over enough things to hear the crunching sound.
Not exactly.

The titanium shield is somewhere between the wheels (where the plastic underside ends, and the battery begins). So if you roll over (with the front of the car) over a high enough curb, and hear the "horrible crunching" sound, you damaged the cosmetic plastic cover under your car. There's no way with a curb you'd be able to get far enough to the shield which is made to withstand the damage.

Here's an example (not my car) of scratches that would happen from hitting a curb head on : https://article.images.consumerrepo.../news_articles/cars/Tesla-Model-S-shield-lift

I'm positive my car looks similar, as I've rolled over enough things to hear the crunching sound.
The scratches on my car are nowehere near that bad. Horrible sound is probably relative and again dramatic but honestly accurate because when you are watching your $100k Tesla run into a curb and hear any crunching sound, it sounds pretty horrible at the time. I was shocked at the lack of damage but thankful. I really thought it caught the lower lip of the car based on the sound and that I was going to have an expensive repair bill.
Doesn't have to be hand typed, select all, copy and paste from the PDF invoice that Tesla emails you.
Copy and past is what I used. I then deleted out the personal info. Again, someone who wants to believe this isn’t true is going to believe what they want regardless of what I provide. That’s fine. I am guessing if I had a sworn affidavit from everyone that was there , the same people still wouldn’t believe. I’m not doing this to convince those kinds of people. I simply want any advice that will help for the future and still to hope that this helps someone else in the future or maybe Tesla discovers a big or flaw that allowed this to happen. I will check back to see if there is anything constructive added in the future but I think it is time to take a break as I am not seeing anything new added. I don’t know how people routinely follow this kind of stuff. Thanks
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I think if I use summon agai I will only do with the key fob also present and knowing to use the handle as a backup safety stop and only in immediate contact of the car rather than 20 feet away

Nothing ever goes wrong, until it does,

Please note that your Tesla documentation states 10 feet as the recommended distance when using summon. For one, fob battery condition may not work reliably at 20 feet, and 10 feet insures you can at least touch the door handle to cancel summon if needed. Read your documentation and release notes that you receive in-car with each new release.

I'd also recommend increasing activity, at least reading if not posting if that's more amenable to you, in this forum. There's a wealth of information and knowledgeable owners that are always willing to help. Unfortunately, there are also many who seek to spread false information, for reasons only they know.
I will break my rule and reply because I think you are absolutely right. My headline was attention grabbing although I think what happened is attention grab worthy but I can understand why some people took it as an attack and that others are jaded by previous posts that were dubious. This is not only my first post but I don’t follow posts on any sites really about anything except perhaps travel advice on occasion. I had no idea the negative storm this would create or that there would be people assuming something nefarious with my post. Lesson learned for me. I think I will stick to staying away from posts as the little bit I have learned has not necessarily made up for the headache of answering all these posts. I consider myself very honest and find it difficult not to defend myself from attack but this post and a few others at least help me understand why certain people have gone on the attack. I like to believe most people still have their humanity and are doing things for the right reason so the explanation that some of these attacks are based on previous false posts on this or other sites helps. I don’t agree with the nature of the attacks but I think at least the reason in some cases may not be malignant.
So you've had the car since July 2015 so it must be AP1 then. What software version are you on? Not sure about the MobileEye hardware but aren't there fewer cameras/sensors with that? Maybe you had some dirty sensors. Did you decide to decorate your car too, maybe turn it into Christine? Have to say using a 4000+ lb car as a moving prop and trying to control it remotely.... hope you maintain good insurance...

I think you should edit a photo of your actual service center work order receipt and post it. Whether you do it in software or do it the old fashioned way and photocopy it and use black marker and photo it again, your account of this still lacks credibility. Sorry. I think people that do use Summon generally know it may not always operate as intended which Tesla warns and why you need to know how to stop it before you encounter any problems. I guess I don't see a problem with it, just maybe a lesson to be learned on how to use it.
My headline was attention grabbing although I think what happened is attention grab worthy but I can understand why some people took it as an attack and that others are jaded by previous posts that were dubious.

Your further posting here actually helped sway my opinion from the initial title and nature of your opening post.

The fact that there has been over 2400 views in a less than 24 hour post is telling. There are some who jump on anything negative Tesla, and seek to point to it as proof there's something wrong with Tesla vehicles. It doesn't matter if the info was an attempt at spreading false information or not. Welcome to the world of Tesla.

You'll find most mean well here, but not all. Don't be put off by the responses you received initially, just know it was in reaction to the way it was presented. Hope this helps.
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What it went from a brilliant idea this time, but you had being doing it brilliantly for years???? See those who BS tend to get caught like fly's in a fly trap, honey, or balsamic vinegar. Either way the bug drowns or is starved(for attention).
I still think the OP is telling the truth, minus the dramatics.

But wasn't summon not around 2 years ago? It was released in 2016
Summon Your Tesla from Your Phone

Or he meant this year and last year, probably.
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@wussy for what it's worth I believe you and I thank you for sharing your story. I don't agree with the decisions you made but I also don't feel it is my place to sit in judgement of you. I think you and everyone learned something which was the whole point of your thread. I think anyone who doubts you or your intentions isn't worth addressing. Good luck to you in the future and please respect the 4500 lb behemoth in your garage. Everyone else, please remember no one is perfect and we all make mistakes. It takes real courage to own up to that and share that shame with a community to ensure everyone benefits and doesn't have to learn the hard way.
View attachment 260735 View attachment 260736 Summon was around last year. Not the first year I owned my car. I did do it last year but we didn’t have the scarecrow. Home from work now so going to spend time with the kids. I seriously would doubt that showing a picture of my car in the garage or the scratched underside will change the minds of the conspiracy theorists but I have what was asked for.

Speaking of owning up. Wow. I'll be the first to admit that that looks pretty convincing. Also did a bit of reverse image searching and nothing's coming up. Please tell me I don't have to eat my hat... If I do, SORRY WUSSY!