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Tesla model 3 energy use

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New Member
Dec 3, 2021
I have a Wallbox charger installed at home and the energy consumption figures stated by the charger app are much greater than the consumption figures given by the car. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
It's normal for the charger to see a higher consumption than the car because of the losses in the charging cable etc. Having said that I would not expect it to be a big difference. I have noticed this between the PodPoint app and the ev.energy app that I have been using but it's not huge.
Are you meaning the difference between what you get billed for and what goes into the battery during charging? You would expect a loss in the wiring/cabling, a loss converting AC to DC and a slight loss in putting energy into the battery - nothing is 100% efficient.

Or are you referring to the energy consumed driving vs what you put back in - there you have the losses above + preheating + vampire drain with the vehicle using power coming online every day to check for updates and charge the 12v battery when it isn't in use.
Are you meaning the difference between what you get billed for and what goes into the battery during charging? You would expect a loss in the wiring/cabling, a loss converting AC to DC and a slight loss in putting energy into the battery - nothing is 100% efficient.

Or are you referring to the energy consumed driving vs what you put back in - there you have the losses above + preheating + vampire drain with the vehicle using power coming online every day to check for updates and charge the 12v battery when it isn't in use.
So for example, in December my charging app says I used 236kWh where as the trip info on the car says 118kWh. Now I would expect them to differ as obviously some of that 236kWh figure would still be in the car battery unused but I was surprised the difference was that much.
You'll also get losses at this time of year to heat the battery, cabin etc. Not sure what the figure in the car is reporting (manual just says average since last charge) and if it includes the non-driving losses.
Teslamate/Teslafi are the way to go if you want to better monitor use/consumption.
wow that's quite some difference. Back in the early days we used to say to allow for a 10% loss in efficiency, but I believe Tesla are far more efficient than that. Does the trip data include pre heat power? I could see a large difference if say the car was left parked with sentry mode on and pre heat was used a lot. Before I started turning sentry off at home and work, (and when I only had a 2 mile drive to work) I was using more power pre heating and sentry than I was driving, so in that instance if I looked at the power usage from my trip vs what was going into the car it would probably match what you have there.
Over time you will find what the charger reports and what the car reports will diff by 25-35% due to all of the factors mentioned above.
this is normal. The consumption in the car is good for only working out your range and efficiency. for knowing what its costing you you need the charger value. or the car value + 30% if that is all you have.

You are seeing a lot more than that. but it is winter which is the worst time. Are you taking a lot of short journeys and preheating? are you using sentry. can you give us a feel for what you are doing?

to put it in perspective if you did not use the car for a month and left sentry on you would use between 150 and 200 kwh just sitting on the drive
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Over time you will find what the charger reports and what the car reports will diff by 25-35% due to all of the factors mentioned above.
this is normal. The consumption in the car is good for only working out your range and efficiency. for knowing what its costing you you need the charger value. or the car value + 30% if that is all you have.

You are seeing a lot more than that. but it is winter which is the worst time. Are you taking a lot of short journeys and preheating? are you using sentry. can you give us a feel for what you are doing?

to put it in perspective if you did not use the car for a month and left sentry on you would use between 150 and 200 kwh just sitting on the drive
I did have sentry activated at first but I disabled it at home and work part way through the month. I also did less mileage than I’ll normally do. I’ll see what it’s like for January and hopefully it will have improved. 🤞
I did have sentry activated at first but I disabled it at home and work part way through the month. I also did less mileage than I’ll normally do. I’ll see what it’s like for January and hopefully it will have improved. 🤞
If you disabled sentry it will 100% improve. Unless there is something else keeping the car awake. If it does not improve that is the next thing to look at.
Over 2 years my usage is :-
7300 miles
3.7 miles average journey
2954 kWh electricity used
115 kWh charging loss
905 kWh parking loss
1934 kWh driving
402 w/mile energy consumption total
264 w/mile driving

Car readings
7292 miles (picked up with 9 miles on the clock)
1938 kWh used
266 w/mile driving

I can accept small discrepancies and maybe more and longer journeys would reduce the parking loss percentage but charging at home mainly my cost per mile is still 1/5th of what my Jaguar was. (With lower petrol costs)