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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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It amazes me how many people don't get the Osborne effect
... and how much was potentially NOT revealed in order to avoid that effect. The headlines that would have propelled Tesla are the same that could have put it in the same boat as the portable computer company that defined the Osborne effect. Range, Million Mile battery... all kinda skipped for that reason it seems.
... and how much was potentially NOT revealed in order to avoid that effect. The headlines that would have propelled Tesla are the same that could have put it in the same boat as the portable computer company that defined the Osborne effect. Range, Million Mile battery... all kinda skipped for that reason it seems.
I suspect the didn't mention the charge rate of the new tables cells for a reason.
Q: With all presented during Battery Day - Is the Cyber Truck still supposed to happen by EOY 2021? Which batteries will it get?
My guess: Giga Texas starts production about a year from now. It will get 4680 cell production lines and these will go into Cyber and Semi first. Fremont/Kato Road 4680 should go into Plaid and Roadster.
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My contribution for Q3....



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Q: With all presented during Battery Day - Is the Cyber Truck still supposed to happen by EOY 2021? Which batteries will it get?
Far as I know yes (isn't Texas done yet?). But which version of the truck IDK. I ordered the dual motor, but they might go for mighty and do the tri motor who knows. Whatever truck has them batteries, that's the one I want!
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One thing that surprises me about all the follow-up discussion on battery day. People keep talking about Tesla's goals and how they might not meet them at all if things don't go well, and how in any case it may take longer than they think.

What seems to be eluding people is that Tesla didn't discuss its goals at all. What Tesla presented were its plans along with estimates from engineering and manufacturing on when they could all be met. Note that the time estimates were for accomplishing all of the goals. Partial success, and complete success on some sub-goals has no doubt already been achieved. And, as goals are met the technology will find its way into vehicles and energy solutions.

What Tesla's actual goals are we have no idea, just that they are certainly more ambitious than the plans we heard about.
Producing 100 GWh in 2022 and 3 TWh in 2030, are these not goals?
View attachment 591741 My contribution to Q3. Picked this car up yesterday. Happy to say there are zero defects, zero issues. My friends at Santa Barbara Tesla said that the last 30 days, even during the end of quarter rush, that the cars are coming in looking really excellent. Vin 52xxx

Wonder if there is any way to easily tell if your car has the single rear "giga" casting, or the pair of "mega" castings. Just curious approximately what VIN those are starting at.

Regardless, nice car.
By the way, I'm holding off on buying more Teslas until they have new batteries (could be a while). I considered the Y pre-Battery Day, but I'm going to hold off for the truck which is what really fills my needs better - with A/C for the cargo area. Oh I really hope they do that!!!

And there inlies the Osborne problem.
What advantage does hydrogen have over methane, propane etc made using renewable energy? Surely those are more energy dense, safer, less likely to destroy/embrittle pipes and storage.
It requires more service, so the legacy companies can make more profit.