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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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I don't question his technological and engineering skills I just don't think Twitter is a technological and engineering problem. Sure he might be able to get rid of some bots, great, but other than that I don't see any massive innovation coming to transform the platform. My main point is Twitter is not that important and not worthy of his time which could be better spent at the four companies he already runs. It's quite likely that at some point another social media platform will come along and Twitter will go the way of MySpace.
I think you may be spending more time worry about Elon worry about Twitter than Elon will spend worrying about Twitter.
Is this groundhog-day all over or my browser is broken and won't update properly?
I seem to see the same hard dropping pattern as I saw yesterday morning...
Not even a dead-cat* bounce after yesterday's blood-bath ?

* Apologies to @Krugerrand

This is market fear, nothing at all specific to TSLA (although the usual suspects are using it to push TSLA down more).

In the backdrop of looking at the market overall, stocks are not happy that the 10-yr has topped 3% (which it did yesterday), causing a lot of funds to be pulled out of the stock market in general.

Basically, the day JPOW had his speech the Bulls were happy and ruled the day. Now we are seeing the Bears have their say.

Technical traders are whispering various numbers for the NASDAQ that charts are pointing to that they believe need to be breached before buyers show back up. Specifically, 11800, 11300, and 11000. For S&P 500, they are pointing to 3800.

Hoping we don't see those levels, but rational thought is not driving this market. The fear is off the charts, and TSLA will be pulled down with it.

If you have dry powder, back up the truck.
I'm not saying Dojo might not be a good tool for Twitter. I'm saying Tesla is a public company and it's CEO does have legal and feduciary duty to represent the best interest of Teslas shareholders even if it would be convenient to hand over key technology to the CEO's private side venture.

I'll ask again based on the earlier posters assertion that this is totally normal. Give ONE example. CEO of public company signs license agreement to hand over key technology to a private venture that he just so happens to also own and operate for his own personal gain.
Just to name three highly specific benefits:
1. inconel proprietary to SpaceX enables better battery temperature management that produced Ludicrous speed.
2. SpaceX proprietary aluminum allow that enables Gigapress operation volumes.
3. Tesla motors enabled easy cheap grid fin operation on Falcon 9 that facilitates first stage recovery.

It is absurd to assume that these relationships are traditional CEO misfeasance. Just as with supplier relationships worldwide, some have key executive roles that are open and clear. Some do not. It is a trifle facile to ask for names, since each one can be argued without ever avoiding the perennial questions about conflicts of interest. Those are always possible. This time, though, there are very very public benefits accruing to both sides. Apart from specific technology and staff transfers there are those weird symbiotic issues such as NASA astronauts riding to Dragon in customized Tesla Model X, the technical exchanges are numerous, open and verifiable.

Unusual, certainly. Productive, certainly.
> What you are claiming has no basis in the real world, a world where companies routinely work with one another to leverage their individual strengths. There are no losers in these types of technology transfers.

Name one example where there is a CEO of a public company handing intellectual property from the public company to another independent private venture that's owned and run by the same CEO?

You assume Twitter would not need to pay for AI technology transfers from Tesla. That would not be the case here. Tesla's profit margin on such transfers could be from 50% to nearly 100% profit depending upon the nature of the transfer. What kind of TSLA shareholder would be upset at that?
Well said.

I've held the idea that his "immature Tweets and antics, distractions, what-have-you" are significant in drawing attention to him, and to his companies.

The lion's share of that attention has resulted in people eventually being exposed to the positive aspects of his works. This behavior also paints him as a regular guy with foibles which clearly demonstrate he isn't just another stuffed shirt of a CEO. People connect to Elon.

Twitter has been Tesla's primary "advertising" channel due to how effectively a tweet from Elon can bring this attention to focus. Heck, even those who disparage Elon over his antics draw attention.

Anything that draws eyes to Tesla and other Musk ventures opens a door for another open-minded person to learn more and decide for themselves what they think of Elon and his products.

I see this as a sort of Hyperspace Bypass around FUD that employs the FUD itself as a sort of catalyst.

It's all good. (Except for the Vogon Poetry, of course.)
Thanks to Douglas Adams we do understand that the Hyperspace Bypass might have been cancelled due to Slartibartfast's handiwork which facilitated many Tesla sales. Note: Tesla is rapidly becoming the 2020's version fo the Ford Prefect!:cool:
But he's not a god. His Hyperloop idea is nice in theory, until you try to actually put people in it and navigate any real world terrain.
Give Hyperloop some time. He hasn’t actually funded and led a development project yet. The original white paper was put out in 2013 for other people to try it, buy the idea really needs breakthroughs in cheap, fast tunnel construction to have a chance at practicality.

Boring Co is officially supposed to start serious Hyperloop development this year.

This is market fear, nothing at all specific to TSLA (although the usual suspects are using it to push TSLA down more).

In the backdrop of looking at the market overall, stocks are not happy that the 10-yr has topped 3% (which it did yesterday), causing a lot of funds to be pulled out of the stock market in general.

Basically, the day JPOW had his speech the Bulls were happy and ruled the day. Now we are seeing the Bears have their say.

Technical traders are whispering various numbers for the NASDAQ that charts are pointing to that they believe need to be breached before buyers show back up. Specifically, 11800, 11300, and 11000. For S&P 500, they are pointing to 3800.

Hoping we don't see those levels, but rational thought is not driving this market. The fear is off the charts, and TSLA will be pulled down with it.

If you have dry powder, back up the truck.

Once it is determined that inflation has peaked, market gonna reverse .... hard
CPI numbers will be out next week ..cheers!!
It's been a long run since 2009, people are scared of what they don't understand. The Fed is raising! And that means.....

All I see is our PE below 115 and the wider market dropping below what I'd consider a neutral PE for the level of earnings we've been seeing.

Volatility is the new normal. Would not be surprised to see a green close for TSLA today. It's madness!

Tesla’s PE is probably ~36x next year’s earnings… Walmart is ~30.

One has a CAGR of >50% and the other essentially 0%. 🤡🤡🤡
Once it is determined that inflation has peaked, market gonna reverse .... hard
CPI numbers will be out next week ..cheers!!

Inflation is probably gonna peak here in the US soon.

Euro area is probably gonna continue for a while longer and head into double digits.

Japan is playing with fire with its ultra weak yen considering how import-dependent it is on food and energy and its gigantic debt load and awful demographics.
Bought some chairs just now

I don't question his technological and engineering skills I just don't think Twitter is a technological and engineering problem. Sure he might be able to get rid of some bots, great, but other than that I don't see any massive innovation coming to transform the platform. My main point is Twitter is not that important and not worthy of his time which could be better spent at the four companies he already runs. It's quite likely that at some point another social media platform will come along and Twitter will go the way of MySpace.
beating a dead horse.gif
beating a dead horse.gif
beating a dead horse.gif
newest Impact Report is out

There's some nice sales comparisons in the summary and charts in that report. I refer people to these when they bash the environment on Tesla. It's so opposite what others "hear" on the street, but people are getting wise-r now. Birds are real afterall ;)

Most Efficient Vehicles:


And this one deserves a some recognition - seems most had better EV sales in 2021.


No worries, riding it out...
There's some nice sales comparisons in the summary and charts in that report. I refer people to these when they bash the environment on Tesla. It's so opposite what others "hear" on the street, but people are getting wise-r now. Birds are real afterall ;)

Most Efficient Vehicles:

View attachment 801203

And this one deserves a some recognition - seems most had better EV sales in 2021.

View attachment 801204

No worries, riding it out...

Is VW "really" selling as many EVs as they claim? Perhaps it's where I live, but I really take notice when I see an ID.x around. They are only slightly more prevalent than unicorns around here.
A lot of this is probably MMs crushing the put buyers for op exp rather than dip buyers. Monday will be more indicative of market mood I think going forward.

Allow me to present a counter to the doom and gloom.

Overshoots and cash burning growth chasing companies aside, this market does not look overvalued if you do not assume recession. The economy is humming right now, people can find a job if they are interested and there is continuing wage growth. Market action aside, this should be a win for the people if we can ramp down inflation. It is good to have a job on demand and cash flow! Destruction demand is starting to take place, but on a macro level this is the goal.

China will open at some point and the supply chain will begin to straighten out. The shut down from China has dramatically slowed shipping which allows for the backed up ports to catch up and clear the deck. It also allows for refinement of logistics and additional hiring for when the shipping is back up to full strength. We will know about the supply chain issues being solved after the fact, much like we were told about them after they were already a disaster.

Western Europe got a fresh reminder that fossils must stop now, and they are mobilizing. This is a huge plus for renewables and Tesla.

Russia just made bond payments in US dollars and Putin apologised to Israel. This does not sound like a country that is not planning for a future with some sort of global integration or an escalation to nuclear war, although they are obviously erratic in their planning and goals.

If the supply side issues for inflation alleviate, the demand side can be solved.

These are all short term issues, but they are serving as a catalyst for revamped focus and investment in renewables and a target future where every country can be energy independent. This would solve strife all over the world.

Take a breath! Everything is going to be great!

OK I stop drinking the Kool Aid now.

My options are obliterated! Musk is loose cannon! And he grew up in South Africa! How dare he?! The Bear has tasted blood and will suck us all dry before the Fed even has a clue that they have crushed the world economy! We are all going to die penniless in the streets!