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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Would the Drive-in restaurant SuperCharger under construction in LA be under this team? Who oversees the SC construction at the Buffalo plant?
Still listed as construction status.
It occurs to me that, despite the rapid cadence of installation and expansion, that Elon has even more ambitious goals for the network that weren't being implemented.

Solar canopies/generation? Gaps in the network remaining unfilled? More/faster buildout of "marquee" sites with diners, etc...? Greater expansion in other countries?

There are very few things I can think of where a program Elon focused on and took direct action with (i.e. "cleaned house") got worse.
There are aprox 200k gas station in US, if each/most gets a 4Stall Supercharger it takes care of all the perceived range anxiety in people, and robotaxi fleet will use them also.
India has elections and maybe Tesla wants to see who wins Elections 1st.
Modi likely was trying to use Elon/Tesla to score some points
Not even close. Modi winning the election is a foregone conclusion, even by the opposition, many say by even a bigger margin. The opposition alliance have not even announced a PM candidate yet, as they know there is no point. There are 5 candidates from that alliance vying to position themselves as the leader of the pack, each one trying to undermine the other.

Modi needs Elon no doubt to modernize his country and get to the EV and renewable era, but for scoring brownie points for elections? you gotto be kidding :D . But Elon's cancellation is being played up as a snub to Modi by the opposition politicians.

As per election commission rules the ruling party cannot sign or announce deals with any entity that can be seen as influencing voters. I am guessing that played a part in Elon waiting for the elections to be over.
There are aprox 200k gas station in US, if each/most gets a 4Stall Supercharger it takes care of all the perceived range anxiety in people, and robotaxi fleet will use them also.
This may sound like a good strategy to ICE owners, but do EV owners really want to go back to having to visit gas stations? I sure as hell don't
Calling this kind of process, "Self modifying code" isn't quite right. But it could alter the behavior of the car.
Yeah, it's a little different when you are talking about changing the weights of neural nets rather than flipping some bits in machine code. What I was saying probably doesn't fit the old-school definition of self-modifying code. But the concept is the same in that you are using the system to directly alter the behavior of the system.
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It occurs to me that, despite the rapid cadence of installation and expansion, that Elon has even more ambitious goals for the network that weren't being implemented.
I think this may be it. Its certainly what I would like to see. Of all the many cool things about Tesla, the supercharging network build-speed has to be the most underwhelming one. There are SO MANY people who say they cannot ever buy an EV because there is no place to charge it. They do have a point. Not everyone (especially in cities) has a nice allocated space in a driveway to home charge.
Perhaps the supercharger rollout is going to become supercharger + destination + homecharger rollout. In the UK, there are a lot of 'lamp-post chargers', but not enough, not even vaguely enough.

I do think Elon might be frustrated because the process of getting grid connections for high demand electrical installations like superchargers is absolutely torturous, almost everywhere in the western world. I'm not sure this is easily fixed. Hardly any locations have enough space for solar to make a dent in the power requirements. Solar canopies are basically window dressing for a supercharger.
Its may here, and my 10 solar panels generated 20kw of power today. Enough to fill a single model Y to 25%. In one day. And thats in Spring, not winter.

Superchargers may be the one thing that Elon finds out simply cannot be done 'china-fast' outside of China. I'm glad he is at least focused now on that part f the business though, (and Tesla in general).
What if firing the Supercharger team is similar to to firing the Starlink team a couple of years ago:

Here's the full text in case you can't get to the post/tweet. I agree, this is the most logical reason:

Pfff, Elon bad. Fired the whole Supercharger team from top to bottom. End of the world.Unless…Let’s remember what happened in June, 2022 at SpaceX and what happened after. On that bloody day…Elon Musk dismissed several top managers of the Starlink project at SpaceX. Among those fired were Jonathan Hofeller, who had been leading the global connectivity efforts for Starlink, and Rajeev Badyal, the technical chief of Starlink, as well as the technical director of spacecraft. Musk's reason for the dismissals was his dissatisfaction with the pace of development of the Starlink satellites, particularly with the technological advancements that would allow for a broader and more efficient deployment of the service.In short, the team assured him that no global constellation was possible within five years. That was a big mistake to tell!Only two years later Starlink not only has a global constellation of 6000 satellites but millions of subscribers in dozens of countries.All this magic happened under a new team. The end of the world turned out to be a little bit exaggerated.Now what’s wrong with Tesla Superchargers? Among other things the growing of the network is unbearably slow in many places.I remember well that at the beginning of 2023 we were invited by Tesla to vote for new Supercharger locations worldwide. It was more than a year ago and our local winner place is still an empty parking lot in Pécs.Elon is right: this is unacceptable. And his proven management style is this: fire those who had already done the maximum they could, and give the task to new players.Now we just sit back, relax and watch the miracle unfold.
There are aprox 200k gas station in US, if each/most gets a 4Stall Supercharger it takes care of all the perceived range anxiety in people, and robotaxi fleet will use them also.
Exactly. They've already created the "branded and owned by other people" supercharger. So now they just have to manufacture and ship it if they have a partner who already owns the land and will take care fo the permitting and installation.

...and yes -- you do need neighborhood chargers. Homeowners don't need it unless on a road trip, but renters do. Apartments aren't installing EV chargers at nearly the rate we all wish they were.
Confirmation on a Tesla Reddit page (can we post link here?) That the whole Supercharger team was let go.
Tesla service techs already do maintenance on the Supercharging Network, why not have their managers help in deciding where the best locations should be.

Tesla already uses the same local contractors to file the necessary permits and do the install that they've used before, it's not like they are starting from scratch.

I know it's not as easy as I'm making it sound. Then again there is no easy job at Tesla.
Twitter financials for starters.

Well, I'm focusing on Tesla primarily in this forum, but for both Tesla and Twitter, Elon's playing the long game. He's stated outright that he doesn't care about quarterly numbers all that much and isn't catering to short term investors.

In the long run, it remains to be seen if his direct action doesn't ultimately improve things.
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Funny, yesterday as I had just parked my Model 3 at a supermarket, a pickup driver asked, "Where is the nearest gas station?" I pointed at my Tesla and responded, "I don't know; I never use them." He smiled.

I personally find all of these posts about road charging amusing. I've owned my Tesla for over 2 years and have never charged outside of my home garage. Can anyone else here claim the same?

EDIT: I should add that my quite young solar powered town has no gas stations. Every home garage comes with a level 2 electrical outlet for charging an EV. I've now looked at Google Maps, and to get to a gas station we'd have to leave the town and drive a bit along an adjacent highway.
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Here's the full text in case you can't get to the post/tweet. I agree, this is the most logical reason:

Pfff, Elon bad. Fired the whole Supercharger team from top to bottom. End of the world.Unless…Let’s remember what happened in June, 2022 at SpaceX and what happened after. On that bloody day…Elon Musk dismissed several top managers of the Starlink project at SpaceX. Among those fired were Jonathan Hofeller, who had been leading the global connectivity efforts for Starlink, and Rajeev Badyal, the technical chief of Starlink, as well as the technical director of spacecraft. Musk's reason for the dismissals was his dissatisfaction with the pace of development of the Starlink satellites, particularly with the technological advancements that would allow for a broader and more efficient deployment of the service.In short, the team assured him that no global constellation was possible within five years. That was a big mistake to tell!Only two years later Starlink not only has a global constellation of 6000 satellites but millions of subscribers in dozens of countries.All this magic happened under a new team. The end of the world turned out to be a little bit exaggerated.Now what’s wrong with Tesla Superchargers? Among other things the growing of the network is unbearably slow in many places.I remember well that at the beginning of 2023 we were invited by Tesla to vote for new Supercharger locations worldwide. It was more than a year ago and our local winner place is still an empty parking lot in Pécs.Elon is right: this is unacceptable. And his proven management style is this: fire those who had already done the maximum they could, and give the task to new players.Now we just sit back, relax and watch the miracle unfold.
This is a lot different. It's one thing to fire some top managers. It's quite another to get rid of an entire organization.

If Elon is still in China then it's the middle of the night right now. It sure would be nice to have an explanation when he wakes up.