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There is a war out there in twitter.. literally. But for the valiant efforts by a few to spotlight the lies and deceit of the TSLAQ gang, this war would have been lost and the repercussions would have been disastrous in terms of the false narrative taking root in public's mind. And once that happens, organic sales growth would come to a grinding halt, which is pretty much how Tesla sells.

So please take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of Twitter Tesla warriors. They are doing an amazing service. We could be here all day in this echo chamber called TMC. It is the Twitter posts that is spread and seen widely.

Thats the reason why I left TMC moving to Twitter and only post here when time permits to do both. Its good and very important to have a more controlled room here and its the best source of deep knowledge about Tesla IMO but Twitter is where the fight goes on that influences public opinions.
Ford Botches Explorer Launch, Putting CEO Back on the Hot Seat

Apparently, Ford can't keep up with their ice products.
Talking about their manufacturing woes where so many of the vehicles need rework before they can be sold that some slip through and end up in customer driverways.
Jake Fisher said:
“It could take a few years to get the bugs worked out.”
Wow. I guess its a good thing they have decades of experience making vehicles. No wonder there hasn't been a new car maker startup that succeeded in the last twenty years.
My Dad and Step-mom visited this weekend and I sold them on Tesla. She hates driving and is getting older so all the safety features and autopilot really sold her. Probably waiting on the Y though.

OT, but used track mode at the track for the first time last week. My previous 2 sessions had been pre-track mode. It really is a game changer. No issues with heat causing limp mode and the car handled very differently. I'm very impressed.
Personally I'd enjoy Electrek more if it were just articles without user comments. It adds no value, just clicks. And that's sad, but understandable.
That applies to the entire internet.
The problem with ignoring the lies is that they are only obvious to people like us that try to separate reality from fiction. The average guy on the street doesn't know they are lies until we expose them. This is assuming you're arguments are publicly viewed by those wanting to know the truth and not only interested in their confirmation bias. Agree that debating with the trolls individually is like playing chess with a pigeon.
He knocks over all the pieces, craps on the board and flies away thinking he won.

This is why the comment was made at the annual meeting re the lack of any media outlets calling out utter rubbish pumped out by fellow media outlets. Unlike Trump & Dem leadership, for example (but not to start a political discussion) there is not only no major media in Tesla’s corner, there is no media even in the corner of holding media discussion accountable to facts. Again, this is why the suggestion was made at that meeting to reach out to Mike Bloomberg, a man who purports to be focused on dealing with climate change, including having written a book about it.

How does this relate to Twitter and other social media? The back drop of that Twitter, etc, rubbish is virtually every historically respected media outlet in the US... NY Times, WSJ, Forbes, Fortune, Reuters, AP, NPR, PBS, major TV networks,... having put out similar (though less crude and shrill) reputational sabotage of Tesla. It simply has not been in the “Overton Window” of most of the US public in a place to buy a Tesla to imagine that ALL of those outlets could me peddling misinformation about Tesla. You’d have to be a pathetic, naive fanboy, cult member, etc, to think that. You’ll find plenty who think CNN or Fox, the WSJ or the NYT have degenerated to rubbish misinformation peddling, but suggesting the whole list above engages in such would only be for a bat-$@#! crazy truebeliever.

With that backdrop of heavy carpet bombing on Tesla’s reputation, the social media foot soldiers go from looking like foaming, petty, angry keyboard warriors towards looking like sober reminders of common wisdom.

I think the point of waking people up is addressing the near universal smearing of Tesla by big media. Either by Elon/Tesla making headway to pull some back towards being an advocate for reality and pointing out smearing by peers or by pointing out it's nearly universal nature, and the fact that these are for profit businesses who have had billions in business partnerships and decades of social connection with the fossil fuel economy. Hasn’t the notion that a for profit entity simply using the word “News” in it’s name is of no commitment to their interest in journalism?
CGI and Photoshopping has come a long way, eh? #potemkinvillage
You mean this picture?

Definitely real!!!
I think some of you here give way too much power and influence to trolls (FUD and commenters). What matters is the product (and after sales service)......PERIOD! It must be compelling and different, and Tesla has scored in that important metric (not dropping $50K to save the earth, make a statement on climate change, support someone's "vision" etc.!)

If these trolls were so omnipotent, Tesla would not be posting in general, sale increases.

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I think some of you here give way too much power and influence to trolls (FUD and commenters). What matters is the product (and after sales service)......PERIOD! It must be compelling and different, and Tesla has scored in that important metric (not dropping $50K to save the earth, make a statement on climate change, support someone's "vision" etc.!)

If these trolls were so omnipotent, Tesla would not be posting in general, sale increases.


genuine suggestion,

in a neutral manner ask around among people you know in a position to buy a Tesla what their thoughts are on Tesla and their cars (keep it to people who do not know your opinion). I’m pretty confident you’ll find that there’s been material sabotage of their opinion, and demand for the products.

We know BMW has ~10 Japanese market share so it has about 882 sales in the "other category" mostly i3s and a few i8.

That leaves Tesla and others with a potential max sales in Japan of ~3500 YTD September.

EV Sales: Japan September 2019
I might read your post incorrectly, but BMW i3 and i8 and i-MiEVs are not included in others category I believe - usually, they are mostly Tesla and other imported cars, including gas cars.
Others is 321 cars in this data and usually, non Tesla imports are <10 so Tesla sold approx 311 cars in September. They started to sell M3 from 13th of September (I got one on that day too).