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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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On reddit there's a thread asking for tips on how to get hired at Tesla. A manufacturing engineer at Tesla wrote this:

"Covid doesn't give me the warm fuzzies for Tesla, but I think we'll be fine. Other carmakers will pull out of EV development because they view it as an optional side project, so we'll get even longer to dominate the EV industry. Our sales would be shot right now, except all of China is still buying and far from saturation, and we have a BUNCH of Model Y pre-orders. So I think we'll be fine there."

His posts seem legit to me.
On reddit there's a thread asking for tips on how to get hired at Tesla. A manufacturing engineer at Tesla wrote this:

"Covid doesn't give me the warm fuzzies for Tesla, but I think we'll be fine. Other carmakers will pull out of EV development because they view it as an optional side project, so we'll get even longer to dominate the EV industry. Our sales would be shot right now, except all of China is still buying and far from saturation, and we have a BUNCH of Model Y pre-orders. So I think we'll be fine there."

His posts seem legit to me.
Still just one opinion. There is still enough sales. And don't expect from VW to pull out.
Agreed. Also, I doubt a manufacturing engineer is all that intimate with their sales numbers etc. Still, I figured it was worth sharing.

No surprise there. On Elektrek there was also a quote from an inside source last week that sales had come to a crawl. Which goes for all brands.

Tesla is in the good position that it still has a lot of unsaturated demand for Model 3 (SR+, LR, P) in China and for Model Y in North America and if need be Europe (but Elon seemed confident they don't need to tap into the European waiting list yet, as he recently tweeted that the first Swiss cars would be coming from GF Berlin). They have been using the factory closure to make improvements to the Model Y line, so they can produce more of those for the North American market.

Sales of other models will probably start improving in Q3 and Q4.
It is the Perfect Time for Tesla to Take Control of the Narrative — the Perfect Time to Advertise.

Often, sensible arguments are made that “demand” trumps Tesla’s need to advertise. While persuasive, they overlook sound reasoning for advertising.

In Simon Sinek’s Ted Talk “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” — he uses Apple’s Think Different messaging — to demonstrate inspiration to action. Emphasizing, “People don’t buy what you, they buy why you do it.” Apple compellingly communicated their corporate ethos; We think differently in everything we do.

Tesla’s strategy of replacing mine and burn with renewable energy and sustainable transportation is a good thing, a good thing for our children. We act to benefit our children.

This is the perfect moment in time, to tell a good story. To define Tesla with a better narrative. Tesla’s narrative.
Welcome back. I've missed your contributions.

I agree that this would be a good time for Tesla to spend some money on advertising. The value of the message of course would be useful, but also it would make an impact on the media, who currently has no reason to hold back on all the FUD on the company and hit pieces on Elon. The media is well known for not biting the hand that feeds them.
Our we need something like Hyperloop or high speed rail.
High speed rail requires frequent and perfect maintenance. I read some time ago that in Japan, they refresh (polish and repair) ten percent of the Shinkansen rails every day. I don't know if that's still true, but I can't see that level of maintenance happening in North America. Hyperloop requires little maintenance.
While I would love to agree, as a Texas resident I fear that there are MANY in positions of power here that would rather have Tesla dead.

The phrase, "Cutting off your nose to spite your face" comes to mind.

We still can't "purchase" a Tesla here (all sales are "out of state transactions," at least on paper), and Teslas are prohibited from any EV rebates as they are not sold via "dealers."

Overall, despite the talk of a Free Market, the game is very much rigged here, and there will be many trying to "save" the dead men walking in the fossil fuel industry rather than adapt to the future reality.

(Let's hope I'm wrong though!)
In this case, "like" means agree. The hope is that as more Teslas get purchased in Texas (I think Texas is now second in the amount of Teslas after California) that the number of Tesla owners will put a bit of fear into the incumbents--particularly as Tesla owners are not reticent to voice their opinions.
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I definitely think you are wrong. Abbott and the legislature would do everything in their power to bring a GF to Texas if Elon wanted to build here. The Cybertruck is going to be built somewhere and being stupid about it would not injure Tesla at all. As I said in an earlier post, this would be the signature event that would define Abbott's governorship.

The oil companies understand that and won't press hard because they lose wherever the new GF is built.
Some of the legislators are also car dealership owners. Abott's request (if he actually makes one-I wouldn't bet more than a Starbuck's hot chocolate on that) won't make a whit of difference to them. Others are short-sighted enough to focus on the amount of campaign contributions only--this includes all the legislators in districts outside of the GF location. If you had been to the legislative session three or four years ago, it was like old home week between the legislators and the dealers. The chairperson even wondered aloud why this was even being brought up.
Welcome back. I've missed your contributions.

I agree that this would be a good time for Tesla to spend some money on advertising. The value of the message of course would be useful, but also it would make an impact on the media, who currently has no reason to hold back on all the FUD on the company and hit pieces on Elon. The media is well known for not biting the hand that feeds them.

the bias on this thread against advertising is petty and irrational. it's based on anger at the media, rather than what's actually in Tesla's best interest. it's emotional decision-making at its worst.
Welcome back. I've missed your contributions.

I agree that this would be a good time for Tesla to spend some money on advertising. The value of the message of course would be useful, but also it would make an impact on the media, who currently has no reason to hold back on all the FUD on the company and hit pieces on Elon. The media is well known for not biting the hand that feeds them.

With one ad Apple defined an inflection point in human history.

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the bias on this thread against advertising is petty and irrational. it's based on anger at the media, rather than what's actually in Tesla's best interest. it's emotional decision-making at its worst.
Good thing your post was free of emotion :rolleyes: Not only is advertising especially pointless at this time it would likely be seen as very poor timing by workers who took pay cuts or were laid off and by the general public who are suffering. Some of you seem to have an irrational love for advertising you aren't considering all the implications.
the bias on this thread against advertising is petty and irrational. it's based on anger at the media, rather than what's actually in Tesla's best interest. it's emotional decision-making at its worst.
The media is becoming less and less relevant, so it doesn't really matter if it's emotional decision-making or not. If you can sell all you can produce and have waiting lists, all advertising does is drain money that could be better spent elsewhere. Anyway, it's not as if Tesla doesn't have advertising in the form of a robust Supercharger network, and owners that promote Tesla--and even a few billboards.
the bias on this thread against advertising is petty and irrational. it's based on anger at the media, rather than what's actually in Tesla's best interest. it's emotional decision-making at its worst.

Well that's a biased reaction.
Let's see here:
I agree that this would be a good time for Tesla to spend some money on advertising.
The media is well known for not biting the hand that feeds them.
Some? The hand that feeds?

2018 advertising budgets:
GM: 1.83 Billion in US, 4.5 Billion total
F: 2.33 Billion in US
Fiat Chrysler: 2.13 Billion in US
Total of 6.29 Billion in US from the Detroit Three.

How much spend are we talking to get the media to like Tesla over ICE, based purely on bribery?
Good thing your post was free of emotion :rolleyes: Not only is advertising especially pointless at this time it would likely be seen as very poor timing by workers who took pay cuts or were laid off and by the general public who are suffering. Some of you seem to have an irrational love for advertising you aren't considering all the implications.

i wasn't advocating for emotionless posting, i was advocating for emotionless decision-making.

Well that's a biased reaction.
Let's see here:

Some? The hand that feeds?

2018 advertising budgets:
GM: 1.83 Billion in US, 4.5 Billion total
F: 2.33 Billion in US
Fiat Chrysler: 2.13 Billion in US
Total of 6.29 Billion in US from the Detroit Three.

How much spend are we talking to get the media to like Tesla over ICE, based purely on bribery?

i think the major manufacturers are well beyond the point of diminishing returns in that regard, and Tesla is way way way below it. I don't think it'd take much, to be honest.