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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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I can crush that sob story.

I posted about this in this thread a while ago but here it is again: I was worried about the pandemic so I took profits and sold my entire TSLA holdings at ~$750, thinking I'd get back in at the dip. I got back in later, when it was obvious what an idiot I was, but I've lost out on ~$2.8M. That's enough to make the difference between retiring any day now versus needing to wait a while longer (though not too long if days like today keep happening). Like the folks here said when I whined before, you can't spend too much time looking in the rearview mirror. Just take a deep breath and move on.
Thanks, now my 200k seems like not too bad after all.
Lost 360k on my initial investment in some airline and airplane manufacturing companies too.
A 100k investment I made in a lithium mining company filled for bankruptcy.
The beauty of TSLA is it is fixing it all.

Thanks for sharing your story, 2.8M compared to my ~0.7M has relativized things. Postponed my retirement also
Looks like folks don't agree. Well, I'd love to be wrong!

I don't think Tesla's production output for this quarter is being given enough credit. As we get further and further into Q3, it will be more and more apparent that Q3 production/deliveries numbers will be drastically higher than any other quarter in Tesla's history. It's like a strong current under the surface that gets stronger and more apparent as we get closer to the beginning of Oct.......just imagine the poor shorts wading in the shallow waters frolicking and splashing water around while they slowly get pulled out to sea :)
Many were calling me the fool - close friends too.

At some point you would have had to bite it and pay more than you exited. That's the trap. I had 500 last year as well, sold some to buy 2 calls, but then sold the calls too and managed to convince myself it was OK to buy back at a higher price. All the data suggested this was the correct move, and it still does today.
My financial adviser strongly advised in diversifying at the beginning of my investing. His portfolio stagnated for the last 5 years I started investing. My TSLA more than tripled. However diversification destroyed my overall average performance.
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So how much extra would it cost to buy PUTS as some SP insurance for those years?

Also, have you considered hiring the services of a professional options trader? A solid strategy that gives you peace of mind is literally worth its weight in nickel.

Good luck, and congrats on retirement. :D


I never thought of that... are these guys that actually trade for you with your account ? Or just send you what to do and you pay them for advise?

many recommendations of how to find a good one that understands the TSLA story?

Ive talked to the wealth management guys at a couple of banks and they don’t seem particularly keen.
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I am a bigger idiot than you

I had 420 shares

Listened to a guy who has been investing for a while and losing a lot of money but he wasn’t telling me he was -40%, and he convinced to sell at $1150 because he said not to be greedy.

I lost 200 grands listening to his advice


Anyone who gives stock advice means that they don't have enough asset to be sued. If they come on strong and try to convince you, it is something emotional. Either thinks you are too stupid to make the right move or just jealous of your gains. The other red flag is that he didn't give you any selling strategy and just tell you to sell everything in one shot.

The other aspect of this is.... are you still friends? Cause experienced ppl knows that once you give stock advice and it goes against your advice, the friendship rarely survives. That's why you don't give stock advice.
Indeed, you need to NOT have a margin account. If you're on margin, you already gave them the right to lend your shares without paying you.

It may depend upon the brokerage, but I believe there is a difference between having a margin account and being on margin. And being on margin could be as simple as having a put in your account that is not covered by a corresponding long position (or a single share sold short).
I need some hand holding. After Q2 earnings I said I wouldn't sell anything until after S&P500 inclusion. Now we also have the split at the end of the month. I need to retire at the end of the year. I am willing to sell 1/3 of my shares to do it. I could sell now and do ok, but if we go to 2500 or 3000 things get really good. I'm freaking out a little because if it goes back down before I sell, then I'm screwed. My anxiety level is at a 10. There is no way the SP is lower than this in a month... right?!? Excuse me while I go breathe in a brown paper bag.... :(

What’s the more devastating thought to you? Selling and watching the stock run, or holding and watching it go down?

Anyone who gives stock advice means that they don't have enough asset to be sued.

No it doesn't. Wealthy people habitually do things that could get them sued, from volunteering at the YWCA to providing advice to others. You can get sued for just about anything and plenty of wealthy people realize life is too transitory to have to wear a mental straight-jacket while they worry about every little thing. Most of them also have an umbrella insurance policy to cover against this type of lawsuit.
For those that think Cybertruck and Rivian RT1 is priced too high.

Thanks, now my 200k seems like not too bad after all.
Lost 360k on my initial investment in some airline and airplane manufacturing companies too.
A 100k investment I made in a lithium mining company filled for bankruptcy.
The beauty of TSLA is it is fixing it all.

Thanks for sharing your story, 2.8M compared to my ~0.7M has relativized things. Postponed my retirement also

I got in at 33 bucks...and am up around 10 x. I laugh I cry. Lucky or unlucky? Worst investor ever, it made money so no, yes? Ugh. Yay. Never once lost conviction, just suck at making big bets with bad timing. Would be retired with buy, accumulate hold.
I continue to be bullish on Tesla for the following reasons:
I looked back and my first Tesla investment began in 2014. I believe it was around that time when I had a conversation with my cousin's husband who worked at SpaceX. He told me he worked on getting all of the different hardware to "talk" to each other. The hard part was that after working long hours to get everything to work he'd have to almost do it all over again because so many of the parts had been upgraded.

This surprised me because I assumed the same version of rocket kept being used for launches and he insisted the improvements were ongoing and happened at breakneck speeds. "It's practically a new rocket every few weeks!"

This was a clear sign to me that Elon Musk operated at a different level. Specifically his pace of innovation far outpaced anyone else and this was a strong moat and competitive advantage that I saw for Musk-led companies.

Over time and with the introduction of the model s and then the model x I saw that Tesla was producing performance vehicles jam-packed with technology. Technology and innovation was a soft spot that I saw in the auto industry. I was always disappointed with the technology in vehicles and the molasses-slow micro improvements in performance.

Years later I learned the number one and two companies that engineering students wanted to work at was SpaceX and Tesla.
Elon Musk's Tesla, SpaceX top list of most attractive employers for engineering students
This is the same "brain drain" that I researched with a college professor at USC. His hypothesis was that when companies like Google are recruiting the top graduates every year they cannot help but innovate at a faster rate than the competition. Furthermore the competition is left hiring the "leftovers". This is another competitive advantage.

China and Europe both have worked on policies to phase out ICE engines by 2040. China's All In On Electric Vehicles: Here's How That Will Accelerate Sales In Other Nations.

China and Europe had 2019 auto sales of roughly 20M and 15M new vehicles. Bottom line here is that Tesla has plenty of room to grow.

Lastly I had hours long discussions with a relative who initially did not believe in Tesla or Musk and the end result of these discussions led him to not only invest in Tesla, but he now works for Tesla in the energy side of the business. He can't divulge information, but he is maxed out on the employee stock purchase program. Nuff said.

And we aren't even getting into how boring company and robotaxi will be disruptive and lead to exponential growth in valuation.

As I continue to read every post on this forum and read any Tesla related news I am left feeling confident that Tesla is on the right path and an ideal investment for the foreseeable future.

Tl;Dr: I'm buying what Elon's selling.
I will. And I’ll continue to buy shares every month or two going forward just as I have been doing all along. The only thing the stock price will affect is the number of shares I buy each time.
The only way I could buy more shares here would be to sell my existing shares here. The problem of being all in.
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I tried to tell all family friends over last three years to buy Tesla, some bought it and sold it with little profit, other never did, I think biggest problem with Tesla is up until recently and some what still today, main stream media painted Tesla is so bad, One car fire of Tesla and media gangs up on headlines, this kind of treatment kept lot of investors away because they never went in-depth in Tesla story.

An elderly relative of mine sold a multimillion-dollar home last year right when TSLA fell to the 200s. I suggested they immediately take a small but serious portion of the proceeds, say $200K, and buy TSLA and hold for a few years. They wimped out and didn’t do it. My extended family has always generally thought I was crazy taking a risk ever investing in Tesla. They have no idea how long I’ve been holding TSLA (2012) and how much it’s now worth.

Today I just had to remind the elderly relative that had they listened to me their investment would now be worth around $1.6MM :eek: