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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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How are we doing on Max Pain or BBs... any of those indicate a bottom yet?
Someone mentioned stuck at $400. Not so it seems....

Max Pain has been at $440 for most of the week.
There were 23000 Puts at this morning open with a strike of $400.
84000 Puts with a strike of 400 turned circles this afternoon so that is probably still the highest marker of Puts sold.

We should be no where near the lower BB according to the BB on Papafox previous posts.

Shorts are being shorts because they can make back some money shorting this down from $500 then covering at $400.

I imagine there are a lot of people who had high expectations and ran up their margin accounts and now have to cover or are being forced to cover after 3 days of the SP dropping.

It may not be much better tomorrow. If more people are awarded their shares tomorrow I expect them to sell them to rebalance their portfolios. Most people are not ALL in TSLA. Hopefully the MMs get concerned about the Puts at the strike of $400 and at least keep us above that.
Im a long term investor.
I find it hilarious to watch people SELL tesla stock very shortly before:

Battery Day
S&P 500 inclusion.
Q3 Results

I suspect a lot of the people hitting the sell buton have no idea what any of those 3 things are, or when they will happen, or what they mean. Its absolutely crazy to sell right now.
I *do* think that tesla is not going to calm down as a stock until it shows an actual annual profit. Not 'four consecutive quarters' but the kind of profit that shows up when casual traders just google the stock or look it up on yahoo. We are another few months until that sort of stability kicks in (along with S&P inclusion, which will help).

I'm holding. Very confidently.

It is interesting. My worst realistic case now is that I lose half of my amazing gains (would take far more of a drop to get there even). Being one of the folks (like most/all here) who held back in 2018-19 when the worst case was that the company could go under, this is just an annoyance.

I haven't been an active investor for that long so I also credit Tesla with teaching me patience and faith. I have other stocks that dipped quite a bit today and that doesn't bother me either. I bought them for a reason, and a 10% drop doesn't change that.
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Im a long term investor.
I find it hilarious to watch people SELL tesla stock very shortly before:

Battery Day
S&P 500 inclusion.
Q3 Results

I suspect a lot of the people hitting the sell buton have no idea what any of those 3 things are, or when they will happen, or what they mean. Its absolutely crazy to sell right now.
I *do* think that tesla is not going to calm down as a stock until it shows an actual annual profit. Not 'four consecutive quarters' but the kind of profit that shows up when casual traders just google the stock or look it up on yahoo. We are another few months until that sort of stability kicks in (along with S&P inclusion, which will help).

I'm holding. Very confidently.
Last time I bought at 300 I was out of looking at the market for couple months. Next think you know someone texts you to suggest you to sell at $1200.
I’m entering that dormance World again
Breaking News: Tesla sales in Norway Collapse as they sell only 348 cars in August compared to 1155 in March!!

didnt watch robs video, but I did wonder if it was this same genius who cannot even stay even (not lose money) during this amazing stock bull run:
https://www.tipranks.com/analysts/gordon-johnson Ranked #6,365 out of 6,934 Analysts on TipRanks
-5.3% return. In THIS market. Wow, that takes serious skill to be THAT BAD at your job. My eldest cat (jack) is a better stock picker than this guy. Maybe rob should debate my cat next time.
Something refreshing, real news direct from the man, always entertaining too - earlier today - weird how the best news are reported by amateur supporters (in this case YouTuber Tobias Lindh).

Also note how efficient and organized the Germans are, there was a transcript (in German) of what Elon was saying, nice touch for the locals. Since the audio quality wasn't so great, I looked up the reverse Google translation, and added it here for convenience.

Tobias Lindh YouTube Video:

"Elon visited Giga Berlin today and had a little spontaneous press conference on arrival. Sorry, for the bad audio. I just had my phone. I didn't expect to get an opportunity to get so close to him, and i didn't know that he would talk to us. I'll try to do better next time. If you want to support me: https://www.paypal.me/tobiaslindh https://www.patreon.com/tobiaslindh Follow me on Twitter for the latest updates: https://twitter.com/tobilindh


It's a great place to work.
Produce cool cars.
We have to employ quite a few people.
We want people to think about working here.
We want to make it as easy as possible.
We even have a train station that is directly connected to Berlin and stops right in front of the entrance.
I think there are even 2 train stations.
That makes it very easy for people who live in Berlin and want to work here.
You can drive or come by train.
We look forward to having a wonderful place here.
The 2 contractors, Bögl and Goldbeck, did a great job.
You see how fast the progress was.
It's an excellent step forward.
Pre-production technology is used.
While we were doing the ground work, we worked with Bögl and Goldbeck to develop the building parts as prefabricated components.
So you can build incredibly quickly and it will still be a high quality building.

Q: How do you feel personally when you are in Berlin now?
I love it, awesome! I always have a great time when I'm here.

Q: How is X-AE 12 doing?
Oh, HAHAHAHAHA, you mean my child? That sounds like a password. Yeah, he's fine. I think I'll bring him next time. Maybe we'll be back in a few months and I'll bring him.

Q: Mr. Musk, why are you building the factory so quickly? Why are you so fast?
You know, I believe in speed. I also think, let's be serious for a moment, it's very important for the climate that we are fast. It's important ... [people are talking in between] ... who should I talk to? [Woman: talk to me!] ... HAHAHAHA. It is very important that we accelerate the transition to sustainable energy and make it as soon as possible. That is the reason why speed is so important to us. I've been saying this for a long time. It's nice to see companies like VW now take this very seriously. But still only a very small percentage of the cars made are electric. I think we're going to be making more than cars here, maybe batteries, cells and some other things. That would be good for stationary energy supply, wind and solar. The three elements that are important for a sustainable energy future are energy generation, energy storage and electric cars / transportation. Possibly. electric planes. In fact, anything can go electric except missiles. But only in passing. The reason for the importance is that it depends on whether we take our time or are fast. The faster we move forward with the conversion to sustainable energies, the better for the world. That is the reason.

Q: Do you have a message for the people around here?
Sure, first of all we are very happy to be here in Grünheide and are grateful for the support. When we have the grand opening ceremony, the entire neighborhood is invited. Yes, we start the celebration early and it will last a long time. With, I don't know, a rave at the end. A bit of cool techno, something. It's going to be a family celebration and then go on late into the night. A raver den is damn necessary! HAHAHAHHA, absolutely! That's cool.

Q: What are you doing here today?
I came here to see the progress in person. I actually wanted to come earlier, but of course, as you know, the pandemic is. I actually wanted to be here 3-4 months early. I'll be here a lot from now on. The new airport is finally going to open, as I heard. It's very conveniently located.

Q. Did you know about this [Baumisere BER]?
Maybe we are a good thing I don't know

Q. How long will you be here?
I'll be traveling on late tonight. I've been there from the beginning of the week until now. So about 4 days. But it was great, I love Germany, it was great. I am impressed with the talent and engineering skills. I think this is really the ideal place to build our first factory in Europe. We start with the factory but will then also develop new technical concepts here. I want to mention that the factory's painting line will be the most modern of any car factory in the world. That'll be awesome. To be honest, it'll be better than the one in the US. Well, we'll upgrade those in the US later. It's a really cool multi-layer painting system. We'll have a color lab here. It's going to be really cool. Engineering, concept development and production.

Q: What are the future plans with Germany?
As I said, we're going to build the factory. We're going to be doing a lot of innovative stuff here that I'll talk about in the future. It's not just a copy of the Model Y here. It is a radical redesign of the core technologies of car manufacturing. I will report on some of these things here in Berlin on Battery Day later in September. It is the first time that there has been a transformation in the core concept of how a car is built. That's a pretty big / important thing. As I said, production, engineering and concept development.

[Sign autographs]

Q: Have you heard of the water problems here in Brandenburg?
Yes, I tried to understand the water issue. To be honest, it's pretty complex. A brown coal mine that pumps water. Who previously pumped water. The mine provided water but has now been closed. Does that make sense? Are you familiar with that?

I just know that there isn't enough water.

The mine provided water with their pumps or something. I think, basically, that we are not in a dry area.

We still suffer from droughts. The last few years.

Yes, but these trees would not grow here if there was no water. HAHAHAHA, we are not in a desert. I believe the reality is that the factory is not an excessive water user per square meter. It is not a big consumer per square meter over the year. And we will recycle as much water as possible. I'm pretty sure it will become the world's greenest factory. That is our goal. Anything we can do to make them greener, we will do. Because that is also the company's mission. If anyone has any advice, we are open to criticism and advice on what we can do better. Let us know. Ok cool I have to go and see the factory now.


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It is interesting. My worst realistic worst case now is that I lose half of my amazing gains (would take far more of a drop to get there even). Being one of the folks (like most/all here) who held back in 2018-19 when the worst case was the company could go under, this is just an annoyance.

I haven't been an active investor for that long so I also credit Tesla with teaching me patience and faith. I have other stocks that dipped quite a bit today and that doesn't bother me either. I bought them for a reason, and a 10% drop doesn't change that.

Totally agree with your comparison. Lots of clenching moments in years past that remind me why early investors are being richly rewarded (in part) for taking on some serious risk back in the day. Right now this stock is arguably THE biggest battleground of short term speculation (S&P addition, 'tutes rebalancing, momentum trading, etc), but I can't wait to see some of these technical factors fade and focus coming back to the amazing growth ahead for this company.
I love Rob! but he did not win. He is to open minded and polite. I watched every second and it was painful... In the end whatshisface was grandstanding and picking out his next TV personality opponent so he could get more fame... Rob said maybe they could make that happen ;( ouch. Still love Rob.

Apparently, you have a different definition of "winning" than I do:

• When Gordon talks about "a busted revenue growth story" and Rob points out that Gordon himself is modeling for future revenue growth, who won?

• When Gordon talks about no delivery growth, and Rob points out that deliveries GLOBALLY have been consistently increasing, who won?

• When Gordon talks about delivery growth only coming from new factories, and Rob asks why that matters and doesn't get an answer, who won?

• When Gordon says Tesla's service isn't contributing to the bottom line like it does at other OEMs and Rob points out that other OEMs are servicing vehicles far older than Tesla, and that Teslas need less maintenance, who won?

• When Rob points out that during the early Pandemic Tesla global sales declined far less than the next best automaker and Gordon insists that's not indicative of anything, who won?

• When Gordon, at least twice, gets all excited and says "this isn't emotional" and Rob remains calm and says "Yes, that's why we should continue to look at the facts," who won?

How many more examples do you need?

We don't need Gordon to acknowledge the facts for the facts to have won.

Gordon can dream on that he gets equal air time with Cramer at some future point, but my guess is that after hearing about this video, Cramer will dismiss Gordon outright. What Gordon doesn't realize is that the next time he's invited, it'll be after a couple more quarters have gone by and Gordon's "busted growth story" is itself busted.
down to $384 After hours.

To put this in context, the split was announced on August 11th when the stock price (split adjusted) was only $274.88c - and we haven't had any new material company information since then.

Personally I have always maintained that share splits are absolutely meaningless except to idiots, so there was no valid reason for the crazy run-up based on company fundamentals.
down to $384 After hours.

To put this in context, the split was announced on August 11th when the stock price (split adjusted) was only $274.88c - and we haven't had any new material company information since then.

Personally I have always maintained that share splits are absolutely meaningless except to idiots, so there was no valid reason for the crazy run-up based on company fundamentals.
True, but we were down after a great Q2 so this run up wasn't all about the split.