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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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On a less rodentmentary analysis -

Some Google Trend context to all the Model Y speculation:

In general the search for "tesla model" is back to about 85-90% of the previous steady state rate before Covid. The dip went down 50% for around 2 months.... You could approximate that Tesla "lost" an aggregate 1 month of searches. This is consistent across specific models (although Model Y was increasing throughout January).

If that correlated with orders, 1 month "loss" coupled with 1.5 months shutdown would not be much of a mismatch. However the need to focus on U.S. deliveries mostly may fog that picture a bit.

The other point is that right now searches for the Model Y are basically at the same level as the Model X. If we assumed the same relationship to order frequency, that's about what, enough for ~ 1000 / week? So if production is way higher, maybe that's an issue.

Of course, you know they say about assumptions.
On Nikola.

I was looking at the concept interior CAD drawing the CEO was showing.

I noticed that there's like, empty spaces between the floor and the cab. Does it look like a photoshop copy and paste to anybody?

Also, since it is a reverse merger (ugh. Flashbacks of my losses in Chinese stocks) did they end up going through and disclosing proper auditing?
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. so, where does one put their money with a frothy market an fixed income device yields being minuscule.....cash?

Sounds like a beer market. So
Reverse mergers suck.

Who knows how far the trillions thrown haphazardly into the market will take the indexes? Whole market is like a stock with a high PE that doesn't need to show profit because it is growing so fast. When does it stop going up? You need a narrative change, and that is notoriously hard to pin down or predict.

And then of course there is HTZ.... what the hell is going on?
Haha. Top secret. I haven't finished hoarding yet.You can thank whoever coat tailed me on APT and made me lose out on so much gain.
@Causalien May I ask not what your stock pick is but what is the cause for concern? The state of oil? The quick rebound of the markets? Damage done to small business? Sports gamblers in the stock market? Fed's printing infinite money? Riots? The state of Automakers? Murder hornets and radioactive forest fires (yeah 2020 sucks lol) all the above, none of the above????? :confused:
My take on the current "wall of worry".

1. Tesla is working to increase Model Y production at Fremont
2. End of quarter demand levers are not unusual especially Q1/Q2.
3. Model Y production will mean expanding Model 3/S/X sales to more markets.
4. Elon may get more involved in SpaceX, but there will be interesting future products at Tesla that will interest him.
5. It will take a lot of time and money to build a city on Mars.
6. Organisational culture has inertia which can last 10-20 years (after the departure of the visionary driver)
7. We are winning, who really cares what the media or shorts say..
8. People simply like forcing @Krugerrand to buy shares.
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I can't fathom why people are thinking he might quit. Musk is not a quitter! It's not in his DNA.

Some may argue quitting is a realistic and valid concern. I think they are either being disingenuous or perhaps they simply don't understand something that should be obvious. The former is the polite interpretation.
Or, short memories.
