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Toolbox 3 Gateway Configuration Edit on Model 3 / Y?

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Active Member
Aug 29, 2019
Anyone out there know how to do this? As best as I can tell, the menu the tesla techs use (something to the effect of dashboard -> infotainment -> vehicle configuration change) isn't present in the version of toolbox us mere mortals get access to. However, under actions, PROC_ICE_X_SAFE-SET-VEHICLE-CONFIGS is available. The parameters it accepts are ConfigParams (type List) and Configs Require Ice Reboot (presumably yes/no, true/false, 0/1, etc -- can be left blank though I believe).


From what I can tell digging through the app.f5d3cbaebb2ad903a936.js file, this action is what's invoked when making the gateway config changes the official way. I just can't figure out how to format the input. For example I'm trying to change id 32 to 01, and I've tried sending {32, 01} and many variants (with quotes, different brackets, etc), to no avail. I mostly get an error about not being to cast the input as a List.

Anyone out there know what to do or can help with some hints? I can share any other relevant info
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I don't even see the steering wheel heater config in the toolbox javascript. Doesn't mean it's a config that doesn't exist, but could mean even the highest level of toolbox doesn't actually have access to change that -- there are a few options like that to my knowledge (ultrasonics being another one)
So it wouldn't be as simple as going into the gateway unlocking it and changing the ID?
So far I have gotten a PWS, matrix headlights, and 2.0 center console reconfigued for my 2018 M3P.
There's got to be a way to get in there to reconfigure for a heated steering wheel if matrix headlights could be reconfigured in there 🤷


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Not much help but when i took my car in I was told there were two settings that needed to be changed - “heated steering wheel fitted” and “steering wheel heating enabled”. I don’t know the actual config names or numbers unfortunately.

If you can get those two set, the UI elements should appear, at which point I presume you can trigger off them on the CAN server.

That would be my dream end goal for this. If you used the 12v relay to increase heating power (older VCLeft will trip efuse otherwise) then you would basically have an OEM retrofit.

(I suspect that the car won’t know when the steering wheel heater is on, because it won’t get any kind of confirmation from the left body controller, so the button would basically add like a dumb button?)
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They told me they got the UI elements to appear in the car, but that pressing them didn’t do anything. They surmised this was because of an incompatibility in the left body controller, mine was too old and predated whatever changes they made to allow for steering wheel heating (bigger MOSFETs?).
When did that happen? I have a 01/2021 Model 3 which was shipped with the new VCLeft, but with the old steering wheel without heating elements. After swapping steering wheels I should have all the correct hardware, but even a Tesla mechanic wasn't able to enable it on the software side. He said something about it being locked or connected to the VIN. Steering Heater Enabled (115) seems to automatically revert to DISABLED. That was in early July 2022, not sure if anything has changed. Gonna go for an aftermarket solution which enables with the heated seat. Not ideal but it should work well enough.
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When did that happen? I have a 01/2021 Model 3 which was shipped with the new VCLeft, but with the old steering wheel without heating elements. After swapping steering wheels I should have all the correct hardware, but even a Tesla mechanic wasn't able to enable it on the software side. He said something about it being locked or connected to the VIN. Steering Heater Enabled (115) seems to automatically revert to DISABLED. That was in early July 2022, not sure if anything has changed. Gonna go for an aftermarket solution which enables with the heated seat. Not ideal but it should work well enough.
They invited me in at the end of November 2021 I believe.

How do you know you have "the new VCLeft" ? Did you ask them? If you have 1567455-00-C or later you should be fine.

Configurations being locked to VINs is (I think) rubbish. Tesla could activate whatever they wanted in the gateway config on any car, within reason, though I imagine service centre techs can only run scripts that have been prepared for them, that do specific, limited things. Obviously changing config settings when car hardware doesn't support it could cause all kinds of problems from alerts to minor or major failures, etc.

There is another gateway configuration value you need to set besides "Steering Wheel Heating Enabled" (115). There is one that tells the car it has a heated steering wheel fitted. I don't know the accessId unfortunately, neither of them appear in the publicly available gateway config outputs online that I've found. A Tesla ranger likely won't be able to change either of these values in the field - when they looked at my car mine said "DISABLED" and couldn't be changed by the tech.

Since rear seat heating & steering wheel heating is a paid option for 2021 cars (before it became standard) I would be surprised if these config options aren't "protected".
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They invited me in at the end of November 2021 I believe.

How do you know you have "the new VCLeft" ? Did you ask them? If you have 1567455-00-C or later you should be fine.

Configurations being locked to VINs is (I think) rubbish. Tesla could activate whatever they wanted in the gateway config on any car, within reason, though I imagine service centre techs can only run scripts that have been prepared for them, that do specific, limited things. Obviously changing config settings when car hardware doesn't support it could cause all kinds of problems from alerts to minor or major failures, etc.

There is another gateway configuration value you need to set besides "Steering Wheel Heating Enabled" (115). There is one that tells the car it has a heated steering wheel fitted. I don't know the accessId unfortunately, neither of them appear in the publicly available gateway config outputs online that I've found. A Tesla ranger likely won't be able to change either of these values in the field - when they looked at my car mine said "DISABLED" and couldn't be changed by the tech.

Since rear seat heating & steering wheel heating is a paid option for 2021 cars (before it became standard) I would be surprised if these config options aren't "protected".
I checked with Tesla for the VCLeft. Mine is 1567455-02-D. The steering wheel it shipped with was a "non-heat version" though. Configwise he changed 114 and 115 as far as I know.

To be honest I don't have much clue about the inner workings of the car. Could be that I misinterpreted his words, but the point was that Tesla changed something after some people decided to sell or enable FSD or other features behind the scenes. I would hope that there is still a chance, but it doesn't seem to be trivial to do anymore.

Too bad Tesla is not considering a retrofit, I would gladly pay money for this...
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It's no help to you I'm afraid but service techs definitely have a "script" (for want of a better word) for enabling the heated steering wheel on cars that arrived without it, because they ran it on my car and made the button appear. I have an older VCLeft that is incompatible though. I suspect that it has no firmware that supports heated steering wheels because it can't support it, if that makes sense.
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It's no help to you I'm afraid but service techs definitely have a "script" (for want of a better word) for enabling the heated steering wheel on cars that arrived without it, because they ran it on my car and made the button appear. I have an older VCLeft that is incompatible though. I suspect that it has no firmware that supports heated steering wheels because it can't support it, if that makes sense.
Where do they get scripts from? Is it stored on Tesla toolbox itself on their own computers individually, on a special server they only have access to?

I have tried activating it in the gateway and it seems impossible, it's a secured locked ID so anyone outside of Tesla cannot do it only for AP computers a certain hardware manufactured date could it be rooted to obtain access to change secured locked IDs.

I just want the UI to show up so I can have it trigger for a canbus to activate it instead of being triggered to a seat heater.
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No idea I'm afraid. I just know that the techs at my local service centre had at the time been given a mechanism of activating heated steering wheels on cars that had turned up without it enabled. This was I think around the time when it became a standard feature, so they felt obliged to do it for customers who complained on delivery that their cars didn't have it.

Again guessing but I would presume this script somehow goes off and gets authorisation for this secured config change to be made. I doubt the techs are actually doing anything in terms of changing values themselves.

I can sympathise with your situation - I'd want to do the same thing at some point.
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Ah that sucks then. Wonder why they secure it when it wasn't a paid option on the model 3 and they don't offer a paid retrofit.
It is a paid retrofit in the sense that 2021 Model 3 SR+ owners can buy a “Cold Weather Feature” option that unlocks rear heated seats and heated steering wheel. When this was released I think existing LR and P cars were blessed with this feature free of charge OTA.

Not sure if it’s still listed on the options on recent pre-Highland cars or whether its just a standard “option” that is preconfigured.
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