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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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That Elon spoke to the New York Times is very interesting. He has open invitations from pro-Tesla reporters, bloggers, and podcasts that he’s responded “open to it at some point” but has not yet been interviewed. And plenty of other outlets and journalists (including some he’s spoken to before) he could have gone to for a balanced article. From his comments on conference calls and his tweets, he does keep up with what’s written (mainstream and financial) about Tesla and who writes it. In the Ashlee Vance book, Elon seemed very cautious and paranoid even letting his friends and colleagues be interviewed. So it just seems out of character he would “walk into the enemy camp”. A dumb mistake or just part of a brilliant long-game plan?

I think the message there is that they are just about to hire a high end executive to run ops. The drugs part it bizarre especially given the fact that the Saudis will be mega allergic to it.
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That Elon spoke to the New York Times is very interesting. He has open invitations from pro-Tesla reporters, bloggers, and podcasts that he’s responded “open to it at some point” but has not yet been interviewed. And plenty of other outlets and journalists (including some he’s spoken to before) he could have gone to for a balanced article. From his comments on conference calls and his tweets, he does keep up with what’s written (mainstream and financial) about Tesla and who writes it. In the Ashlee Vance book, Elon seemed very cautious and paranoid even letting his friends and colleagues be interviewed. So it just seems out of character he would “walk into the enemy camp”. A dumb mistake or just part of a brilliant long-game plan?
I think it was just honest. He did what he could at production ramp, consequently it was hard on him. It shows he has dedication and is actually human too. I didn't see it as a negative so much as point blank honesty of here was the situation and here is the situation I see moving forward.
That Elon spoke to the New York Times is very interesting. He has open invitations from pro-Tesla reporters, bloggers, and podcasts that he’s responded “open to it at some point” but has not yet been interviewed. And plenty of other outlets and journalists (including some he’s spoken to before) he could have gone to for a balanced article. From his comments on conference calls and his tweets, he does keep up with what’s written (mainstream and financial) about Tesla and who writes it. In the Ashlee Vance book, Elon seemed very cautious and paranoid even letting his friends and colleagues be interviewed. So it just seems out of character he would “walk into the enemy camp”. A dumb mistake or just part of a brilliant long-game plan?

It looks like there’s a video interview with MKBHD coming soon:

Marques Brownlee on Twitter

Keeping the moderators jumping this morning?

What is really becoming disconcerting to me isn't so much what is happening with the stock price. I expect that with such a disruptive company. I am truly beginning to get morally outraged at the tactics being employed by some people and the obvious negative effect it is having on many people, including myself. I hear it all the time that emotion has no place in the stock market but apparently moral character and humanitarian decency don't either. This is a cesspool of vile, despicable people and I find it remarkable they are able to keep their jobs. As soon as my car is ready for delivery and I need to finalize my financing I will be cashing out. I want no more of this. I realize that is exactly what the shorts want but I am done with all this. I hate watching what it is doing to Elon and others. I feel dirty just reading all this crap.


Buying and holding since 2012....
Denier of service to shorts....
Stay long, you’ll only feel dirty if you sell to a short.

Fire Away!
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I think it was just honest. He did what he could at production ramp, consequently it was hard on him. It shows he has dedication and is actually human too. I didn't see it as a negative so much as point blank honesty of here was the situation and here is the situation I see moving forward.

Yeah, I think what he said is honest but why did he choose NYT to do the interview?
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Indeed I was wrong, we didn't get to 32x, we got to 31x instead. Here's the next prediction, we'll get under 3xx soon enough. I don't see a re-test of the recent lows but we'll certainly get under 3xx for one/several of many reasons. My last entry was 5% of the position at 337. I'm not going to start to re-enter till 29x. then add as we go down. That will probably happen in the next 60 days.

There are forces at play here that we cannot see, but we can see and feel their influence.
I think you may very well be right other than the idea that this further drop may take another 60 days. If you follow TSLA, that's often enough time for several cycles of drops and climbs. I think that's way too long for this to take to drop further and bottom. I think it could drop into the $280s within 6 days before it starts climbing, but who knows.
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Yeah, I think what he said is honest but why did he choose NYT to do the interview?
I imagine it was because the NYT called him and said "we talked to people close to the situation, some on the board, and we are going to publish a story where we're prepared to say this and that. Would you be interested to weigh in?" To which the answer sometimes is yes, maybe because for that particular story you decide it would be advantageous to have your side taken into account.
If this is threadbare...so what.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

Theodore Roosevelt
Sorry folks, turns out this whole thing is my fault. Bought a few shares at $381 right after the tweet last week.
The last time I bought? $375, in early June '17.
FOMO's a beast.
I'm no genius financial analyst but I think the way this is supposed to work best is if you BUY low and SELL high. Mostly I just buy and hold.
I imagine it was because the NYT called him and said "we talked to people close to the situation, some on the board, and we are going to publish a story where we're prepared to say this and that. Would you be interested to weigh in?" To which the answer sometimes is yes, maybe because for that particular story you decide it would be advantageous to have your side taken into account.

Good point, though it would have been a pretty lousy article without Elon’s interview as no one was willing to go on record. The rest of it was just a lot of “sources familiar with...”
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