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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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seriously I have no idea how high $TSLA SP will gap up on Monday
Logic dictates that it should be trading at least $307 or the SP that it was at before SEC fiasco on Thursday everything else being equal
however #1 all uncertainty regarding SEC now removed Plus lots of positive reforms instituted by the settlement so even better
BTW will worry about DOJ if and when it happens exactly as much as I worry about getting a flat on my MX or MS
And my dear AnneBoleyn brought to my attention that inadvertently a classic short trap was laid out on Friday by idiot shorts doubling down their bets by shorting the hell outta $TSLA thinking that Musk is going to jail for fraud
Well guess what the mother of all short squeezes could easily be triggered next week by at least a 17 to 20% gap up Monday just to reset back to pre SEC SP on Thursday plus favorable delivery # on Tuesday morning would literally BURN the shorts
I’m positively gloating
I’ve suffered terribly over the last 2 months with losing approx 70% of my total NW which is all in call options thanks to stupid shorts
Payback time!
I’m ecstatic
For messages that relate to Tesla or contain or could reasonably contain material information to Tesla shareholders.

I believe pre-approval by the Tesla board is only mandated for material information related to Tesla.

I.e. Elon could still tweet back to Tesla owners that he'll take care of a problem, etc. - that's not material information.
Outstanding DOJ still an overhang.

Do we actually know that there is a SEPARATE DOJ investigation? I thought I remembered it being mentioned either on TMC or perhaps CNBC that the DOJ often works hand-in-hand with the SEC during these types of investigations. So, there only involvement may have been to do some of the ground work for the SEC perhaps?
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In fact, in the last quarterly conference a couple of weeks ago Elon said that no capital raise, ever.

No, it's not a fact, he did not say no capital raise ever.......you are. He said "no equity". Read the Q2 facts more carefully so we don't have people screaming EM is a LIAR when debt is recycled or increased. Debt is capital. Finance 101.

Capital includes debt. Bank debt is capital. Sub debt is capital. Convertible debt is capital. Auto securitization debt is capital. Solar bonds are capital. Taking on debt for China or anything else is a capital raise, including off balance sheet paper in an SPV. He said no equity because he knows the meaning of capital.
If the SEC wants to REALLY stick it to Elon, they would appoint AI chairman of the board and AI chairmen board members, and AI Twitter Nanny.

The AI will have an axe to grind after all the negative press they received on the Joe Rogan experience.

AI Twitter nanny would cramp Musk style something fierce.

Elon Musk: I want to stay healthy so I can retire on Mars. Thinking about implementing a pedometer on Model 3 keyfob to track steps.

AI Twitter Nanny: Tweet not approved for publishing.

Elon Musk: I dream of a day where every family has S3X in their garage.

AI Twitter Nanny: Tweet not approved for publishing.
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Here's the settlement with Elon:

But the board composition relates to the settlement between the SEC and Tesla - and I haven't found that settlement document either.

Ok, found reference to it in the SEC press release:

It says:
  • Musk will step down as Tesla’s Chairman and be replaced by an independent Chairman. Musk will be ineligible to be re-elected Chairman for three years;
  • Tesla will appoint a total of two new independent directors to its board;
  • Tesla will establish a new committee of independent directors and put in place additional controls and procedures to oversee Musk’s communications;
  • Musk and Tesla will each pay a separate $20 million penalty. The $40 million in penalties will be distributed to harmed investors under a court-approved process.
So yes, both the chairman and the two new directors will be independent.
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You'll eventually lose it all, because karma's a bitch. Shorts are scum of the earth. If it were just a financial play a normal stock I wouldn't get pissed. But this is a company that is good for the planet. ICE and oil have done enough damage and need to die. Tesla is usher us into a brighter future, if you try to inhibit that then you are an evil POS.
I don't know who you're talking to, but I love it anyway. <3
I believe pre-approval by the Tesla board is only mandated for material information related to Tesla.

I.e. Elon could still tweet back to Tesla owners that he'll take care of a problem, etc. - that's not material information.
Ah, good catch. Oversight required if it's about Tesla, pre-approval if it's material or could be material.
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