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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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If Tesla makes dog mode and not a cat mode, I’m out and perhaps may share my donuts with Bob.

Cat mode should include but not be restricted to:

catnip spritz - every 10 minutes a light, fragrant spritz of catnip should be deployed throughout the vehicle

mouse hunting - after 5 unattended minutes, a secret compartment (that Tesla regularly restocks during every tire rotation) should open releasing a mouse for said cat to play and torture
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If Tesla makes dog mode and not a cat mode, I’m out and perhaps may share my donuts with Bob.

Cat mode should include but not restricted to:

catnip spritz - every 10 minutes a light, fragrant spritz of catnip should be deployed throughout the vehicle

mouse hunting - after 5 unattended minutes, a secret compartment (that Tesla regularly restocks during every tire rotation) should open releasing a mouse for said cat to play and torture

I've never seen a cat in a car ;)
They would have to deliver 71,984 model 3's to use up all the VINs they've already registered (my conservative hope is 'at least 65,000'). I wonder how many 'permanent gaps' there are.

156129 - 107265 = 48864, or roughly 10 weeks worth, which is roughly the long estimate on order to delivery. Coincidence? Or conspiracy of lemurs?
The possibility of a recession could ultimately be great for Tesla. Right now - despite how much Tesla insists it doesn't need to raise capital - there's a market presumption that they're going to need to. A recession makes a capital raise harder, so Tesla's price drops as the market does. But if you eliminate this aspect - if Tesla can demonstrate that, like it says, it doesn't need a capital raise - a recession works favorably:

* Unlike everyone else, they're supply limited, not demand limited. All but the most hardcore bears realize that given how long it's taken Tesla to get to the point of even needing to introduce the MR in the US, that once you add in Europe and Asia, they're booked for quite some time, even ignoring new reservations, and even accounting for recession-related cancellations. This puts Tesla in a favourable position as a safe hedge for people wanting to invest in the auto industry.

* A recession makes everything cheaper for Tesla - raw materials, parts, shipping (both domestic and international), and pretty much everything else. Which boosts Tesla's profit margins. Which lets them go to even cheaper vehicles, increasing their market size even more.
This is one of the biggest reasons for investing in Tesla. P/E and other indicators look horrible for Tesla now but that should change next year. If numbers begin to add up and the stock instead looks cheap Tesla could sail through a market correction unscathed. At least compared to the current valuation.
Don't despair on today's SP action, folks. Feeble volume at the half-way point 12:45 pm 3,3M shares traded. This is just the mice playing while the big cat's away. Cheers!

Yeah, it seems almost like somebody is playing whack-a-mole around 258.

Drive the price down sharply at open, keep it from climbing up to that point. Rinse/repeat.

I'm a fairly new trader, so if anybody wants to chime in I'd welcome it, but I'm assuming with this type of "massaging" of the stock price that when it does climb it would be far more likely to be in sudden jumps and not a slow, gradual ascent?

All the more reason to hold, hunker down and wait it out.
Yeah, it seems almost like somebody is playing whack-a-mole around 258.

Pretty low $TSLA volume today, less than 50% of the recent daily average - and after the mandatory morning dip the price is just doing Brownian motion and correlation moves with the Nasdaq.

Most market participants are waiting for Q3 results I suspect, with some light selling pressure.
jokes aside, how much mineral wealth is in Madagascar? Nickel Alum. Manganese Cobalt, ooh and some Lithium too please. GF5/Gulf States?

From Wikipedia: Minerals, both industrial and metallic, are numerous including ilmenite, graphite, limestone, gypsum, dolomite, silica, mica, titanium, quartz, gold, platinum group, silver, iron, copper, zinc, nickel, cobalt, chromite, coal, and uranium. Madagascar is also rich in precious and semi-precious stones: ruby, sapphire, emerald, aquamarine, beryl, tourmaline, topaz, garnet, cordierite, rose quartz, amethyst, and citrine. Decorative stones found are marble, silicified wood, and jasper.[2]

There's actually a mining company called Lemur Holdings, but they're focused on coal.

ED: Apparently 12,9% of Madagascar's exports are nickel:

Madagascar’s Top 10 Exports

  1. Coffee, tea, spices: US$918.5 million (32.8% of total exports)
  2. Nickel: $362.1 million (12.9%)
  3. Clothing, accessories (not knit or crochet): $291.2 million (10.4%)
  4. Knit or crochet clothing, accessories: $235.9 million (8.4%)
  5. Other base metals: $168.3 million (6%)
  6. Fish: $138.2 million (4.9%)
  7. Ores, slag, ash: $112.5 million (4%)
  8. Gems, precious metals: $109.8 million (3.9%)
  9. Perfumes, cosmetics: $44.9 million (1.6%)
  10. Gums, resins, other vegetable saps: $40.6 million (1.5%)

If this isn't SP-moving news then what is?

If this isn't SP-moving news then what is?

I suspect Tesla wants not just a good location and regional support, but also significant local financing support - which they got in Shanghai.

What's unclear to me is whether that's even possible on the German state level or requires federal support - and that looks highly unlikely to me given how heavily German politics is captured by the German automotive industry.

Perhaps Lower Saxony could sell part of their large stake in VW and invest in a Gigafactory, for diversification. Just saying! ;)
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