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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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Narrative is changing!
Tesla overtakes first German carmakers in the US, also form the highly recognized newspaper WELT
In summary:
- German government wants hard figures regarding Diesel retrofit. (How much money will the car company pay for each diesel car to make it cleaner)
- BMW already reported a very bad q3, expecting the same for mercedes after profit warning
- Tesla overtakes first german car brands in total sales in America
- Then a lot of positive statements about Tesla, which we all know.
- Audi has problems
- Model 3 pushed Tesla forward
- Tesla is making money with an electric car, this is very alarming for rivals.

Tesla verdrängt den ersten deutschen Autobauer in den USA - WELT

This forum already knew this a year ago. :):););)

I read that with delight yesterday and almost did not trust my eyes waiting for the famous "but...." sentence do appear but it didn't.

Truly first fully positive article from the Welt calling the German Automakers to miss on all levels.

Never too late to change course also not for the media. Bravo, we need more of those!
I love the pick. Strong financial background, extensive Silicon Valley experience, lengthy tenure with Tesla. Don’t expect it to be market moving, but should be received positively.

As much as some of us would have enjoyed leaving the Chair empty (or appointing, say, Kanye West), this was a much better approach. This is a mature, wise decision.

I love that they picked an Australian. It's tenuous, but I feel we have a slightly better chance of being a part of the clean energy future now. There's the small matter of breaking the stranglehold the coal industry has on Canberra - these days they even choose our PM (Science literate Malcolm Turnbull recently deposed by science illiterate Scott Morrison, whose first task was to appoint coal loving Angus Taylor as energy minister).

But it will happen. The Tesla effect will reach us, sooner or later.
Forever hopeful.
That's my gut feeling. She seems solid, yet perhaps not the household name many were hoping for to jolt the SP.

As part of the settlement are there 2 (or just one) more independent board members that will be added?

As I said, very happy it’s not a celebrity pick, but rather someone qualified and suitable.

I also think The market reaction will match ours - after all, we are perhaps the most knowledgeable group on Tesla, no? So I predicct it to be perceived as very positive.

Mod: Ultimate paragraph deleted at request of cheekbone police.
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New Board Chairperson announced: Robyn Denholm

Announcing Robyn Denholm as Tesla’s New Board Chair

Tesla’s Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Robyn Denholm has been appointed as Chair of the Tesla Board, effective immediately. So that she will be able to devote her full attention to the Tesla Chair role, Robyn will be leaving her role as CFO and Head of Strategy at Telstra, Australia’s largest telecommunications company, once her six-month notice period with Telstra is complete. Robyn will be serving as Tesla Chair on a full-time basis.


To ensure a smooth transition during the remainder of Robyn’s time at Telstra, Elon will be a resource to Robyn and provide any support that she requests in her role as Chair. Robyn will continue to provide the necessary focus and time to Telstra during the remainder of her time there, and she will also temporarily step down as Chair of Tesla’s Audit Committee until she leaves Telstra.

Robyn has served on the Tesla Board as an independent director since 2014. Her global experience in both Australia and Silicon Valley encompasses leadership roles across a range of technology companies, including Telstra, Juniper Networks, and Sun Microsystems. She is widely credited with leading a team that drove significant increases in Juniper’s revenues, overseeing Juniper’s corporate transformation during her nine-year tenure as Chief Financial and Operations Officer. Her experience also includes numerous finance management roles in the automotive industry while at Toyota.

“I believe in this company, I believe in its mission and I look forward to helping Elon and the Tesla team achieve sustainable profitability and drive long-term shareholder value,” Robyn said.

“Robyn has extensive experience in both the tech and auto industries, and she has made significant contributions as a Tesla Board member over the past four years in helping us become a profitable company,” said Elon. “I look forward to working even more closely with Robyn as we continue accelerating the advent of sustainable energy.”​

Interesting insight:

What is a full time job for a normal executive is a <20% (TSLA: CEO,CPO,Chairman, Spacex: CEO, Chairman?, ...) job for Elon... :)
That's my gut feeling. She seems solid, yet perhaps not the household name many were hoping for to jolt the SP.

When it comes to long term corporate governance then solid, reliable and known is good, it is the best in fact.

As part of the settlement are there 2 (or just one) more independent board members that will be added?

Two more independent board members will be appointed.

I'd expect them to be solid choices as well: nothing overly exciting or provocative. The SEC I believe has veto power over these picks, so provocative choices would be counterproductive anyway. (As much as I'd have loved to see Kanye West jump on the table and declare himself the new chair (pun intended), that's not gonna happen.)

Market reaction should be neutral or positive.
Currently, right now.
A dutch guy is fighting against his two fines using a mobile when driving a Tesla on autopilot in court.
Telling the court that at some point of time Tesla Autopilot will be better then a normal driver.

Looks like he is going to loose.

Judge was not interested in a show process.
But Vincent Evers was happy, he felt that the court was listening to him.
Making the statement that it is 150 times more save to use a mobile with autopilot then using a mobile without it.
Judge was not interested in a show process.
But Vincent Evers was happy, he felt that the court was listening to him.
Making the statement that it is 150 times more save to use a mobile with autopilot then using a mobile without it.
Well if you've decided to be distracted anyways, clearly doing it on AP is less bad.
New Board Chairperson announced: Robyn Denholm

Announcing Robyn Denholm as Tesla’s New Board Chair

Tesla’s Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Robyn Denholm has been appointed as Chair of the Tesla Board, effective immediately. So that she will be able to devote her full attention to the Tesla Chair role, Robyn will be leaving her role as CFO and Head of Strategy at Telstra, Australia’s largest telecommunications company, once her six-month notice period with Telstra is complete. Robyn will be serving as Tesla Chair on a full-time basis.


To ensure a smooth transition during the remainder of Robyn’s time at Telstra, Elon will be a resource to Robyn and provide any support that she requests in her role as Chair. Robyn will continue to provide the necessary focus and time to Telstra during the remainder of her time there, and she will also temporarily step down as Chair of Tesla’s Audit Committee until she leaves Telstra.

Robyn has served on the Tesla Board as an independent director since 2014. Her global experience in both Australia and Silicon Valley encompasses leadership roles across a range of technology companies, including Telstra, Juniper Networks, and Sun Microsystems. She is widely credited with leading a team that drove significant increases in Juniper’s revenues, overseeing Juniper’s corporate transformation during her nine-year tenure as Chief Financial and Operations Officer. Her experience also includes numerous finance management roles in the automotive industry while at Toyota.

“I believe in this company, I believe in its mission and I look forward to helping Elon and the Tesla team achieve sustainable profitability and drive long-term shareholder value,” Robyn said.

“Robyn has extensive experience in both the tech and auto industries, and she has made significant contributions as a Tesla Board member over the past four years in helping us become a profitable company,” said Elon. “I look forward to working even more closely with Robyn as we continue accelerating the advent of sustainable energy.”​

Like the choice, too. Googled her a bit and found this interview from Jan 2018: CFO one-on-one interview with Robyn Denholm

Looks like she is really into the Tesla mission:
In 2014 I was approached by Tesla to be Chair of their Audit Committee at a time when I actually had a model ‘S’ on order. I am now onto my third Tesla. I am a car enthusiast and am passionate about innovation, so Tesla is the perfect board role for me.

I love being on the Tesla board as it marries many of the things I am passionate about, such as energy and technology, given my prior board position at ABB and my roles at Sun and Juniper. Also Tesla is a founder led company and I have been around founder led companies for much of my career.

The exciting thing at Tesla is that it is a company that is disrupting whole industries rather than just a specific technology and it is a very fast moving environment. In terms of the Audit Chair role, it is helpful having been both a CFO and an Audit Chair. There have been a number of things I have modified in my executive roles based on my experience as an Audit Chair. Looking at risk from an Audit Chair perspective does alter your behaviour as a CFO / COO.
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Like the choice, too. Googled her a bit and found this interview from Jan 2018: CFO one-on-one interview with Robyn Denholm

Pretty sure those are typed responses to typed questions. Conversations don't flow in neat paragraphs. If you've ever put on headphones and typed up a recorded conversation you will understand - it's seriously hard to convert spoken English to written English.
Well if you've decided to be distracted anyways, clearly doing it on AP is less bad.

Indeed, but reality is that until it's L5 we should be paying attention in the same manner as with L0.

Some activities while using AP on a well-marked road in clement conditions are sort of OK, like taking a drink of water, but texting not, IMO, as it totally removed your focus from the driving and if something untoward happens at that time you will be far less likely to intervene in good time and almost certainly unable to act prior to the event.

I get around this by doing a "Hey Siri" to my iPhone and dictate the text. It's often autocorrected to hell, but the meaning usually gets across.
Ah, the pre trade needle has moved to $349.00
Was afraid it was frozen.
Looking for $360. I purchased a few at that price during the 420 secured week, figuring worst case I'd have to keep them a few months.
Was actually happy when the go private fell through and I wasn't going to be forced out at a mere $420. It helped of course that my average buy was $271.
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Gee, I wonder if there is going to be a 10 page discussion of " Is this racist?" LOL.

BTW Singuy, I while back we had a discussion here " Is it racist for Australians and New Zealanders to prefer a California made Tesla vehicle to a Chinese made Tesla vehicle ?"

You did use much stronger language. Like as in Australian and New Zealanders would refuse to buy a Model 3 made in China.

I argued it was not the place of manufacture but the headquarters of the company and the QA process. iPhones for example are craved by Chinese and are made in China.

Apple phones made in China are still American - as would Tesla’s.

@Singuy you are “generally” correct on Chinese buying mentality but there are limits to how much one can spend.

Tariffs should be be increasng Tesla sales in China based on your reasoning because it’s more expensive and less people can buy it so it’s more desirable - this is not the case.

No matter how much money you have, you better have a garage for your Tesla first - as it’s millions in USD for a small condo in Beijing. You litterally cannot get married if you do not have a home for your wife in advance.

I do agree they probably don’t want to go cheaper than the 3. Market for high end Tesla scooters would do well here no matter what Elon said. ;)

My background also includes family in Nanjing and manufacturing, QA and exporting out of China.

Trivia: Buick is alive and doing well in China. So is Toys R US.
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I love that they picked an Australian. It's tenuous, but I feel we have a slightly better chance of being a part of the clean energy future now. There's the small matter of breaking the stranglehold the coal industry has on Canberra - these days they even choose our PM (Science literate Malcolm Turnbull recently deposed by science illiterate Scott Morrison, whose first task was to appoint coal loving Angus Taylor as energy minister).

But it will happen. The Tesla effect will reach us, sooner or later.
Forever hopeful.
You can help. Look at what Mike Cannon-Brooks is doing on Twitter and help promote "fair dinkum" energy. The name is a bit naff but it seems to be getting some momentum. It also helps that one of our few billionaires is leading the charge.
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