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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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The best thing everyone can do about these articles is to not click on them. Clicks are what the sensational headlines are for. When CNN, etc... look at the data and see the stories with high click rates, it encourages them to write more.

I am surprised the musk grimes breakup didn't get turned into an article pushing an agenda. Am I seeing journalistic integrity?
Hey @ggr, why is @CuriousSunbird banned?

Is it because he predicted less than $300 close, post that was deleted and I can't read, except what seems his partial statement in responses?

I thought it was BECAUSE I predicted $300, but it now appears it was UNTIL my prediction came true.

I didn't realize they could do that, so kudos to the mods.
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You can't keep up with this assault. Both of these are recycled and repeat articles from last month, in the front page of CNN.com today. And these re-runs can go on and on and until the company dies.

The first one conveniently does not mention anything about 'Up your ass' comment.

These writers and editors are assholes.

Opinion: Stop worshipping guys like Elon Musk
How much trouble is Elon Musk in?

Let's not forget that these reviews from news sources with programs are funded by ads paid for by the advertisers. since Tesla spends zero on commercials these bees reviews will not be in favor for a company they generate zero revenue from. Oddly enough we do see allot of commercials from Toyota, GM ect.
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My local Tesla delivery and service center was so full of new cars I could not drive around the parking lot. I had to back up and turn around to get out. Apparently they can't get buyers to take delivery quickly enough.

So yes, there are parking lots full of Model 3, and the trucks just keep bringing more in every day.

Our delivery was the same. Zero parking at the store. They had a guy in the lot valeting and pointing people to empty
spots as they became available. Store was packed inside. This was on a Friday afternoon too. Tesla was great with my son's delivery.

For an outstanding high school effort we told my son we'd be buying him a model 3 in his first or second year of college (once he moved off campus and/or started internships). Due to the pending expiration of the tax credit, we decided to go ahead and buy the model 3 now and I'll drive it until he's ready for a car.

So I told my son we were going to Tesla to take our Model X in for service. I told him they might have a model 3 in the showroom. Once there I surprised him by telling him we were scheduled for a test drive. So Tesla went through the motions and pretended we were taking a test drive. He had no idea we were actually taking delivery of his car. They went through the car in the showroom and showed him how everything worked and then said they'd bring a car around for a test drive. They asked if he was interested in a particular color and they said they though they had a test vehicle in that color.

They brought the car into the delivery room and let us look it over. Right before we were supposed to leave for the "test drive" we unveiled to him that this was in fact his car.

Fun day.
You're right. It is too soon and it could end up fine. But I'd never call feeding shorts a billion unnecessary dollars "genius", no matter how it worked out.
Good point, and I think a lot of longs probably feel like idiots after adding a couple of weeks ago after Elon's announcement. No one is feeling very smart now about buying TSLA at $360+. Truth is, there was reason to believe the movie might not play out the same way it has over and over for the last year and a half. But, it did.
Good point, and I think a lot of longs probably feel like idiots after adding a couple of weeks ago after Elon's announcement. No one is feeling very smart now about buying TSLA at $360+. Truth is, there was reason to believe the movie might not play out the same way it has over and over for the last year and a half. But, it did.
I am guilty of adding to my position at $360+ after Elon's tweet. I wish he had worded his tweet in a way that did not make it sound so imminent and near term. Some of the things he said in the subsequent interview also seem to make him and Tesla seem more vulnerable than they really should be given the ramp up in model 3 production. I am still long and waiting to see this cycle end.
Seems a little flawed since many of those same charges should be eventually spread across Model Y as well.
Exactly. Factories and tooling are upfront costs which are spread out over how many vehicles are produced per year, and however many years you choose to pay it off.
These are massive assumptions that it appears UBS is manipulating to justify their ridiculous price target and Colin Langan's continuous sell rating.
UBS assumes 300k vehicles per year or 5,770/week. A number which has already been exceeded by M3 alone, according to Bloomberg M3 tracker.
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I am guilty of adding to my position at $360+ after Elon's tweet. I wish he had worded his tweet in a way that did not make it sound so imminent and near term. Some of the things he said in the subsequent interview also seem to make him and Tesla seem more vulnerable than they really should be given the ramp up in model 3 production. I am still long and waiting to see this cycle end.
Since you've "lost" on this buy, you can sell it now and call a loss
or you can wait for 8K and go in with minimal losses, or sell to shorts and get your investment integrally back. It's not over and it's not that long time to wait.

What Musk said in interview to NYT we don't know because NYT didn't tell anything of substance.
so the board must have spoken at least a couple or more times since this whole epic initiated...
i doubt we’d get any news/leaks from the ongoings, but you never know (jpm already said/speculated there was nothing to the original 420 privatization offer)

what do we expect next?

will there be anymore news with motive of intent? or will everything from here on out be an actual proposal that will then be subject to a proxy vote and subsequent offer letter, and filing??

I do think we need to quit talking about production...

Disagree. As production continues to ramp and Tesla continues to deliver highly profitable cars, keep hammering that home at every opportunity with the empirical data to back it up. Once there is hard data to deflate their arguments, the goal of the FUDsters is to shift the focus on the conversation to areas that are more squishy and where they can sow their FUD. Keeping the conversation grounded in facts and reality is the best defense.
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