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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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To be more precise: Hit me, then ran over my face, then stopped the car, took a look at me, decided he had to kill me as now I could identify him (illegal immigrant, didn’t want to get shipped home....his words later on), then got back in the car, ran over me again in reverse, then dragged me 50’ as my body got wedged under the engine bay.

My wife put a sticker on my car (the black S) that says ‘no bad day’, because I haven’t had a bad day since leaving the hospital. Sorry for OT...but ya know, weekend and all

Wow, what a story! This will not make me popular, but I really wish there was one country called Earth with one government and no borders. You wouldn't have to fly around killing people and there'd be no motivation for the immigrant to kill you, as he would be legal.
If Tesla drops another 10% I will get a margin call. I knew I took on extra risk when using margin, but this market scares me right now...

I’m not the person that gets pissed over things like this. But I assume there are tons of stock traders and GOP donors that’s had enough of the orange idiot.

You are over-leveraged. TSLA is a highly volatile stock. It can go down 10 %, 20 % even without even a fundamental reason. Just look at the chart. This is the kind of situation which bankrupts people who then turn away from stocks for years. Elon said something like: If you can't stomach the volatility do not buy the stock. He meant you.

People think that a lot of leverage gets them to their investment goals faster. Truth is, it wipes them out - sooner or later.

Now what to do? Reduce your risk by:

- liquidating part of your TSLA
- buying Puts as insurance
If Tesla drops another 10% I will get a margin call. I knew I took on extra risk when using margin, but this market scares me right now...

I’m not the person that gets pissed over things like this. But I assume there are tons of stock traders and GOP donors that’s had enough of the orange idiot.

Agree with Johan. The time to fear was $250. At above $300, every single person on this forum should be in smooth sailing territory. If not, just ask every forum user who've over leveraged on TSLA before.
Have to admit first time I have seen MM detailing the ‘plunge protection team’ as an entity that is organized and tasked with propping up the market. Mnuchin seems to not understand. The first rule of the plunge protection team is that there is no plunge protection team.

Don’t think this is a positive. Batten down the hatches. People with cash waiting to be deployed... do not buy until you see the white of their eyes.

Panic being actively encouraged by the ‘experts’. Isn’t sheep shearing season usually in March?
Have to admit first time I have seen MM detailing the ‘plunge protection team’ as an entity that is organized and tasked with propping up the market. Mnuchin seems to not understand. The first rule of the plunge protection team is that there is no plunge protection team.

Don’t think this is a positive. Batten down the hatches. People with cash waiting to be deployed... do not buy until you see the white of their eyes.

Panic being actively encouraged by the ‘experts’. Isn’t sheep shearing season usually in March?

Good advice TRAXILA.

I'm going to wait for the resignation rally !
Million pages of regulation thanks but no thanks.

I would rather have free people make informed decisions.

IF Ford wants to make cool unsafe cars let them.

IF Volvo wants to make uncool safe cars let them.

Publish safety, vehicle death etc data.

Charge a pollution tax so cost aren't transferred to the public square.

Charge a War tax on gasoline/diesel that pays to protect the free flow of oil from the Persian Gulf and through the Suez Canal.

Let consumers buy what they wish.

When a company goes bankrupt let them die.

When people have good information with the correct price signals they make better decisions.

BTW It is millions of pages of regulations that is keeping Elon from

selling Teslas in Michigan, South Carolina, and New Mexico.

replacing side mirrors with much more effective,safer,and efficient rear view cameras.

and will likely keep safer autonomous vehicles or AV systems from the public for years and maybe decades.

And add to that human freedom, economic freedom and political freedom.
The market place is very smart, and now even smarter with the advent of the internet
Where information is democratized. The unsafe cars will lose market share
And eventually perish. Cars competing on safety will outperform .

What's missing a clarification about the abuse of the term - "full employment".

They believe that when the number of people receiving unemployment insurance is low, the nation is enjoying "full employment". What they're failing [on purpose?] to realize that this insurance program is time-limited. It's only good for a short span of time, and when it runs out, you're no longer counted in that figure.

You're still unemployed, but the oft-quoted 'unemployment number' is low.

As Inigo Montoya, the Spaniard in the movie Princess Bride, said: "I do not think that word means what you think it means!"

Non-seasonally-adjusted U6 is my preferred measure.

Although the employment/population ratio is perhaps most *reliable*, it includes people who are voluntarily not working.

Anyway, non-seasonally-adjusted U6 is floating between 7.0% and 7.7%. Too high. Treating this as if it's full employment is the deliberate creation of a "reserve army of the unemployed", to use Marx's term, to keep wages down.
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