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Two little stories

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Bit of a pointless post but if you're interested in some lighthearted anecdotes, read on!

On at least 2 occasions when I've been driving, minding my own business when I've passed people as you do, I've seen younger kids spot the M3 and shout 'Tesla!' or 'There's a Tesla!'. Made me smile!

The youth of today know where it's at!

That made me wonder, has anyone else had similar?

Second anecdote: Went to the local Co-op for some things and when I walked out I had confusion as my car was parked oddly. Thought to myself, I'm sure I didn't park there. Didn't think anything else of it and carried on walking towards my car, only to realise it was an identical M3P, parked directly opposite my own M3P. Also a 20 reg. Best bit is, I was at a different supermarket a few days later and the same dude parked up near me again!

There's at least 3 of them near me now!

Anyway, as you were...
I was in France with some french amateur astronomer friends in February and the 12 year old son of one of them knew far more about Tesla's than me! (inky fingered little swat!) Also spoke beautiful english. Of course I took him for a drive, which made his day. On point 2, we're just not exclusive any more :(
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My 12 year old (going on 15) has the sort of “don’t care” Kevin the teenager attitude you’d expect, gets excited by nothing, but when he heard we were getting a Tesla he became strangely interested and might have considered his Dad a bit cooler than he did earlier lol

I think it’s great that the younger generation do recognise the brand and the future it stands for, they’re a lot more switched on to pollution and the future of the planet than most adults. This shouldn’t be underestimated.
It'll probably because Silicon Valley liberal elite are targeting their propaganda at children's Internet feeds.

Or it's just because electric cars are cool, and children aren't held back by ingrained assumptions or practicalities.
To be honest it was my son who talked about Tesla first and that was to invest in the brand and the belief in Mr.Musk and all that he was trying to accomplish ! I had never heard of a power wall before that or even Tesla !
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Had a neighbour who I had never met come and knock at my door to congratulate on my car. Unfortunately I was at work so couldn't show him around.

When parked in my local mall multi-story, a kid of about 7 triple-taked, asked his mother if he could have a look and then came up to my passenger window. Showed him all the games. He knew a lot about Teslas already

Had a lot of thumbs-up and looks of wonder from youths when driving passed + "Wow that's a Tesla"

Raced an BMW M4 off the lights. Got quite unnerving when he followed me all the way to Nandos. Turns out he was taking his family to Nandos. Came up to me beaming excitedly saying "that was fun wasn't it", said his son had been bugging him to get a Tesla for his next car. Invited me to eat with him and his family.

Asda car park a grandfather spent 20 mins asking about it to me saying his grandson wanted him to get one. Should have given him my referral code!

Had exactly the same experience, lived here six years and never so much as a hello. He came over and we had a good chat.

My next door neighbour came out just after my car had been delivered and surprisingly knew what the car was.
Kids play Roblox and there's a game called Jailbreak that is very popular. Amongst other things you get the chance to drive a Tesla (the Roadster is the fastest car you can obtain in the game). So they are very tuned into Tesla. They probably think we are all bank robbers and jewellery store thieves.

My partner's daughters have taken to asking for lifts everywhere and make a point of being seen being dropped off in the most conspicuous drop off point available. It's brought us all closer so I'm happy with that despite the shallow reasoning!! They have also cottoned on to the fact that one of their friends lives close to a supercharger I need to visit and plan trips accordingly!!

I know they are selling quite well, but all in all still don't see many Teslas around from day to day where I am.
My 12 year old (going on 15) has the sort of “don’t care” Kevin the teenager attitude you’d expect, gets excited by nothing, but when he heard we were getting a Tesla he became strangely interested and might have considered his Dad a bit cooler than he did earlier lol

I think it’s great that the younger generation do recognise the brand and the future it stands for, they’re a lot more switched on to pollution and the future of the planet than most adults. This shouldn’t be underestimated.

I believe the children are the future. Teach them well and let them lead the way... There's a song in there somewhere!

Kids play Roblox and there's a game called Jailbreak that is very popular. Amongst other things you get the chance to drive a Tesla (the Roadster is the fastest car you can obtain in the game). So they are very tuned into Tesla. They probably think we are all bank robbers and jewellery store thieves.

My partner's daughters have taken to asking for lifts everywhere and make a point of being seen being dropped off in the most conspicuous drop off point available. It's brought us all closer so I'm happy with that despite the shallow reasoning!! They have also cottoned on to the fact that one of their friends lives close to a supercharger I need to visit and plan trips accordingly!!

I know they are selling quite well, but all in all still don't see many Teslas around from day to day where I am.

All about that street cred!
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The Morrisons delivery man wanted a chat about it today, knew it was a Tesla but didn't know the model, his dad has an older Model S he was telling me.

It is mostly kids and teens who seem interested in the car when they see it when driving around, lots of mouthing TESLA, pointing or waving.

Best one was at a kids party from one of the kids in my daughters class, one of the mums came over with her boy (it was a 6th birthday party I think) and said my son says you have a 'Tesla?' Had to then go out and show him it, he'd learned all about them on YouTube!
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So on Friday night, I went down to the local chippy. On the way out, I saw a family waiting for their Mum to return from Tesco next door. 3 of the kids were staring at my car talking excitedly about it.

At least one of the line's I heard was, 'It's not an X so it must be an S or a 3'. Made me chuckle inside anyway. When I drove off, I deliberately moved off really slowly, so their Dad could see it in all its glory. Kids were staring hard, loving it.
When I go to visit my 102 year old Dad in his care home in Fife he insists that I park the Tesla right in front of the house by the windows because he has told all the other residents about it! Occasionally he asks me to get it to do “that dance thing with the doors and the lights” or just to open the falcon wing doors. I’ve never known him to be so excited about a car before. Mind you I doubt if the other residents will be rushing out to buy a Tesla.
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