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Update on BMW's INEXT Level 3 Highway System in 2021 (not happening)

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Senior Software Engineer
Oct 24, 2016

A few updates are on in order. Looks like Mobileye is no longer joint with BMW on driving policy although they have given BMW the blueprints to move forward. This change most likely came from the new Mercedes/BMW autonomous deal in FEB 2019. Not only that, as a result of this Amnon no longer believes that BMW will release a Level 3 car. Looks like the slowdown which i feared will happen with BMW bringing Mercedes on board happened. BMW talked about how they would be starting from scratch and only a small amount of software will be taken from the Gen 1 system (2021) to Gen 2 system (2025), which at the time was weird to me because you don't want to toss the driving policy of a highway speed multi-lane level 3 system. You iterate on it. and seriously 2025? Mind you that before the Mercedes/BMW deal the aim was Level 3/4 in highway 2021 and Level 4 urban in 2024. I call that the Mercedes effect.

Looks like because of the deal with Mercedes, they had to accommodate Mercedes sensors, their arrangement and several other changes which might have killed INEXT. Either the feature lists (ODD) have been greatly reduced as a result or its L3 SAE have been canned completely. I'm leaning towards the later.

Amnon being a honest guy (unlike Elon) will not lie and put up a charade so he just came right out and said it, although he said it in a way to not throw BMW under the bus. The INEXT and the FCA cars will most lively release in 2021 as Level 2+ cars (if that).

Usually when Amnon is asked when they will be ready, he no longer says with BMW in the 2021 system. Which he used to say right up to CES 2019. This completely changed in his first public appearance in 2019 after the Mercedes/BMW deal, he no longer mentions BMW and 2021 and even in two other public presentations he still doesn't and made statements to the affect that BMW will not deliver L3. He now only talks about their internal robotaxi which they are planning to go commercial in 2022.

However In reference their robot taxi he said they are 90% complete and need 4-5 more months to be done with the situations they are trying to handle. Situations that will even scare human drivers as they are developing in the most difficulty environment.


This showcases the gross incompetence of OEMs. This reminds me of GM not putting supercruise on none of their cars other than the original CT6 model since 2017 not even the 2020 Cadillac XT6 has it. Which led to the Cadillac president coming out and saying "This is my fault and my fault alone. this is on me. i screwed up". The level of sheer incompetence of these OEMs is mind-boggling and now BMW is displaying the same level of incompetence. Letting a company (Mercedes who i consider second to last in the autonomy race, only in-front of the pathetic toyota) dictate terms to them and change software and sensors. A company that haven't shown any thing other than a car driving around a mock parking lot every CES. Complete and utter embarrassment.

I have always said in private and in public that i would love all traditional OEMs to go bankrupt and out of business because they are the hold up.

I'm sure the higher ups told Amnon not to say anything but Amnon is a tell-all kind of guy and tells it like it is. He calls a spade a spade. Like i said, you will not hear about this change from BMW till maybe sometime in 2021. So you are hearing this here first from yours truly.
Personally doubt that we will ever see a mass market L3 implementation from an old-school OEM, because of the safety risk.

Its not even just because of safety risk. they absolutely have no ambition. You can hand them a L5 self driving system today free and they will find a way to fumble the roll out and spend 3 years just deciding what to do with it. Then spend another 3 three rolling out 100 cars in a city. safe to say they are hopeless.

Its not the engineers its the 80 years old business suit heads calling the shots.

The only hope are start-ups. These two articles are good reads...

Has Mercedes just given up?

The Frightening Low Ambition Level of German Carmakers in Regards to Autonomous Driving
Interesting info if BMW is really skipping L3 and pilot L4 in INEXT. I press release 27.3 concerning new D3 platform it was stated again:

"The next objective has already been clearly set out: in 2021 the production version of the BMW Vision iNEXT, which was first unveiled to the public in summer 2018 during the BMW Vision iNEXT World Flight, will become the first model from the BMW Group to offer a Level 3 system as an option. This system will enable drivers to delegate the task of driving to the car for longer periods of time when driving on the motorway at speeds up to 130 km/h (81 mph).

At the same time, a fleet of test vehicles will begin work in late 2021 with the aim of testing out Level 4 functionality – i.e. zero driver intervention – in large-scale trials conducted in defined urban environments."
Interesting info if BMW is really skipping L3 and pilot L4 in INEXT. I press release 27.3 concerning new D3 platform it was stated again:

"The next objective has already been clearly set out: in 2021 the production version of the BMW Vision iNEXT, which was first unveiled to the public in summer 2018 during the BMW Vision iNEXT World Flight, will become the first model from the BMW Group to offer a Level 3 system as an option. This system will enable drivers to delegate the task of driving to the car for longer periods of time when driving on the motorway at speeds up to 130 km/h (81 mph).

At the same time, a fleet of test vehicles will begin work in late 2021 with the aim of testing out Level 4 functionality – i.e. zero driver intervention – in large-scale trials conducted in defined urban environments."

Well the L4 taxi pilot tests continue but the INEXT in 2021 won't be L3. I'm sure they will keep playing the charade until 2021 before they disclose to the public what's really going on. They of-course will try to spin it into a positive.