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When does it get old?

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It's rather like a recording repeating endlessly.
For me it has not become anything other than a constant thrill.
As of a few weeks ago I have has my S for longer than any other car I have had. Now I'll swap for a Model 3 because it is smaller. were teh roadster available now it would be that,
I recommend nobody buy a Tesla unless they are prepared for adolescent glee that never ends!!:D:D:D
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I'm at 90.5k in 4 years... with no AP...

And frankly, I don't understand the thrill of AP for a car that is so fun to drive. (either of our Teslas)...

My experience exactly.

You will, when you are like me tonight, coming from NYC back home to Long Island at 3-5 mph for over 2 hours. I could fully engaged with my friends chatting, joking, and singing. Without worrying about driving at all. :)

If I was in traffic going 3-5 mph for over two hours the last thing you'd find me and my friends doing is singing. I need a few beers and a completely different atmosphere for that. You sound too damn cheery for me. That traffic sounds nuts and would have me moving away faster than a P100DL can accelerate. Life's far too short to spend time like that in traffic. I spent a few days driving around LA and you're right - AP is a must have - but it's rare I'm in bumper to bumper traffic at all, and never for over two hours.

Still, I'm really looking forward to getting AP2.0 on my Model 3, especially given the FSD potential, but as it stands someone's going to have to drag my large frunk, 80 amp, classic S, from my dead cold hands to get it away from me. I had an AP1.0 loaner for a week and I used it a ton on the highway with the conclusion I'd prefer to drive myself but would really like it, especially for fog. I also really enjoyed the auto high beam, almost more than AP, and was really impressed how well it worked. But I thought I'd rather wait for a 3 than upgrade to get it. Then my S will replace our Leaf and the Leaf will go.

Long story short, even for us unfortunate folks who just missed out on the AP hardware, it still has never got old. I'm heading out now to do some errands and I'm still really looking forward to the drive.
Only have had mine for 8 months, and I still shine it up 3 times a week, and grin ear to ear each time I get in and drive it. I have to admit, music is huge for me, so the Reus system is a big part of my enjoyment.

I do wish I had the looks and stares that others get, but here in the Bay Area, Tesla's are a dime a dozen it seems. However, it still feels really special to me.
If I was in traffic going 3-5 mph for over two hours the last thing you'd find me and my friends doing is singing. I need a few beers and a completely different atmosphere for that. You sound too damn cheery for me. That traffic sounds nuts and would have me moving away faster than a P100DL can accelerate. Life's far too short to spend time like that in traffic. I spent a few days driving around LA and you're right - AP is a must have - but it's rare I'm in bumper to bumper traffic at all, and never for over two hours.

LOL. Only if one has a choice. Who would choose to stuck in a traffic.
It got old about a year after we got the second Tesla (a P85D). The thrill of instant torque just became a one trick pony for me and I found myself going back to my bare bones manual transmission VW. Racing through gears and having a small, very maneuverable car with decent power is the thing that never gets old for me.
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Been 3 years, all AP-enabled except for the first few weeks. 100,000 miles collectively coming up this Spring if not next month, depending upon how much meandering down South there will be. Still places to go and things to see.

Still a long way to go (see stop sign reaction, let alone recognition), but every journey begins with a single step. After all, it's as much about the journey as the destination. And this journey is accelerating along a curve to be sure - imagine what we'll have 3 years hence.
I have been without my 85D for about a month with it in the shop (body work from an incident with a coyote at 1am on the return road trip from Phoenix after purchasing it there), and I just got word that I should have it back on Friday - I am almost as excited now as I was the week before I got it, the first time. It was such a blast to drive for those first few days, I know it won't get old for quite a while (if ever)!
I have been without my 85D for about a month with it in the shop (body work from an incident with a coyote at 1am on the return road trip from Phoenix after purchasing it there), and I just got word that I should have it back on Friday - I am almost as excited now as I was the week before I got it, the first time. It was such a blast to drive for those first few days, I know it won't get old for quite a while (if ever)!
Holy Sheeeeet! Now thats just bad bad luck! If it makes you feel any better 2 weeks after taking delivery on my new 75 a baby walker which I was storing for someone in my overhead rack reigned down on my hood! Luckily no paint damage and a guy I know removed it completely with paintless dent repair! The guy is AMAZZZZING.... I can't help smiling every time I drive the car as you probably already experienced:)
Not only has it not gotten old for me (only 13k miles in though), it has kind of spoiled me. Took our Honda Odyssey van over thanksgiving from Philly to Boston and back (because it was 4 adults and 2 kids). Things to note:
1) I got honked at twice and probably cussed at several more times because I had gotten used to driving the Tesla and would attempt changing lanes or merge into traffic and not be fast enough for the guy behind me. But...but..it was the van ,not me. Got better after an adjustment period.
2) Had a lot of hard-ish braking events at first because there was no regen and I would let the van coast towards red lights too fast
3) I terribly missed autopilot - not just in the traffic jams but also in the open highways.
4) Had several "Buddy, look, another Tesla!" exchanges with my 4yo son! Nice thing is, he gets equally excited to see another one on the road.
5) I was secretly looking up supercharger locations along our route since I think my wife would have made fun of me for having Tesla withdrawal. In my mind, i was like "if we were on the Tesla, i would stop here, and charge for this long and then drive this many miles, oh wait, i forgot to check if the hotel has destination chargers!"