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Who here is going to lose 3G Connectivity - Feb 2022 when it sunsets?

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I don’t think so. I can’t leave my Plaid connected to our wifi (over loads our System). I don’t have any problems wit’s turn by turn navigation. Occasionally I get a message asking if I want to set up Wi-Fi. I don’t get the above message. I’m really rural with really slow speed (10-5 mbps). Nothing I can do until Starlink gets out here. I do get notifications when a nav or system update is available and need to temporally connect wifi.

What does your "Plaid" connection challenges have to do with my post and the topic of this thread? ;)
Curious & Reminder. Are you going to lose Internet Connectivity come Feb 2022 as announced?
FYI, 2012-2015QTR1 Model S's came factory with 3G. Late March/early April '15 was start date for LTE in Model S.

More than a year ago, AT&T announced they were shutting down the 3G network.

Have you made that appointment to upgrade to LTE?

MCU1 replacements and MCU2 upgrades have been coming with LTE upgrades.

But unless people specifically requested, authorized or cut a deal with Tesla, the LTE upgrades were not included in the eMMC warranty replacements.

Who? How many will lose connectivity if all goes as planned?
isnt the mcu2 going to be ok?
isnt the mcu2 going to be ok?
Yes. Absolutely. The first LTE cards were installed in late April/early May 2015. All factory MCUs since have had LTE, and will not have a continuing connectivity issue. When Tesla started making the refurbished MCU1 and the upgrade MCU2 available, those too have LTE cards and no connectivity issues.
So I'd been meaning to post that I started to lose 3G in certain areas of the cities I commute through (hour long commute). It was like the car would lose signal every couple miles or so. As if they left SOME towers to allow 3G, while others, not at all.
This went on from middle of May until now. Well, then.

Most likely, to end this thread once & for all, I'm here to report that on Saturday, June 18th, it finally happened. I lost all 3G connectivity. Nothing left of the signal. Only a signal bar icon with a line through it. Permanently. So there you have it. AT&T Phoenix waited until now to pull the plug. In all reality, it was a good run.

Of course now my MCU1 is misbehaving badly as in frequently freezing, stalling, taking way longer at startup, being random with the different window placements, crashing, & even rebooting all on its own, etc..
This came right after the complete shutdown of 3G. Interesting. Now I get to decide when to pay for MCU2. With all of the recent funny business happening to my screen, I know this is so worth it. It's time. My car's way of telling me to please give it new life.

I guess I was lucky because it was all working fine before. Of course the navigation was slow, but I got by with it being that way. No more Tesla app functionality either. That was a no brainer. Knew that was coming. Well, here's to the next chapter in its life - MCU upgrade. I already know I'll be ecstatic afterward.
And all of this comes at a time when I can actually afford it. Like it was waiting for me to be financially ready. Thank you, universe.


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Curious & Reminder. Are you going to lose Internet Connectivity come Feb 2022 as announced?
FYI, 2012-2015QTR1 Model S's came factory with 3G. Late March/early April '15 was start date for LTE in Model S.

More than a year ago, AT&T announced they were shutting down the 3G network.

Have you made that appointment to upgrade to LTE?

MCU1 replacements and MCU2 upgrades have been coming with LTE upgrades.

But unless people specifically requested, authorized or cut a deal with Tesla, the LTE upgrades were not included in the eMMC warranty replacements.

Who? How many will lose connectivity if all goes as planned?
Yep... it's gone now for me. I'm saving up money to get my MCU replaced with MCU2. So, in the meantime, I turn on the "Mobile Hot Spot" on my phone, and set my car to "stay connected while in drive", and I can connect. I also had to 'downgrade' my communication band to 2.3 Hz, so that my Model S 60 can find my hot spot and use it. The only issue still have is that when I leave the car, and I take my phone with me, my car has no connection to the Internet until I return. And like the above poster, I noticed my MCU is unresponsive a lot more now, requiring a scroll wheel reboot. Since I have "PIN to DRIVE", I have to use the app to start the car in those situations, and I just reboot when I get to my destination.
This thread is not the customary thread where you would see this. But please consider it a worthy warning. If your MCU is increasingly unresponsive, you very well one day could come out to go and its completely blank. PIN to Drive could prevent you from starting. I caution you to turn PIN to Drive off until you get your MCU issues resolved, sir.
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