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WTB: Model S Third Row Seats

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What do used rear facing seats cost these days? We seem to always have one extra kid. I suggested the frunk. Or a small seat in the rear well. Tie them to the side bars. But, No. Something about rules.

Anybody want to rent a set while they're not using them? No. Cal, Bay Area, Sacto? I've never even seen a set in a Model S.
What do used rear facing seats cost these days? We seem to always have one extra kid. I suggested the frunk. Or a small seat in the rear well. Tie them to the side bars. But, No. Something about rules.

Anybody want to rent a set while they're not using them? No. Cal, Bay Area, Sacto? I've never even seen a set in a Model S.

Randomly stumbled across this... I am in Napa and have a loaner MS with them installed. PM me if you want to come check them out.