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WTB: Roadster Non-cf driver's door sill panel and aluminum forged rim(s.)

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For my 2008 roadster: My driver's side door sill panel has started to crack, due to my fat ass getting in and out. Has anyone replaced these with the CF pieces, and want to sell the stock non-CF panel? Also, on my 08, some of the rims came from the early factory misted in a light grey. My car came from the factory with 3 perfectly silver appearing rims and one (left rear,) that is just a few shades darker with the grey misted on it. The original owner never complained about it, otherwise I'm sure tesla would have replaced it when new. So I'm looking for one left rear rim in perfect shape in pure silver. Probably a hard order to fill. I really like the look of the 2011 silver forged rims with the twisted spokes. If anyone has a real nice set, I'd be interested! PM me! Thanks guys! Chris