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anybody who installed one and has either sold their tesla or for whatever reason dont want their HPWC, let me know!

For what Tesla? There's more than one model you know. Wish posters would be more aware since we don't yet have a separate forum for the Roadster/S. Becomes very confusing for people. Especially using general terminology such as HPWC and such that applies to both.
For what Tesla? There's more than one model you know. Wish posters would be more aware since we don't yet have a separate forum for the Roadster/S. Becomes very confusing for people. Especially using general terminology such as HPWC and such that applies to both.
I didnt even realize! my apologies . HPWC for a Model S.

Only looking for the Tesla HPWC Mitch672, thanks tho