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WTB: Washer nozzles

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Looking for washer nozzle & harness. Must be what is pictured (need heated / powered conduit with it, not just water hose)


It looks like you've been acquiring parts to convert a non-Subzero equipped car to a Subzero car. Are you planning to start a new thread dedicated to the process and results? I've been following your posts as they come up seeking parts as it's something that interests me as well since one of our cars doesn't have the Subzero package & even mine with it is before they included a heated steering wheel. I'd love to read the details of your success or failure to determine if it's something I want to take on.
It looks like you've been acquiring parts to convert a non-Subzero equipped car to a Subzero car. Are you planning to start a new thread dedicated to the process and results? I've been following your posts as they come up seeking parts as it's something that interests me as well since one of our cars doesn't have the Subzero package & even mine with it is before they included a heated steering wheel. I'd love to read the details of your success or failure to determine if it's something I want to take on.

I have everything documented here:

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