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  1. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    This is 100% my thoughts on the car. They have the EV technology nailed, so much more efficient that any other car. They just need to get the whole “being a car” bit right, which I don’t think they have. As I’ve said repeatedly, doing things differently is only good if it’s an improvement over...
  2. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    The adaptive headlights are an improvement from a low baseline. Headlights are still crap and patchy compared to many other cars I’ve had. The blanking is very slow too, might be ok on country roads with minimal traffic, but it’s far too slow for metro use IMO.
  3. M

    New Model 3 Performance news

    I’m curious why you think silver is safer? Silver and grey cars are nigh on invisible in inclement weather.
  4. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I thought the regen felt different too, figured it was just psychosomatic.
  5. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I’ve always thought the high beams were terribly uneven and patchy, it’s nothing to do with the adaptive high beams.
  6. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Experienced the adaptive high beam tonight. Not bad. Nowhere near as good as it was on my previous car (current shape BMW M135i), but an improvement over what they were.
  7. M

    Cybertruck Australian Tour

    I know it’s heresy to criticise anything Tesla related here, but I think these things are an absolute f’ing joke. They’ll be bought by the same insecure people who thought they looked cool driving around the CBD 15 years in a Hummer while playing American gangsta rap at full noise with the...
  8. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    The AEB in VW’s uses a radar behind the VW badge in the grill.
  9. M

    Tesla owner who falsely claimed car was in autopilot before Melbourne crash pleads guilty

    Cars have been storing data that can be retrieved and used in court long before Tesla… there was a case in Sydney in 2005 where data was retrieved from a Peugeot that proved the driver was speeding at the time of an incident.
  10. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Exactly. I give exactly zero fks for the visualisations, they’re completely pointless and just take up space.
  11. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I have this fairly regularly. It’s one of the annoying things about the car that is making me look forward to getting rid of it in 12 months time.
  12. M

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    It’s a spot weld or similar.
  13. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    wall connector software needs a way to have multiple charging windows. Electricity plan I’m on is 8c from midnight to 6am, and free from 11am to 2pm. Be good to take advantage of the free period sometimes without stuffing around with the car and wall connector settings.
  14. M

    Mustang mach-e

    I’ve seen a grand total of 1 of them in the wild, and it was the press vehicle that Daniel Ricciardo had been doing laps in at the F1GP a couple of weeks earlier.
  15. M

    Mustang mach-e

    Have they fixed the issue where the battery interconnect would overheat and limit power with a single hard acceleration onto the freeway?
  16. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Now if only the side to side action on the scroll wheel was actually usable with having to hook a fingernail under the edge to push it across…. It really does make me wonder how much real world testing was done with some of the design “features” in the car.
  17. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    At least they’re consistently inconsistent. Or reliably unreliable. :rolleyes:
  18. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Did an update a couple of days ago (30.8 I assume), drove in the rain today for the first time since the update. The autowipers are the worst they’ve ever been. It’s getting beyond a joke….
  19. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    The shitful autowipers is a perfect example of what annoys me about Tesla. Other manufacturers have had perfectly functioning rain sensors for decades. Doing it differently is not clever if it doesn’t work properly. There’s a reason every other manufacturer uses a dedicated rain sensor, and it’s...
  20. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    only on days ending in Y.
  21. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Current software update appears to have been downloaded to the car about 10 times so far today (router is telling me the car has downloaded 22GB in the last 24 hours), but hasn’t yet successfully installed. Battery is draining at about 3% every 6 hours since the car won’t go to sleep properly...
  22. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Sounds like RoboRace, Launched in 2015 but went bust. Their first test runs were….. problematic. Looks like the series you’re talking about is: https://a2rl.io/
  23. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I wish there was a way to have the rear fan come on all the time, not just when passengers are detected. Our dogs are in boxes that hang off the headrests, so aren’t detected as passengers, and I have to turn on the rear fan manually every time.
  24. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    The Spotify implementation in the car is woeful. Poor audio quality, playlists don’t work properly half the time, the “radio” playlists only play one song. Shouldn’t be that hard to fix, but hey, we got a new Zombie game in a recent update :P
  25. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    44.1 downloaded and tried to install this morning, but failed with no reason given.
  26. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    No, bought a car, hates poorly thought out or implemented features. Big difference.
  27. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Was going to ask the same. I hate it. Even the non FSD preview display is annoying. Would love to be able to turn it off completely. The way it flickers when stationary is stupid. But hey, we can make the car make fart noises.
  28. M

    Gen3 wall charger, 3-phase install question

    I’m glad someone said it…
  29. M

    Tesla App - charge and car controls gone?

    Leaving Bluetooth switched off on the phone MIGHT save 3 or 4% battery over a day, hardly seems worth the hassle.
  30. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Spotify randomly decides whether or not it will play the last track I listened to somewhere on another device. Sometimes it starts playing when I get in the car, other times it’s just paused. The Spotify implementation in the car is rubbish, and that’s not even mentioning the crappy codec it...
  31. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Wall Connector being available in the app is nice, except for the fact that now the wall connector keeps dropping off my WiFi and showing as unavailable 🙄 edit: looks like it didn’t like having Home Assistant polling it as well as the app.
  32. M

    AGL’s “Night Saver Energy Plan”

    I’m another OVO EV Plan user, I found them very responsive via their chat/email facilities (though admittedly I only used them after signing up) I’d put a referral link, but I think it would get chopped by the mods.
  33. M

    Common Australian Pickup Issues

    The once or twice I’ve tried to use the voice commands they’ve been absolutely useless. Wanted to pre-condition the battery for supercharging so tried “navigate to nearest supercharger” “navigate to box hill supercharger” and about 10 other phrases, none of them understood by the car. Pathetic.
  34. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Zero chance I would have paid for that. I’ve had successful warranty claims on multiple vehicles shortly out of warranty up to and including an $11k engine rebuild….
  35. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    That says to me that the difference between chemistries isn’t worth worrying about since none of us would be storing the car for 10 months at a high temperature…
  36. M

    Beware new model Y and 3 owners, CCS2 adaptor mistake.

    No sealed package, cable might have still been taped up though.
  37. M

    Beware new model Y and 3 owners, CCS2 adaptor mistake.

    I ended up with 2 two UMC’s for… reasons. Was able to return one for a refund.
  38. M

    Model X Light Bar Install

    Mounting the light bar on the roof is not legal in WA (and seemingly a very grey area in other states) https://practicalmotoring.com.au/car-advice/where-can-you-legally-mount-led-lightbars/
  39. M

    Terribly patchy headlights on model Y

    I think the headlights are crap. Inconsistent colours in the beam pattern, demented behaviour of the auto high beam. My previous cars have had MUCH better lights (2021 M135i, 2019 Tiguan).
  40. M

    2021 M3P - Is it totalled?

    I’d be amazed if that wasn’t written off.
  41. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I’d like to be able to turn off the animations on the right hand side completely. It’s useless 99% of the time, and when stationary in traffic tends to flicker.
  42. M

    Victoria - The Anti-EV State

    I’m pretty sure that anyone that the FBT exemption or instant tax write-off applies to wouldn’t be eligible for the subsidy anyway.
  43. M

    Model Y RWD sound system

    I think the audio system in the LR is VERY good, so long as you have a decent source. The low quality streaming via Spotify is really annoying, and a massive oversight IMO. I’ve got a large SSD plugged in the glovebox with lots of FLAC audio on there, and it’s amazing with a decent recording...
  44. M

    Spotify connectivity issues

    Haven’t had connectivity issues with Spotify, but it’s disappointing that even with such a good audio system in the car, Spotify uses a noticeably lower bit rate and has pretty average audio quality 🙁
  45. M

    Tesla app unable to wake car

    Not even close, they’re really not very big at all.
  46. M

    Charging Adaptors 101

    What’s the going rate for a brand new UMC these days? Have ended up with 2 for various reasons.
  47. M

    Experience driving Tesla alongside other road users

    I think there’s two elements at play here. Paranoia when driving a new car that everyone is about to crash into you, and particularly in the early days of Tesla, people wanting to have a look at something new. I think particularly for “car people”, seeing something new is always interesting...
  48. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Fixed it. Scrolled the map to Brisbane and hit the supercharger filter button so it didn’t just jump to Bairnsdale.
  49. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Bug that is absolutely doing my head in: was playing filtering the Charger locations based on power, and now any time I tap the lightning bolt in a circle it jumps straight to a 32kw charger near Bairnsdale and won’t let me change the filter. Have tried everything I can think of.
  50. M

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I think it’s only the navigation voice recognition. Why there’s a difference I have no idea.