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  1. H

    Power out - now I know why we got Powerwalls!

    We have 3x Powerwall 2, and 23.5KW of Solar (well, 20KW AC), a Model X 90D, a Model 3 LR, and a Model Y LR. The Powerwalls in Tucson AZ do not pencil out based on saved electrical costs, as our power costs, and net metering arrangements are not horrible. But if you look at Solar + whole house...
  2. H

    SpaceX Internet Satellite Network: Starlink

    I am probably moving to T-Mobile for Business 5G internet in September when my Cox contract runs out, less than half the cost. That being said, I don't even trust being 100% on Cox, and have a T-Mobile for Business 5G backup internet plan right now ($15/month) that lets me use it up to 7...
  3. H

    SpaceX Internet Satellite Network: Starlink

    Cable internet, ie DOCSIS, tends to be provisioned Async to better meet consumer demands. Cable internet tends to be oversubscribed like most consumer internet technologies. DOCSIS 3.1 supports speeds up to 10Gbit down and 1-2Gbit up, and DOCSIS 4.0 supports speeds up to 10Gbit down and 6Gbit...
  4. H

    Starlink for home?

    You either need to convert to the mobile offering, or do a change of address (which is only possible if the new location is not saturated). You can generally move to mobile/roaming, and then convert to the new address once/if capacity becomes available. --- I am going to make the argument...
  5. H

    Mobile Starlink Discussion

    TLS/HTTPS everywhere basically makes a caching proxy almost useless for modern content. I have used them for decades, but unless you are willing to MiTM the traffic, and even then you really should not be caching it, it becomes very very little bandwidth savings. -Harry
  6. H

    Mobile Starlink Discussion

    Actually what would be nifty, but may not be worth while, is a small flash (ssd) based Content Delivery Network node in the aircraft. The problem is there are too many CDNs... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_delivery_network Starting with Google Cache or Akami would probably avoid...
  7. H

    SpaceX Internet Satellite Network: Starlink

    The problem is the fine is so small (though good it happened), that it is far cheaper to pay the fine vs trying to get a space craft to boost it to the grave yard or to pick it up. At some point I expect StarShip will be used to pickup dead Geo sats and dispose of them, but that is a long ways...
  8. H

    Got a design. Any thoughts before I accept?

    We had similar issues on our old house, we could not go past certain fire set backs, even though we had the whole other side of the roof that was not getting panels and would have the same access. We maxed out what we could, which covers about 90% of the usage. -Harry
  9. H

    Got a design. Any thoughts before I accept?

    We did not go through Tesla (they refused to work with our roof type, which happens to be the most common or second most common roof in Tucson, a built up roof), so I don't know the process to ask for more panels. If your design came via Email, I would reply and ask if you can add more panels...
  10. H

    Got a design. Any thoughts before I accept?

    I agree with the more panels, I always recommend adding more vs the vendor/installer recommendation. They are trying to hit a price point that will make you jump, but the additional cost of a few panels today is far less than in a year (if you can even get Tesla to add them). We went with 3x...
  11. H

    Is this clipping?

    7.7 and 7.0, I could see it not being worth it to move panels around. I still don't see that amount of clipping causing any issues for a properly built, not defective, Inverter. Of course I have also been involved in electronic devices that were 10x over rated and still hit a fault condition...
  12. H

    Is this clipping?

    IMHO that could/should be re-balanced so that both inverters are better optimized, assuming that both are 7.6KW Again, it's entirely possible that the multiple hours of full load is putting more stress on marginal components and helping them fail. That is not how the inverter was designed...
  13. H

    Is this clipping?

    Clipping is 100% safe. Inverters are NOT designed to only do max output for a short period of time. Inverters have to pass dealing with max output for many hours at a time, I would be surprised if they were not tested for the almost impossible 24/7 max output for weeks on end. Plus everything...
  14. H

    SpaceX vs. Everyone - ULA, NG, Boeing, Lockheed, etc.

    Agreed, but the latency of LEO based laser interconnect is theoretically lower than the latency of fiber. Some financial customers will pay significantly for lower latency. These are the types of Cloud customers Amazon dearly wants to win. There is a microwave network between NYC and Chicago...
  15. H

    SpaceX vs. Everyone - ULA, NG, Boeing, Lockheed, etc.

    The supposed benefit is for interconnecting their datacenter/hosting/cloud business. For example, Google owns about 10,000 route miles of undersea fiber optics. Facebook/meta is also involved in a fair amount of undersea fiber. Amazon, and Microsoft also own a fair amount of undersea fiber...
  16. H

    12.8 Kw DC Solar panel clipping at 7.7Kw can I add 3.8 inverter?

    Also if you are on NEM 2.0 changes to the system could push you into NEM 3.0... A bit of clipping during April/May/June also means that you are getting more out of your inverter and system the rest of the year. 1.66:1 is a bit on the high side, we did 23.5:20 or 1.175:1 -Harry
  17. H

    PV + PW in Japan

    You will most likely need optomizers (which are a lot more basic than micro inverters), as they also generally double as quick shutdown devices. The solar installer we worked with used to use a lot of LG panels, but they exited the market, and now most of their systems use sunpower panels that...
  18. H

    PV + PW in Japan

    I know there are a lot of fans of MicroInverters, personally I don't like having the electronics on my very HOT roof (Arizona summer), vs having the inverters in my less hot garage. My roof is hitting 120-130F, and my garage right now is maxing at 107F and has no direct sunlight. Less extreme...
  19. H

    Tesla (Solar City) lease coming to and end choosing among the options

    That is diff assumption than I was making, and you need to make sure what it is. I was assuming (bad on my part) that doing the $50/month option B would turn it into a zero dollar buy out (or $1) at the end of the 5 years. At our prior house (which is now a rental), we did a 20 year solar...
  20. H

    PV + PW in Japan

    Optimizers and MicroInverters help with keeping one panel being in shade from impacting the other panels, but it does not give you back the power that the shade is blocking. If you can avoid the shade, great, but if you can't you just calculate it in. We have a huge tree in our neighboors back...
  21. H

    Would adding off grid panels trigger change to NEM 3.0 in CA?

    While it would require permits, it should not require approval from the Electric Utility, and thus should not trigger a change to NEM 3.0. That being said, there is basically no way this could make $ sense. You would be better off adding a much larger grid tied system, with more battery, and...
  22. H

    Tesla (Solar City) lease coming to and end choosing among the options

    I am going to suggest option B. If you put the $2,500 into a reasonable High Yield Savings Account, you can almost earn the $500 diff in interest over the 5 years, even if you withdraw $50/month to pay the lease. Basically you would need to put $2650 into a HYSA with 5% interest, to be able to...
  23. H

    Solar System Size vs Number of Powerwalls

    My solar production is currently at about 18.5KW, and the house load is running about 6KW. With the heat in Tucson right now, I don't see getting the load under 3.5KW during the mid day heat, even under 4.5KW would be difficult. Which means that I can't really keep the load under the spread...
  24. H

    Solar System Size vs Number of Powerwalls

    Personally I suspect your 10-11KW of solar is a on the low side, but if it's all your roof can fit... For 10-11KW in SC, I suspect Tesla might try and get away with a single 7.6KW of inverter on a PowerWall+, which would throw away some peaks during the very highest production time of may/june...
  25. H

    Boy, do I have a lot of questions regarding adding a Powerwall to my existing Tesla Solar Panel system!

    Depends on "how" you are charging the EV. We produce a lot of excess solar, even with our power walls, without charging our EVs. Being able to charge EVs from Solar, during a power outage, is a benefit of having the powerwalls. I would first get the power walls to over 80% charge, then I...
  26. H

    Should I add a power wall now or can I get one later?

    As far as can Tesla solar be used with a diff battery system, as long as it is an AC interconnect battery system, and has it's own "gateway" of sorts, it really would not matter the solar vs battery vendor. That being said, Tesla PowerWalls are still the cleanest and safest battery solution in...
  27. H

    Should I add a power wall now or can I get one later?

    There are two methods to deploy powerwalls, and a bit of a hybrid option too. Whole House Backup, the powerwall gateway or backup switch goes in line with your current main panel, all loads get backup power. Depending on your loads, you may need three or more powerwalls for this to work...
  28. H

    Should I add a power wall now or can I get one later?

    We started with 18.5KW DC / 20KW Inverter as that was basically all we could get thru the local utility approvals, since it was estimated at 124% of our prior year usage, which was low due to covid (not driving much, Model X and 3 at the time, Model X, 3, and Y now). We financed via Clean...
  29. H

    Powerwall + No back up load requirement.

    Personally, even for AirBNB, I would encourage having a backup loads situation. It would be a great selling point of the property, especially if AC (if in a warm climate), heating, fridge/freezer, and lighting can stay running in the event of a power outage. -Harry
  30. H

    Boy, do I have a lot of questions regarding adding a Powerwall to my existing Tesla Solar Panel system!

    IMHO when trying to look at $ with PowerWalls, the only way the $ work out is if you include a potential whole house generator backup, as that is the most comparable solution. The powerwall gateway is akin to an automatic transfer switch for a house generator. The energy storage is akin to...
  31. H

    System expansion after installation

    I would be very surprised if any inverter was not rated for at least 4 hours at full output. Given that the same inverter is used for the powerwall output as well, and that is rated at 5/7KW output, again, I would be very surprised if the Inverter could not handle running at max input for at...
  32. H

    System expansion after installation

    That is normal for over paneling an inverter. What I meant by it being OK is that it won't exceed the DC specs of the inverter, and won't result in inverter failure, not that it would capture all of the extra DC during peak production time and peak production months. We have 2x 10KW inverters...
  33. H

    System expansion after installation

    Based on the PowerWall+ specs, the inverter should be 7.6KW. Should be reasonably safe to go up to about 9-9.5KW of panels depending on the exact panel specs, as long as it stays in the supported DC voltage ranges. The most relevant specs are: PV Maximum Input Voltage 600 VDC PV Operating...
  34. H

    System expansion after installation

    Hi, Not via Tesla, but via a local installer, we basically planned to expand the system. We moved in May of 2019, and when we did the evaluation for solar and power usage, it was summer of 2020, which meant a lot of our driving had gone away during the early parts of Covid... We sized the...
  35. H

    Best plug type for EV charger?

    Remember, Tesla has decided to stop shipping the mobile connector with newly sold vehicles. Personally if you don't have an EV yet, put in a 14-50 (yes, with the unnecessary neutral wire), on NM-B 6/3 with 50 amp breakers, with a mobile connector this may be limited to 32amp charging, depending...
  36. H

    Best plug type for EV charger?

    I suspect it is based on expected ambient temps. Canada, even in the summer, at least used to not get to the temps that most of the southern US gets to. The primary reason NM-B is derated to 60C is due to the expected ambient temp in attic and crawl spaces, etc. -Harry
  37. H

    Adding a breaker to Tesla Energy Gateway for Wall Connector

    Labor vs materials costs. The labor to install a 60amp, a 50amp, or a 40amp breaker and associated wire are almost identical. Generally the cost of the breaker between 40, 50, and 60 amp are nearly identical (60 may be a bit more depending on the mfg), the wire will be a the biggest diff in...
  38. H

    Exports to grid being capped at 4kw

    I wonder if you can slow the charge rate on the power walls, and export more power during the entire day of solar vs charging the powerwalls to full and then clipping the output. ie output 4KW to the grid "first" and then the rest to the power walls. I don't have powerwalls yet, so I don't...
  39. H

    Options for Installing Starlink OUTSIDE My House?

    Just coming back with more info/links now that I have time. Powerline adapters (pair of them) https://www.amazon.com/Powerline-Pass-Thru-Gigabit-Homeplug-PLA6456BBKIT/dp/B07ZHPY8WN/ - These have passthru plugs so that you could plug both the StarLink power adapter on one side, and the wireless...
  40. H

    Options for Installing Starlink OUTSIDE My House?

    Powerline networking may be an option to get it to your own access point inside, and turn WiFi off on the starlink gateway.
  41. H

    J1772 maximum charge speed

    I actually would argue that slower is probably better for the grid as a whole, and cost wise. Commercial power has peak current draw fees (based on KW, not KWh), and the more/faster chargers you have, the easier it is to rack up the costs. I have 2x 80amp wall connectors at home, each of our...
  42. H

    SpaceX Internet Satellite Network: Starlink

    I agree that the people here are not representative of overall customer base. Keep in mind thought that current satellite based solutions do not compete well with even lower end DSL offerings for many uses. The longer term addressable market for StarLink will be quite large, the bigger...
  43. H

    SpaceX Internet Satellite Network: Starlink

    That actually brings up a good question. How hardened are the current StartLink gateway locations? Solar? PowerWalls (or larger batteries), I presume they at least are on a Fiber Loop vs a collapsed loop or leg, but probably not at the point of redundant fiber at most of the early gateways...
  44. H

    Wiki Super Heavy/Starship - General Development Discussion

    Any mirrors, the primary link seems to be dead -Harry
  45. H

    Any experience getting Tesla to "confirm" adding circuits to whole-home backup?

    The required label that states that additional loads can not be added to the panel.... The technical of this is easy, the paperwork and getting someone to be willing to do it, is the hard part.
  46. H

    Any experience getting Tesla to "confirm" adding circuits to whole-home backup?

    My recommendation is to get installed the rough in and outlets for the electrical expansion, that way Tesla can include the breakers in the BLC. You can put in a 30 amp 240V outlet (14-30R) for example, for a heatpump water heater. You can put in a 50 amp 240V outlet (14-50R) for example, for...
  47. H

    Whole Home Backup with 400, 600 or 800 amp service?

    We also have a "split 400" with a 320A meter and 2x 200 amp panels. We installed extra conduit between the two locations, and my plan is to make the 200 amp panel in the garage the battery backed panel, and some extra loads on the 200 amp outside. I am still trying to figure out what makes the...
  48. H

    IS Towing with the CT going to be practical?

    I was speaking to "near term" and "obtainable". Right now, IMHO it would be better to keep an older ICE truck around (vs selling used to someone else, who will use it even more, or junking/recycling it) for the few cases of heavy towing need, and getting a Model Y now to move most driving needs...
  49. H

    IS Towing with the CT going to be practical?

    We own a 2017 Model X 90D, and have towed a fair amount, both around Tucson, and between the Phoenix Area and Tucson. The range cut is considerable, ie about 50%. Normally we could get from our house in Tucson, to Tempe, and then back to Casa Grande to supercharge without any major range...
  50. H

    Going on vacay…

    Tesla's unlike our prior 2014 Nissan Leaf, like to be plugged in, and will intelligently manage the charging. The Nissan Leaf we made the mistake of leaving plugged in while on a long trip, and came back to a dead 12V battery. The 12V was only charged when the vehicle was turned "on", and was...