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smart summon

  1. terraform

    Smart summon accident and liability

    Was in an empty parking lot and seemed like the perfect opportunity to try out smart summon. My Y was parked in reverse in a space and I was about 150 feet away. It started out smooth, driving itself forward and leaving the space. Then it had to make a left-handed U-turn to go around a small...
  2. T

    Smart Summon Not Working

    So I have owned my Model 3 since August 2018. And, my wife picked up a new Y back in October of 2020. So I am very familiar with how things work. I love using Smart Summon. But recently, like in the past month, I noticed that when I tap Summon, ONLY the forward and reverse arrows come on and NOT...
  3. R

    Smart Summon

    Smart summon is what it is…..”Smart”
  4. P

    FSD Smart Summon Exterior Lights

    We just got the fsd monthly package a few days ago and when we were messing around with smart summon, we noticed there were exterior lights, a red light in the tail light next to the reversing lights and white and amber lights in the fog light assembly, that lit up only when smart summon is...
  5. T

    Poll: Does smart summon work?

    Based on your experience, for does Smart summon work and how useful it is is today?
  6. Dynamite647


    Well as the title suggests, it happened on the 2nd time using this feature. Before going further it is my first time posting here and my first time with a Model X (my brothers car). Model X is amazing car as it is and we were excited to use the Smart Summon feature but it failed on us. I really...
  7. A

    Has anyone in the UK got Smart Summon to work?????!!!

    Hi I have a performace X, 3rd gen Autopilot, 6 months old and have tried everything I can think of to get Smart Summon to work. I know ALL the limitations and am always within the circle on the app; it plots a sensible route to me and i keep my finger pressed on the icon. The Tesla wakes up...
  8. Cwmwd

    Is my Tesla App missbehaving?

    I'm currently updating to 2020.41 (at work, no WiFi signal when parked at home) but the download progress on the app is frozen at 100% for about an hour and a half now. I've gone over to the car and it shows the same. However, I've also noticed that the "Smart Summon" button is not shown on the...
  9. PaulJohn

    Smart Summon navigating 3 stories underground

    Hey, Thought you might enjoy this video of SS in action in an underground parking lot. Despite the (probable) lack of GPS the car has no issues navigating the lot ☺️ Due to our silly regulations what you see in the video is the max allowed distance of 20m (66 feet).
  10. superbaka

    MASTER THREAD: all Smart Summon-related posts go here

    Well, this was my first try.. it came a few inches from the other car with no sign of stopping, and the front wheels were still turned. The good news is that it stops instantly when you let go. Also confused why it needed to make a 3-point turn. v32.11
  11. E

    Secure way for Tesla owner renting their car to me to enable Smart Summon in my Tesla app?

    I've just booked a Tesla Model 3 through Turo near Tucson, AZ for January 9th. I hope to experience smart summon in the wild. The renter indicated he could not enable smart summon for me as that would require him giving me his Tesla credentials which, due to understandable security concerns, he...
  12. T

    Smart summon takes corners around objects too sharply

    Hi All, Do other people have the experience of smart summon essentially getting the car’s nose/front around an object (usually a parked car at the end of a parking aisle) and then apparently forgetting that the object is still there by the time the side & rear of the Tesla swings around...
  13. G

    Smart summon can recognize and avoid construction pylons!

    Impressive stuff watching the Tesla avoid obstacles and respond to different edge case scenarios while on smart summon...
  14. A

    Smart Summon in Gated Community?

    Has anyone in a private gated community gotten Smart Summon to work on their street by editing OpenStreetMap? Would this be legal since the streets aren't public?
  15. T

    V10 rear camera issues

    I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing problems with their rear camera since V10? Since getting V10, when I put the car in reverse, the camera will be flaky - on, off, flicker, freeze, come back on. It also seems to be affecting AutoPilot and Smart Summon. I've had AutoPilot software...
  16. YusufT

    Smart Summon Coming to Canada This Weekend

    Elon Musk on Twitter
  17. Dubes

    Parking with Smart Summon

    Smart Summon is mostly unnecessary but AWESOME! I find the Go to Target feature just as fun. Has anyone else used it to park their car in a lot? Here is some of what I have learned so far: If there are spaces where no cars are parked you can send it there since the final direction it will face...
  18. A

    Smart Summon HW3 vs HW2.5 differences yet?

    I'm surprised I haven't found any threads on this already, but has anyone done any testing or comparison of Smart Summon with the HW3 computer compared to HW2.5? Is there any difference in the performance, speed, or accuracy of the routing between the two systems? Also I recall reading that...
  19. R

    Which Smart Summon is better: "Come to Target" or "Come to Me"?

    As I'm sure, many of you have been playing with Smart Summon since its release (I practically finish my Starbucks coffee while still in the parking lot!). My testing has consisted of some early morning use in order to cover some empty parking lot and some beginning traffic tests. More than once...